Max Effort, try and find a new 1RM!
Post loads to comments.
(e8/8) compare to 3.2.11 and 1.1.11
5 Rounds of:
1 Minute Power Clean for Max Reps, 185/115
1 Minute Rest
Post Rx and reps per round to comments.
Relive the Magic!
Check out these videos of the last CrossFit Total that Bina A took! Some large loads being moved by some strong SBK'ers!
The 10 Most Unbreakable Records in Sports History Complex
CrossFit's Best Athletes do "Fran" and "King Kong With Walls" at the Arnold Sports Festival CrossFit
The Home Gym, With Josh Everett CrossFit
Front Squat140, 145, 150, 155, 160 (PR)
Power Clean (95lbs)5, 7, 8
FSQ215, 235, 242.5, 251 F, -Even warm ups felt heavy. No pr today 🙁
Minute on, minute of Power Cleans @ 16510-10-8-9-8
185 felt waaay to heavy today.
D-Turn – Nice!
I was going for a 225 FS today, knowing that I got 220×2 two weeks ago. (220 was my old 1RM PR). But not great food and not great sleep + trying to adjust to bike commuting meant it didn’t work out to well…
FS: (45×5, 95×3, 135×2, 185×1) 205, 215, 225F, 225Foh well.
coffee note–this makes me very sad to notice, but post-paleo challenge, now that i’m back to drinking coffee again (1-2 big mugs, all well before noon) my sleep is starting to fall apart. i’m falling asleep fine but wake up at 4. maybe i’ll have to stick with decaf. boo.
Please take a serious moment of silence to honor the memory of The Notorious BIG!!
Remember, he wasn’t only a client. He was the playa president!!
Took the day off from work today so went into the gym with Mr. Fox late morning.
Warmup:-3 min erg-foam rollin’-forward lunge to instep-3 min paleo chair
Front Squats:(45×5, 75×3, 100×3, 120×2, 135×1)145, 155, 165, 175PR!, 180f-I wasn’t really sure how I’d do considering this was only my 3rd exposure to front squats this cycle. Super stoked to hit 175 and get a 10lb PR! I would have gone for 170 if Fox hadn’t pushed me. Didn’t have anything left in the tank for 180.-Really struggled with my breathing though and nearly passed out at 155. Really weird feeling, but I was able to adjust.
WOD: 5 rounds 1 min on/1 min off Power Cleans7-7-7-7-7 at 110#-Clearly the consistency was there but my technique wasn’t great. I think I failed at least once during each round, and then my body just resorted to split cleans as I fatigued. I really need to spend some time on this movement to clean that mess up!
RIP Biggie! 😉
had trouble getting started this morning, and it turned into some near misses on the FSQ. was going for a 200# PR, ended up trying it three times. first time came close, but failed. second time, thought I had it but upon further review it was shallow. nick and carlos said it was close, but this ain’t horseshoes and I can’t count it. tried it a third time and had nothing in the tank. but luckily I then had the opportunity to get my tookis handed to me by power cleans.
good work on your PRs people!
Noon class.Front squat: 185, 195, 205, 215 (PR). Felt pretty strong but stopped there since the left leg turned out on the way up. Probably due to sciatica. Getting over that is an ongoing chore.WOD8, 7, 6, 6, 7 @145#After class did a bit of kipping pull up work: 7 on the minute for 7 minutes.
Warm-Up:30 on/:30 off KB Swing (20kg) x4
3 Rounds:6 Pull-Ups12 Push-Ups20 Lunges with 16kg KB
Low Bar BSQ(45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 155×3)160x5x3
Felt light but a not terribly organized, at least not as consistent as I’d like
Double Tabata Squat Clean Thruster at 50kg (110lbs)3-3-3-3-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2= 36 Total
This got very taxing but not as hard as I thought it would be. The last 4 rounds were a real grind to get through, but keeping it at 2 reps per work interval made it doable. I’d like to try a single Tabata at 135 next!
FSQ 165, 175, 185, 195pr
Called it quits after feeling some nervy lower back pain as I reracked and came off weight. Feel fine now.
