(E2/8) Today's lifts are done at a 2-2-X-1 tempo. Use a submaximal load adding 2.5-5lbs to your previous exposure.
Post work load to comments.
Compare to 2.12.11
3 Rounds for time of:
7 Thrusters 95/65
14 Burpees
21 Double Unders
Aaron & Ariel breaking down a bunny during this weekend's SBKitchen event
March Strength Intensive Sign-up
The current Strength Cycle is almost finished and will culminate in the always awe-inspiring Total next Wednesday at 6pm! The upcoming cycles are now available for registration now! If you're interested in spending 8 weeks getting seriously strong using the Squat, Deadlift, Press, Bench and Power Clean then sign up for Coach Jeremy's March Strength Cycle here!
C.R.A.S.H-Bs This Weekend
This Saturday, Coach Nick will lead an intrepid group of SBKers to the annual C.R.A.S.H-B's Indoor Rowing World Championship in Boston! Dan R., Charmel R. and Collette K. will compete against hundreds of rowers in the widely-feared 2000m. They've been training hard for this and we wish them all the best!
What's your favorite Paleo treat?
A Not So Happy Valentine's Day with Paleolilith Paleolilith
The FDA wants to You to Eat a G*dd*mn Vegetable The Onion
145×35:13 as Rx’d.
Last night I did the snatch workout.
Snatch balance worked out to be 105, 125, 135, 145, 155F. This was much better than I expected which is why it covered such a large range.
Snatch complex was harder on the wrist with the extension at the top.
Worked 85lbs across for the complex.
love meatballs for paleo snack. love them.
Curious what folks think about rotator cuff issues…interesting article from Eric Cressey, I know that the bad desk form has affected me.
JR – I like Eric and almost everything he has to offer. He does, however, work with special populations (namely young baseball pitchers who’s future truly depends on their arms and shoulders) so his take has to be seen from that POV. That being said I think a little dose of shoulder pre-hab is always a good idea.
Did everyone know there was a crossfit dating site but me?! Crazy…http://www.datingrxd.com/index.php
REST DAY DINNER FRIDAY: please come! RSVP to me: mignyc (AT) gmail dot com.
Front squat with a modified hold shown to me by the fantastic Mr. Fox (sorry, I had to do it).Warm up 45×5, 95×5, 135x3Work set at tempo: 135×3, 145×3, 155×3
Thruster WOD made my lungs burn!! Really motivated by the bad ass ladies all around kicking this one in the teeth (even after the bar kicked Jess in the teeth).7:34 Rxed
I had burning lungs after this one, too, and a case of what Ariel calls “the spits”, where my mouth watered like I was gonna barf even though I wasn’t exactly nauseous. It’s been a while since one of these!
WOD: 7:15 w/55# thrusters and squat thrusts
Why do doubles fall to shit in a WOD for me? I can string 10-15 together when I’m just practicing, but when the clock is running, I max at 3. Guess I need more practice?
Squatted with Laurel. One day I hope to attain a similar level of perfection in my posture as her. *sigh*
Feeling good to keep these light for now.
Wish we could make the rest day dinner but we’ll be trekking up to Boston for a wedding this weekend. Hoping to catch a little of the Crash B on Sunday morning!
@Robin. Thanks! I don’t think you want the whole right-side accordion affect though… Thank you for reminding me to keep things level.
Front squats: 115x3x3. Hard to keep my right side from collapsing AND think about exploding out of the bottom. Felt good though. My hip was tender going in but didn’t get worse.
WOD: 6:11 – subbed 75lb push-press for the thrusters due to the delicate hip – if i go to full depth it needs to be very careful.
Today felt really good for the most part. My front squat is getting better, getting deeper and keeping my elbows high.
Worked with Rob at 150 in 3-3-3 tempo squats.
WOD was 5:41 Rx’d but 1st round of thrusters my first couple were push presses I mixed up thruster and pp.
Front Squats: 85x3x3Awesome to work with Ariel and to squat for the first time in awhile.
WOD: 4:1830# right arm thrusters, and sit ups instead of burpees. All double unders were unbroken. Thank you to Margie and Fox for helping me modify this one.
Strength cycle B: recovery day
Squat: 205x3x3Jermey brought this down even further as I need rest
Bench: I warmed up and that was that. Shoulder needs rest.
Cleans: 135x3x3These felt good. I’ve basically been doing the same weight for three weeks, but these were by far the most comfortable. Felt some good pop. Hope to get the 70kg I couldn’t clean 6weeks ago.
The big news is that Bina is joining the next strength cycle!
YAY BINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FSQ 165x3x3
WOD 5:29 RX
I was thinking to myself yesterday that I really need to start taking the brakes off during the WODs and start expanding my capacity again. This is the first WOD where I felt like I really got after it and it felt really good, like my body remembered what crossfit was again.
It was kind of in my wheelhouse movement-wise, hopefully I can keep it going.
Been fairly strict paleo again for about a month but the weight gain I did still seems slow to come off. I am seriously dreading the obvious “cut fruit” suggestion, as its the last thing I want to do…I’m going to start running 1-3x a week to start getting ready for Ragnar, hopefully that does the trick.
Warmup:-droms, hip mobility (love and need this so bad)
Front Squat:(45×5, 75×3, 95×3, 105×3)work: 115x3x3-first exposure and weight felt appropriate. need to focus more on knees out.
WOD:Attempt 1–first 7 thrusters fast and unbroken but I caught the bar to my lip. got about 4 burpees in before blood filled my mouth and I had to stop. No pain, but lots of blood. Felt like that scene in Fight Club with Ed Norton at the conference table pushing blood at through his teeth…only not as cool.
Attempt 2–(after bleeding stopped-ish)6:48-First round unbroken but not near as fast as my first attempt. Maybe a little scared of knocking myself again. Later rounds broken in 2-3 sets. Burpees were steady but SLOW. 1st and 3rd round of du’s unbroken.-Big thanks to Samir for hanging out and pushing me through the wod after our class had ended. Definitely appreciated!
WOD5:28 Rx’d
Kind of went 80% today. It was my first workout since Danny almost 2 weeks ago. Felt really good to move. Rack felt good (thanks, Alec) so that has me excited for FSQs this cycle. WOD was fun in a Fran kind if way, though not nearly as devastating.
fsq 135x3x3
WoD 9:57 @ 65lbs & 21 DUs.
WU: 45×5, 95×3, 125×3, 145×2
Work: 155x3x3
Accessory WOD, scaled/subbed: 85# thruster, 14 pushups with step-up to 16″ box, 124 meter row in 7:20.