Support Team SBK!
The CrossFit Open Sectionals start in just 9 days! If you're interested in competing, please register both on the eventbrite page and at the CrossFit Games website. All the registraion information and links can be found here. If you've got your leve 1 certification, we'd love to see you sign up as a judge for as few or many of the events as you can make. Also, don't forget to "fan" the event on the facebook machine here! Our athlete pool is larger and more advanced than ever before, we can't wait to see how team SBK does!
New to all this? Watch this video to see "What are the CrossFit Games?"
Programming Updates
From this Saturday(3/12) until next Thursday(3/17) we're set for a "Crush Week". The WODS will be hard and follow more "constantly varied" approach. The folling Saturday(3/19) through Thursday(3/24) will be a back off week and then we'll pick back up into our next strength cycle.
The PR Train Keeps Chuggin along!
Dave T: 140 Jenna J: 65
Kevin R: 235 Antoine W: 175
Ben: 155 Alex H: 225
Teresa B: 135 Melissa L: 130
Jon S: 115 Jess F: 120
Sarah H: 92.5 Matt U: 135
PR: 220 Marian: 68
Mel: 55 JMD: 130
Rob N: 195 David F: 135
Eric L: 155 Jess B: 205 (Deadlift)
Alan: 125 (FSQ) Isaac W 200 (FSQ)
CrossFit Home Gym with Danyle Claire CrossFit
Even though the Paleo challenge is over, I kind of can’t resist the lingering urge to post about it. Went on my first big carb binge last night, felt like I was dragging a ton of bricks through the pool this morning, and still don’t feel up for eating breakfast. I’m sorry I doubted the carb-hangover. Anyone have any good suggestions for recovery/detox meals?
Jenna -do eat, drink lots of water, pop your fish oil, and simply make today a good paleo day.
Is CFSBK a registered affiliate site for the 6 weeks of open competition WODs?
jenna j –
if your problems include a messed-up digestive system, i would offer my own remedy for the same, which includes some chicken broth/soup (no noodles, the best quality you can find), the standby of herbal tea, and avoiding big doses of raw and fibrous veg (roughage won’t help.)
on another note – Telepan is doing a multi-course Mangalitsa meal next week (march 14-17.) If you’re a fan, call them for a reservation. $75.
Bob – Yes!
Push press 135, 145, 155f, 155f, 155!Got 155 after a cue from Shane to tighten my slack set up.
1500m row in 5:51
PP- (65×5, 85×3, 95×2) 115, 125, 135-old PR, 145!, 150F, 150!, 155!I haven’t 1RM’ed push press in since mid-’09, but it’s nice to see a 20# PR w/o working it much at all.
Alright crush week!
I just did the front squat/power clean WOD from Wednesday and I really enjoyed it. Got on the PR train for FSQ with 285 and scored 11, 9, 9, 7, 7 @ 185 PCs. I’ve never done so many reps at such a heavy weight and it forced me to focus on form and try to be efficient with the movement.
Nice to work with Maggie at the nooner today. I, like Katie, had a 20# PR, only a hell of a lot lighter and with a fairly spectacular backbend where I magically held the bar in the air for what seemed like a full minute before getting it fully overhead. Note taken from Shane: will do hollow rocks, tighten up mah belly and forget that I have a hyper mobile back by the next time these jammies roll around.
Push Presswarmup: 53×5, 63×5, 73x3work: 78 (last PR), 83, 88, 93, 98 (PR)
1500M row in 6:03.7 – don’t know what I did last time I rowed 1500, but my guess is this is better.
Robin said nooner