FSQ 240, 250PR, 255F
Felt pretty decent, kind of tired after a long day at work, but I will take that PR. However it led to…
Power Clean WOD at 165: 8,8,7,6,6
So bad, so ugly, so slow. Talking with Margie afterwards I realized I approached this WOD and the scaling 100% wrong. Instead of thinking about a weight that I could get around 50 reps of I approached it by thinking of a weight I could do for about 10 reps in a minute. Bad, bad, BAD. A good lesson going forward about looking at total volume during WODs as the significant factor, not just what I can grin and bear for one round. Noahfail.
FSQ120, 125, 135f, 130, 135pr, 140f
WOD, 85#10, 10, 10, 12, 14
And I almost forgot, good call Josh on shouting out Big. Next time I do this WOD, I will try and remember:
I got (proper Clean) techniquesdrippin’ out my butt cheeks,Sleep on my stomachso I don’t f*** up my sheets.
Thanks Big.
fsq(45×5, 75×5, 95×5, 125×3, 135×2)145-150-155(f)-155(f)
155 is my old PR from lyceum days and i haven’t done too many of the exposures this time around. i was happy with 150 but definitely want to get stronger.
power clean wod9,9,9,10,11 RXd at 115
Nice PRs, everyone!
Ido Portal is coming to NorCal. Only partly because I want to marry him, but mostly because he is the badassest person I’ve ever heard of (and thank you Shane for telling me about him to begin with): WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO GET HIM TO SOUTH BROOKLYN!??
God I could watch those Ido Portal videos for days. Unreal.
Dead lift instead of FS due to wonky knee issue.135×5, 175×5, 225×2, 245×2, 265×2
Power clean WOD @ 135:8, 8, 10, 11, 11
Samir provided wonderful motivation on this WOD, thanks!
Strength Intensive Cycle B, Recovery day
Squat: 195x3x3Bench dumb bells: 60# bells 5x3Cleans: 125x3x3
My legs were more sore the last two days than they have been for as long as I can remember. 9 days rest is a bitch, not sure I really liked it. No, I don’t.
Definitely felt a lot better getting the blood moving and 195 felt like tight and well constructed back squats unlike the horror fest on Monday.
Trying to not tax the shoulder by using the dumb bell on the press. Felt good, but we’ll see tomorrow. Cleans felt solid. I like that weight as I can work on technique but it still takes some strength to move it.
Bina and I go on a snowboarding vacation tomorrow, so I’ll miss Friday’s rep out and hope that by Monday or Tuesday I’m ready for volume again.
Have a nice weekend everyone!
Nooner with Margie after a Fix-My-Collapsing-Hip session with Deb. Magical combo.
Front Squatwarmup: 45×5, 75×5, 105×3, 125x2work: 135, 140, 145, 150 (F), 150 (PR)
Power Clean WOD12, 11, 11, 11, 12 @ 75#
Probably should have gone a little heavier on this, but it was exhausting nonetheless.
went light as it was my first day of training in about a month, and first day of metcon in about 2 or 3 months
FSQ 165x3x2 185x3x2Power Clean WOD @ 1658,8,8,8,8
FSQ: 130, 135, 140F, 137F
135 was my previous PR so happy to at least have maintained that. I should have tried 137 or 140 on my second attempt. Had fun anyway, max effort lifts, both fails and successful lifts, are such crazy intense emotional and physical experiences, I always either want to cry my eyes out or laugh my face off (as I did last night) after a failed attempt.
WOD @ 85lbs:8,9,8,10,10
The good news about last night is it finally motivated me to take a break from coffee. I ate a completely reasonable amount of food yesterday and was still hungry/weak feeling during class so… enough.
Partnered up with Noah for 1-RM day. Good times.
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2, 185×1
Work: 200, 210(PR), 216(PR)
My previous PRs were a clean 205 and an ugly 215. So, I felt anything clean above 205 would count as a better effort, but then just to get technical, I thought I’d for the ugly number as well. Thankfully, both the 210 and the 216 went up; I started to lose the elbows a bit and I could feel the back going, but by that time, I was standing up.
Accessory WOD at #115: 10-10-10-10-10 (some o the later cleans were getting a little muscled-up).