3 Position Snatch
(E1/4) 3 Sets of the Following Complex: High Hang Snatch/Hang Snatch/Snatch
*Bar should stay in the hands for the entire complex. Work up as heavy as you can with good form.
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Compare to 10.18.10
Snatch Balance
*Attempt to catch each rep as deep as possible
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Compare to 12.29.10
Craig and Michelle K. have teamed up to bring you the next Paleo Challenge Rest Day dinner.
Time: 8:30 PM
Place: Casa de Craig, only 2 blocks from the box.
What to bring: Drinks!
RSVP to: mignyc (at) gmail dot com for details and directions.
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Great class this morning. This was my first exposure to the snatch balance. It’s a crucial drill! Can’t wait to do it again.
75# 85# 95# 95# 95#
nothing says “happy valentine’s day” like snatches before breakfast 🙂
high hang / hang / snatch53-73-83
snatch balance – had never really tried these for a heavy single and once i got into a rhythm it became much easier. worked up to 98, failed at 108
ran to and from the gym – going to do this more often when possible.
Steph: Naughty, naughty. Great photo, BTW! We should talk sometime – our plans for Iceland fell through a few years ago, but we’re still keen to go sometime.
by the way great duck and bunny class…The rabbit in particular was really cool..very different way to butcher. Have the stock made, ready to get on to the good stuff.
Snatches are very hard and take lots of practice. ‘Nuff said.
Lots and lots of drills with David. Much appreciated.
Warmed up complex at 65# (two sets).
Then, tried to work at 75 and 85. Got one complex to work, failed on two others (on third lift). Broke down third complex at 85#.
Snatch balances: 75-80-85-90-95.
Long road ahead.
Strength cycle B: volume day
Squat: 245x5x5Heavy enough to suck 5 times. The hangover did not help.
Press: 107.5x5x3
Chins: 6, 6, 6was not feeling it
I’m glad I got my workout in and was happy to put 6,000+ pounds in on back squats (ok, after the fact, not during), but I definitely am ready for a week off.
Bottom line: I really should not have over done it last night celebrating Bina’s birthday!
Snatch:-warmup/drills at 33 and 43lbs.-high hang/hang/snatch complex: a couple sets each at 53, 58, 63
Snatch Balance: 63×2, 73×2
so much to work on. everything felt a little off. maybe from taking about a week completely off. left hip was achy, making the bottom of the snatch uncomfortable. need more mobility prep work on this before class. didn’t help that I arrived late and missed warmup. 🙁
so great to be back at cfsbk, and I learned a LOT in this class. was great to slow things down a bit and get lots of repetition in movement to get some solid patterns going.
Snatch:warmup/drills at 22 and 42lbshigh hang/midhang/snatch complex: 2-3 sets at 42, 1-2 sets at 52
snatch balance: 42×5, 52×2
felt good to stay light and work coordination. great tip from David on the full snatch to come up slow from the floor and then just focus on brushing the hips with the bar to keep it close during the second phase of movement. got it!