10 Rounds for Time of:
1 Round of the Bear Complex 155/105
3 Muscle-ups
The Bear is complex consisting of: Power Clean/FSQ/Push Press*/BSQ/Push Press*.
*For this workout instead of Push Press it is shoulder to overhead anyhow.
Post RX and time to comments.
John S. does some post WOD GHD Sit-ups
We're Still in Need of a Few Good Crossfitters
Sectionals begin this Saturday and we still need a few folks to help us run the event. We could use your help from approximately 12pm to 4pm this Saturday 3/19.
Additionally if you are Level 1 Certified and would like to help judge the event please let us know!
If you're interested in volunteering please contact David via David(AT)Crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com.
Competition Class Meets Tonight at 7pm
Remember Competition Class meets tonight at 7pm and will then be meeting on Thursdays at 7pm starting next week until the end of Sectionals.
Hey Batter Batter!
The Prospect Park Women's Softball League is gearing up for their 2011 Season and are hosting tryouts this weekend and next Wednesday. If you are interested in trying out please check their website for all the details and/or contact Coach Jess Fox at JessicaFox78(AT)gmail.com for more details.
The Women of the 2010 Crossfit Games Crossfit
Guidelines for Being a Judge at the CrossFit Games Open Crossfit
So based on Joe’s spoiler yesterday if we dont have muscle ups we do 5 pullups and 5 pushups? Not dips?
Went way too light on this because a) the push press after the back squat (or thruster from behind the neck) was a sticky point for me and b) I thought it would kill me after doing the row/thruster combo yesterday. I also should have maybe done 5 push ups and pull ups instead of just three.
WODBear @ 65#3 pull ups w/blue and white band3 push ups, elevated
Sore in the triceps and quads.
In other news, after joining The Piggery CSA (thanks to le Foxes), we have some ribs slow cooking in the crock pot. This may be the best thing I’ve done all week.
13:49 105#, 5 pullups, 5 pushups
This was tough (what isnt tough at crossfit?). I thought I could do 115, but scaled down to 105 and still had a lot of trouble–mostly with the second overhead from back to front–had trouble fully locking out on at least 3 rounds.
Nowhere near muscle ups right now…5 pullups and 5 pushups were tough but doable.
My pushup form wasnt the best because my body is so beat up.
Overall a great week I feel beat up but energized…looking forward to getting back into shape and trying to catch some of my old buddies who are now light years ahead.Going to take rest Thurs and Friday and come back in Saturday and Sunday!
14:03Squat cleans (95#) instead of bearRing rows and elevated pushups
Thanks Margie for helping me adapt this workout!
Pretty piss-poor performance today.
11:52 @95#. First two rounds with muscle-ups. Then failed three times on the third round, gave up. Failed again on the fourth, so switched to the 5 chin-up/5 pushup combo.
I probably a) could have gone 10 pounds heavier on the complex and b) made a mistake by doing pull-ups at home this morning (didn’t know what the WOD was then!).
Warm-Up2:02 Pace Row for 600mFoam Roll LAX
3 Rounds:7-6-6 Pull-Ups14-12-12 Push-Ups20 OH Walking Lunges, 25lbs
BSQ(45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 155×3)165x5x3
Did the sectionals WOD:AMRAP 10 Minutes30 Doubles15 Power Snatches, 75lbs
Got a measly 3 Rounds + 30 Doubles & 8 Snatches
This was allllll WIND, kind of that sprinty high intensity painful wind that I do not thrive in. Nothing was hard, it was just lots of me trying to catch my breath. I thought it was actually pretty balanced, and fun.
some points from my perspective:
get a good hook grip and don’t lose it at any point, this saved my grip and made it easier to cycle repsPop off the hip on the way up and then bring back to your hip on the way down before touching the floor. Don’t bail unless you need to, the bar bounces like crazy.10 minutes finishes a lot faster than you’d expect, spend less time staring at the bar..
Sorry I can’t help out Saturday… I’ll be by later, but only for the last hour or so.
Strength intensive cycle B: recovery day
Squat: 200x3x3Felt good. Not heavy yet. Thats when things get scary- during the B cycle- when the “light” day feels heavy…
Press: 97.5x5x3Good but I tweaked my neck on the second set. Wtf? I immediately iced and caned it. Good enough for a third set and…
Cleans 130x3x3Best cleans so far. About 5 of the reps felt really, really comfortable. Hope I can keep that going.
Josh M. and Ryan P.
The jump rope I was using is from here:
MuscleBear: 14:34 at 155# but doing only 2 MUs per round.
Bearishly brutal but better than the badness that was The Great 2011 Muscleup FailShow.
I should be practicing these more often, but the rings are often put away and I am le tired.
11:43 @115#, 5 pull ups + 5 push ups. 125 or 135 I think would have been doable. But maybe I should focus on getting some muscle ups. Anyhoo, fun noon class today w/ Margie.
I am really bummed because I missed a whole movement in this workout. I did The Bear at 73#, 5 RR minus the 5 push ups. That explains my great time. I suck.
What sort of help is needed at the sectionals? Im no judge but I can really hold a clip board or hand out water… I just have that gift.