(E1/4) Sub max load, no fails.
Consider using 85-90% of 1RM Press.
Post loads to comments.
Compare to 10.25.09
For Time:
Row 1000 meters
15 Push Jerk 135/95
15 Pull Ups
10 Push Jerk 135/95
10 Pull Ups
5 Push Jerk 135/95
5 Pull Ups
Post loads and times to comments.
Bier Baron Ben W. Breaks down Breaking down a Bunny
March AM/PM Foundations is Now Open
Great news for those looking to join the gym. Our new Foundations Cycle is available for registration. The cycle will meet Wednesdays at 8-9:15pm and Sundays 10-11:15pm. This cycle starts Wednesday, March 13! For more information and to register click here!
Rest Day Dinner Reminder
Michele and Craig's rest day dinner is almost upon us! Remember is starts at 8:30pm and will be held at Craig's house just a couple of blocks from the gym. For full details including location go here.
If you plan on coming out then we need you to RSVP! So if you're in for some of the best food this side of the East River email mignyc(AT)gmail.com.
Scaling at CrossFit Verve with Cherie Chan CrossFit.com
Insight into the 2011 CrossFit Games with Greg Glassman CrossFit.com
Do bunnies have wings? Yum.
More humble-ification at the 6am class today. I am DECONDITIONED, hello. (What? Take 4 weeks off from working out and lose a bunch of strength and endurance? That happens?)
Push press:Modified to strict press to protect the shoulder from dynamic overhead movements.(45×5, 65×3) 75×4, 70x5x2. Humbling not to be able to get 75 overhead for the 5th rep, when my previous 1RM is 107.
Metcon:Modified to 20# DB thrusters (again with the dynamic overhead), self-assisted pullups. 12:54. Yow.
Is anyone interested in living closer to the gym? Alexis and I are going to be leaving our apartment by May 1st. It’s just four blocks north of the gym, 2br, 2 bath (full & 1/2), W/D hookup, near the 2,3,4,5,N,Q,R,B&D trains. Pets are welcome and secured parking is available as well. The landlord is asking $2,900 a month. If anyone is interested please let me know we’d be happy to show you the place. If you don’t want to clog up the commens just send me a message at kotev(at)hotmail.com
Anyone happen to pick up a small, silver JJ necklace on the floor this morning?
Big thanks to Margie, Robin, Ariel, Jess, and Laura for staying behind the additional 2 hours it took me to finish the WOD last night to cheer me on.
Happy I made it in this morning. I’ve been working crazy hours since last week and wasn’t sure if I would be able to wake up for the 7AM.
Well it was a fun one. Enjoyed working on the push press. Overhead strength is something I need to work on so I am excited about this cycle. – 80-80-80
For the WOD I kept it at 80. Finished in 12:05 feeling pretty beat.
Back to excel!
tempo FS(3): 150x3PP(5): (45, 65, 85) 95x3row + jerk + pull-up WOD (95# jerk, 9/6/3 pull-ups) = 10:39
i found an old calendar as i was packing up stuff to move a few days ago and it had (what i thought was) my first foundations class written in on sunday, february 17, 2008. i then found my first log book today as i was doing more packing. my first class was actually the week prior on feb 10. we did 10 minutes of cindy and i did jumping pull ups on the rings in the basement of the lyceum and modified push ups on my knees. its awesome to see how far CFSBK has come in the last 3 years, and how far i’ve come. it’s pretty damn cool.
push press: (45, 65, 70) 75-75-75row/jerk/pull up wod: 12:53 RX
i look forward to the next 3 years!
WU: 3 rounds NFT of 5 strict chins, 7 push-ups, 12 hard pulls on erg.
Then, barbell drills: 45x5x2 push-press, 45×5 push-jerk.
Then, 65×4, 85×4
Work: 95×5, 100×5, 105×5
Accessory WOD at 85#, 9-6-3 strict chins: 9:43
Great programming. Nice group for 5pm.
Push presses. 95x3x5. Thanks Shane for, telling me that most of them were push jerks. Will work on that. Don’t think it’s too heavy, just too complicated.
Accessory WOD at 85#, 9-6-3 Pull ups: 9:56.
My overhead work is for crap… must work shoulder mobility!!!
Push presses: warm up 45×5, 95x5Work set 105×5, 115x5x2
Accessory WOD – 10:22 @ 115 on the push jerks. Push jerks were for shite, bad form in that I was hyper extending in the lower back to compensate for mobility issues and I was pressing more than jerking. A work in progress.
Subbed deadlifts for push press113x5x3
WOD: 9:3325# DB thrusters with the right arm (my right arm is getting really strong) and ring rows.
WOD10:41 Rx’d
Biked home on my sweet new ride 🙂
Warmup:-calf march with some contract/relax, paleo chair-3 rounds NFT of: 12 hard pulls, 3 strict chins, 7 pushups
Push Press:-drills at 45, then (45×5, 65×5, 75×5)-work: 85x5x3all felt good.
Row/PJ/PU WOD:12:28 rx’d-finished row just over 4:00, i think. Push jerks were HARD and were pretty broken up each round. Not dropping down far enough in my jerk. Pullups were mostly broken in sets of 2-3.
Really great classes tonight…from group classes to Foundations! Everyone really worked hard. Nice job all!
p.s. Ben looks a little crazy in that picture, no??? 😉