For 15 Minutes, perform the following Circuit:
:20 Handstand Hold
:30 Bottom of the Squat
:20 Top of the Pull-up
:30 Hollow Rock
Pistols 3x10e
Push-Ups, 1 Attempt at Max Reps
Post impression to comments.
Kahrin B and Jenna J at the last Rest Day Dinner
Rest Day Dinners
We've got one unclaimed Rest Day Dinner slot on the night of 2/11/11. This can be as simple as picking a Paleo-Friendly restaurant and reserving a table for everyone who RSVPs. You could also host a potluck at your house like Michele is doing on 2/18/11 This is a great chance to socialize and eat out with some friendly SBKers who are also Paleo Challenging! To claim the date, or if you've got questions, please email info(AT)
Tough Titsday is over!
Congratulations to the TTD participants on the completion of this ladies-only lifting intensive. Bethany B Pr'd her Deadlift at 205 (+10lbs) and Robin R Pr'd her Back Squat and Deadlift at 175 and 224, respectively. If you participated, what did you take away from Coach Margie's cycle?
CRASH B and Rowing Workshop Pt 2!
Coach Nick will run another rowing workshop this coming Sunday 2/12/11 at noon. The group will do a 10 min. warm-up/technique session, and then to a hard WOD. Be sure to come well rested!
Meanwhile, CRASH-B participants (and those of you who want to do the rowing workouts), don't forget to do your Rowing WODs!
Paleo Testimonial: No More Headaches, Bloating or GI Problems Robb Wolf
Christopher McDougall: Are we born to run? TED
Polish Youth Weightlifters
Final Heat of WOD 1 at the 2010 CrossFit Games
Speal Vs Khalipa
I thought I was signed up to host on 2/25?
Erica,Great! Sorry about the oversight. Ariel will get you the host template later this morning and well put up all the details asap
Happy 2 Year Crossfit Anniversary! to Tal, Charlotte, Chris J., Dan L., and me!
Apparently the 12 lbs I lost in the paleo challenge so far has made the pullup closer to the realm of possibility. I took the mighty Sarah’s advice and went for a kip… lo and behold, I was able to rip off a bunch with a blue band. I even got a couple with a white band at the end.
The green band is gone forever! Huzzah!
No problem!
A little early publicity: I made reservations at Takashi ( for the dinner.
“Our menu is beef, all beef and nothing but beef! Choice cuts of Premium Japanese and American Angus are delicately prepared and served raw to be grilled right at your table (yakiniku), as well as a decadent selection of variety meats (horumon). Whether you’re a finicky eater and prefer to stick to delicious ribeye and short ribs, or more adventuous and up for our to-die-for raw liver and flash-boiled achilles tendon, you’ll be in cow-heaven.”
I don’t know about you guys, but I am EXCITED.
Erica – awesome choice! Looks amazing!
Really fun one-on-one with Coach Nick this morning, while Kevin did his normal bad ass thing in the background to serve as inspiration.Working on pistols definitely helped me to more precisely pinpoint where I am having trouble in my regular squats, mobility-wise.And wow, I just looked at the menu for Takashi!
Upon updating the leader board, I noticed the max pull-ups numbers and thought I’d give it a shot before writing in the new numbers.
I got 43 unbroken, this is a 1 rep PR for me. I’ll test again in a month or so and go for 50.
Last night was our last Tough Titsday (*sniff*), and what a fun and somewhat dramatic one it was! A shitty bail on my part taught me valuable lesson about bailing back squats, which is that you have to actually move out of the way of the bar if you are going to drop it – duh. 😛 No harm done though, my back feels good today.
Lifting with the ladies has always been my favorite thing to do at CFSBK so TT was right up my alley. Margie is a really fantastic powerlifting coach and it is fun to lift with such a hilarious group of ladies. We may have been silly during TT but when it came time to lift we got SERIOUS!
Big take-aways for me were the bar-approach ritual, new press technique, and a plan to back off my back squat weight while I try to get my positioning fixed. I want to try sitting further back and involving my right foot (seems I’ve been avoiding dorsiflexion when squatting since the injury).
If there is a TT part 2 I will be first in line! Thanks Margie, Robin, Jess B. and Ariel for all the good times and strong lifts.
I went ahead and created the page for your event on 2/25, it’s now live in the left hand column. Thanks!!
@David: WOW! That is impressive. That said, clearly you need to gain some weight. 😉
@Peter, not to rain on your parade, but Andy Deas wrote this to me on his blog: “Please tell me you aren’t kipping with bands? I know that some CF gyms (and Tucker) are fans of it – I’m not and have seen some nasty injuries over the years with that approach.”
Advice from another well-respected coach:Jeremy: “don’t bother with kips until you have 10 strict chins.”I’ve got 9. I’m not doing any kips until I have 10.
I’m no coach, but I would suggest taking the encouragement you got from the success today and channeling that into your new band w/o kips. You’ll get off the bands if you keep it up— keep it going!
Finally, patience in some instances is worth saving your chin, teeth, jaw bone, tongue or whatever those poor people have broken doing kipping pull-ups with a band.
Really happy about the addition of wednsday a.m. classes! Great 7 class with Coach Nick.
Handstands coming along.
46 push ups
That Kahrin girl is super cute!! You got some smoking girls at your box. You guys are really lucky.
Excellent time with Shane and Alec tonight.
WU: 3:00 row easy3RNFT: Renegades 8 ea. arm 12.5# (love the new weights)Single leg shoulder bridge 8 ea. legWhite band centerline punch (for lack of a name) 8 ea.arm
Bench Press 1-1-1-1-1: (33×5,43×5,58×3,68×2) 78×1,83×1,85.5×1, 88xF, 88×1(PR)
3RNFT: supine ring rows 5,6,7
Loved the whole movement scheme tonight from warm up to “cool down”
YAY deb pr!! woo!
@Peter – It may indeed be dangerous to ki with a band but congratulations, that’s awesome. Kick that green band to the curb!
These have been some fun back off week WODs. Pistols today came along fine with minor support from the post. Left leg was hurting just a tad in the lower quad. Good stretching called for.Push ups maxed out at 52, not a pr but not bad.
John “The Pistol” Doyle was just friggin’ awesome to watch hitting 76 (?) pistols on the right leg!
I concur with Bethany about Teets Part Two! Bring it on!
Margie’s tee-tahs class was great. I loved being in a small group where we could ask every teeny tiny question that came up with regards to the lifts. And I learned so so much from watching the other ladies. Again, I must give praise to Bethany for coming back from a fairly scary bottom-of-the-squat bail and attacking the bar with such force. Inspirational.
Other than that, I didn’t realize going in just how much being a small group of ladies would help me get my head around what it takes to do this stuff. I mean, watching all you fellas is incredible and all, but I have learned that my process is completely different.
Is it simply a gender thing? Not sure. But I definitely feel like I know now what I didn’t even know I didn’t know before we started.
And what I learned today in the nooner is that chin-ups may not be as far away as I thought (though I wouldn’t exactly say I’m close yet…) and pistols are just, like, holy crap.