In 15 Minutes Find a Max Height Box Jump
Max Weighted Pull-up or Chin-up
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Back off week
David B. works his shoulder position post WOD
Reminder: NO 12pm Group Class, Active Recovery or CrossFit Kids today due to Sectionals. All other classes run as regularly scheduled.
Sectionals are here!
It's finally here! Today marks the start of the 2011 CrossFit Games Open Sectionals at CFSBK. We'll have over 50 athletes competing in WOD #1 this afternoon. Good luck to all athletes competing today! Feel free to join us to cheer on Team CFSBK and the other competitors as they fight for th title of Fittest on Earth.
The first heat will begin today at approximately 1:20 PM. Please join us to cheer on all the amazing athletes participating!
Good luck everyone!
Sectionals Heat Assignments
Here is the link to the heat assignments listed by time reflecting both the athlete and their judge: WOD #1 Heat Assignments
If you are participating as an athlete and/or judge please review this information. Also, please take the time to review the movement standards and judges expectations in the following links.
CF Games WOD 1
Judging Guidelines
If you have any questions please contact David at David(AT)
Thanks to various commitments and MTA snafus, I won’t come in today (I will make up by doing weighted pull-ups at home, though I won’t try for a max).
Good luck to everyone competing today. Y’all have lots of heart!
Big thanks to Joe W for cheering me on and keeping me going yesterday evening – he really helped me through the final stages of a WOD that felt really hard.
Good luck today everybody! Kick some ass, and most importantly smile and have fun.
Did the WOD last night- got 5 rounds and 12 DUs in. I’d suggest doing some focused Power Snatch practice beforehand. The more effeciently you can keep moving once you get fatigued (which will be after Round 2 or so) will keep you from having to put the bar down a bunch, and every second really counts on this workout.
Great to be back and even greater to have David McGrath back! After literally dreaming of doing pullups for the last 2 1/2 weeks, I grabbed the bar and kipped up to the top. As I got there, I saw no one was looking and had to yell out, “Hey look! I’m up here with my first pullup!” Just to prove I could, I knocked off two more.
Dude, last night Strength Class was intense…
Squat: 255x10There was sweat, there was blood (dropped a weight on my ankle). There were no tears though cause I made it to 10.
Bench: 155x10I didn’t rush and I didn’t stall. It went nicely
Dead lift Deficits:265x5Tried doing these all regular grip but had to switch after two.
I am starting to approach the numbers I ended the last cycle with, so this is going to get interesting.
Met-ConYes, we did a Met-con. 30 seconds of dumb bell thrusters then 30 second plank for four rounds. I can’t count. I think I did 33-35 thrusters with 30# bells which was the suckiest option.
GOOD LUCK to the competitors today! Hope to catch the tail end of the sweat fest.
woah hq just posted that wod 2 won’t be posted until next tuesday (the 29th)! that totally fucks up the works. what a pain.
In the 10 am class I got up to a 47.5 inch box jump (a new PR). Weighted chinup maxed at 68 which was solidly not a PR.
Fun day watching/judging everyone do beastly things today.
Great work Team CFSBK. I particularly admire the spirit with which all of our athletes approached the competition today. We have a wonderful ethos. Can’t wait to see all of your performances in the coming weeks!
Had a great time at the competition today. Lots of inspiring athletes of all shapes and sizes. I felt a lot of love from SBK that I was participating. Maybe I need to work a little harder regular days so me competing doesn’t seem so impressive? Just kidding, I really appreciate the support. Great job everyone. Very well run event.
3 rnds + 30 dbls + 7 “snatches” = 172 pts RXd
Ha now I’m definitely doing this WOD again! I mean, I don’t think its cool that they are extending it but F*** it.. =P
Really fun to see all of you compete today. Great job by all of you.
Some memorable momentsJess Fox POWERING through the last round finishing up her snatches and getting right back on the rope and knocking out like 20 more doubles in the last 10 seconds.
Josh M driving through the last round of snatches in the last minute by getting up 12 in a row.
Dan R hitting perfect on his double unders on almost every round. So impressive to see someone that tired with the focus to go “perfect” on doubles the last 2 rounds.
Jeremy Mr. Not in shape and havent done anything longer than 4 minutes still ripping through the workout looking like he just rolled out of bed.
Sarah great to see you competing and powering through the workout. You’ve come a long way.
JMD and Carlos representing us little guys!
My workout today3 rds NFT 24 kb swings at 1.5 pood12 tension squats6 tension pushups
followed my max bodyweight chinup- only 30 lbs. These have always been a weak point for me.
box jump–max height 46 inches
My WOD was a major fail. Box-jumping for max height led to me crashing down as I misplanted my foot. Ended up bleeding out my shins and with a bruise taking up half my chest. Had to bail on the rest of the workout.Think I might skip those from now on.