Complete the Following Every Minute on the Minute for 10 Minutes:
1 Front Squat
5 Box Jumps 24"/20"
(E3/8) For FSQ add 2-10lbs to your last exposure.
Post loads and box height to comments.
Compare to 2.16.11 and 2.12.11
3 Rounds (NFT):
5 Bulgarian Split Squat/leg
10 Romanian Deadlifts
10 Knees-to-elbows
Post loads to comments.
Who in the Hell Left the Gate Open?!
Happy Birthday Shaun M. and a very Happy Belated Birthday to Joe W.!
Good Luck to the C.R.A.S.H-B Crew This Weekend
Join us in wishing Coach Nick and his fearless band of merry men and woman up to Boston for the C.R.A.S.H.-Bs. This is Nick's second year leading SBKers up to the great white north to spend 7 minutes in Hell in search of a lifetime of glory. We wish Charmel R., Dan R. and Collette K. the best of luck and big new PRs!
PRs, Leaderboard Scores and Bears Oh My!
Speaking of PRs we wanted to recognize some of the awesome achievements of our membership over the last few weeks so here is a thorough albeit not exhaustive list of some of the awesome work you guys have put in over the last few weeks:
John McD. 76 Pistols
Katie M. 5 Kipping Pull-ups
Steph "3 Years In" Paddock 20 Kipping Pull-ups
Jess B. 8 Kipping Pull-ups
Felipe 56 PUsh-ups
Trey 61 Push-ups
Laurel M. 46 3/4" Box Jump, 25 Kipping Pull-ups
Ryan P. 40 Kipping Pull-ups
Margie L. 30 Push-ups
Theresa B. 42 Push-ups
Avery W. 110 Snatch, 153 Clean, 158.4 Jerk
Rolando "Nasty Girls" 9:20
Bethany B. 205 Deadlift
Robin R. 175 BSQ (30# PR), 225 DL (20# PR)
Dave P. 365 Bench Press
David O. 43 Kipping Pull-ups
Amazing work everyone!!
Caught in the Crossfire: Is Endurance Running Good or Bad Hunter-Gatherer
OTM x 10 min. = 165# FS + 5 20″ box jumpsfinished all the rounds in 20-25 sec. maybe could have gone a little heavier.
Congratulations on those filthy nasty prs!!!
Fun dinner last night! Thanks to Michele for cooking and Craig for hosting!
Housekeeping note: I was given the wrong jacket to take to Michele. I’ll be bringing it by the gym later today. Apologies to whoever was jacket-less last night!
Great time last night at the rest day dinner. The food was amazing and I must get the pork recipe please.
Strength Cycle B: Intensity day
Back Squat: 255x5x1Due feeling beat up and generally fatigued Jeremy dropped my numbers again. Instead of a rep out he gave me one set of 5 at 20 pounds lighter.
I could have argued, “no I feel fine”, (I don’t) which lead me to feel like Jay Cutler not arguing to stay in the game: maybe the right decision but I felt like a sissy.
Someone whose name escapes frequently has said: “Are you getting paid for this?” Uh, that’s a big no! I wanted it, but not bad enough and no, I’m not getting paid, it’s just my pride. I do try to lift without my ego involved (yeah, right).
Press: 112.5x5x3I was going to just do one set, but the shoulder felt fine while doing it. I need about 2 weeks of no pressing whatsoever though.
Dead lift rack pulls:355x5x1a 40 pound jump from 2 weeks ago, really? Apparently I can pull that much weight.
Curious to see how these translate into real dead lifts since I’ve only deficit at lower weights and rack pulled at higher ones for the last 7 weeks.
5 days of rest never looked so appealing. Strength Cycle is rough son.
Oh yeah, I read the PRs last night and forgot to comment on them.
Holy Cow!
Slavic Squat Saturday:
Amazing dinner hosted last night by Michele and Craig. Well done, both of youse. Yummy food, and as always, great to meet all the usual suspects!
Then, on to today’s 9AM class with Margie, the Queen of Coachville.
WU: 3 rounds of walking lunges, Cossack squats, paleo chairs, then 45×5, 95×3, 125×3, 145×3, 155×2
Work: first five rounds at 165, next five at 170. Subbed step-ups to 20″ box, added plate after first five rounds.
Accessory Work: 3 rounds of 5 Bulgarian split-squats each leg, 10 Romanian deadlifts, 10 toe-to-bars.
More Accessory Work: Starting up Nick-n-Charlotte’s car!
Great 8am class this morning.
FSQ on the minute + 5 Box Jumps(45×5,55×5,65×3,75×1) work sets at 80Could have gone heavier, but glad I kept it where I did in order to work form. Started to get a feel for the verticality of the lift. Felt good.
3RNFT 5 Bulgarian split squats, 10 Romanian DLs, 10 K2ER1: no weight BSS, 20# DBs Rom. DL, unbroken K2ER2: 203 DBs BSS, 20# DBs Rom. DL, 5/5 K2ER3: Played with 15# DB in right hand held high, 20# DBs Rom. DLs, 5/5 K2E
Liked the movement combos today!
How could i forget?! Best of luck to everyone competing tomorrow in C.R.A.S.H.-B.s!! Excited to hear all the results!
FSQ on the minute and 5 box jumps85# and 20 inch box
And then some much needed active recovery.
squatsies at 195, box jumps at 20
FSQ/Box Jump WOD: FSQ at 95 for first 6 rounds, 100 for last 4. 20″ box plus a 25lb plate on top.
Accessory: Did split squats with 15 lb db, those were humbling! Played with Romanian DLs at 40lb, 100lb and 85.
Great class! Really love these on-the-minute WODs.
FSQ@175BJ@24First time I’ve ever cycled the 24″. Mostly finished under :20
3×10 BSS@35DBs 18″10 RDL@13510 K2E Strict
FSQ 145x1x10 + 24″ Box Jumps. BJs felt bouncy today, no step ups or step downs.
Had the paleo lunch @ Bierkraft today. Yummers.
Sorry, I wrote toe-to-bars above. I meant knees-to-elbows.
FSQ 145# and 24″ box (should have used 10 more pounds) I wouldn’t say I cycled box jumps but I had only a slight pause.
Accessory work: used 35# DBs and 135# barbell.
Active recovery with Shane, therapeutic and fun as always.
Warmup:-hip mobility work pre-class-3 rounds of: 5 inchworms, 5 walking lunges/leg, 3 cossack squats/leg, 30sec squat hold.
Front squats:(45×5, 75×3, 95×3, 110×2)-On the minute for 10 minutes:120# for all 10 with 5 box jumps 20″could have gone to at least 125# and probably should have done a 24″ box.
Assistance work:-3 Round NFT of:10 Bulg. split squat @ 20# db’s. (these are hard!)10 RDL @ 20# db’s.10 K2E as strict as I could get.