(E8/8) Max Effort
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compare to 9.29.10
Tabata Row for meters
Tabata Double Unders
Score as lowest meter round or total Double Unders
CFSBK on ABC's Nightline
According to the producers at Nightline, the Paleo Nutrition and Exercise piece they did which includes SBK will air on Monday night. Get Stoked!
Dig Around the Site!
We've updated the "Training" page located under the "Resource Links" tab to the right. Some good links to check out there! The Rest Day Dinner dates and information are now listed to the left under the "2011 Paleo Challenge" tab. The next RRD will be on 2/4/11 at the Smoke Joint!
When was the last time you checked out our "Articles & Media" page? Here are a few links to get you started:
"Getting Ready to Squat" Margie Lempert
"Good Training Habits, Pt 1" David Osorio
"How Do I Prioritize when Only Training 2-3 Times Per Week? Chris Fox
"Starting CrossFit South Brooklyn" CrossFit Journal Preview
Healthbeat Brookyn comes to CFSBK
No active recovery today. I am out sick. Best of luck on the Overhead Squats and I look forward to seeing a ton of PRs.
OH Sq: (45×5, 95×3, 115×1, 135×1, 145×1)155 (previous PR), 160 (PR!), 165-jerk fail, 165 (PR!), 175-jerk failx2Fox helped me figure out how to actually jerk the bar up and that made that 165 much easier.
Tabata row (m): 100, 98, 96, 97, 95, 95, 94, 94Happy with the consistency on these, though now my legs feel like jello
Strength intentensive Cycle B: Intensity day
Squat rep out: 250x10this is only 2.5# off my previous 5rep max (which was close to a true 5rep max too because in December I could not do 3 sets of them).I’m stronger than that now.
Bench rep out: 155x10Cranked the first five, but rushed the second half of the set and it could have been tighter with better technique and cleaner bar paths. But I made it to ten.
Defect dead (2 tiles): 255×5. Felt pretty good. Jeremy: “We’ll have to get more aggressive with the weight bump”.
I am maintaining my paleo challenge goals of moderation and getting stronger, I’d like to see some more improvement body-comp wise, but It either will take more time, or, less carbs and a potential loss in performance which I’m not into. I gently reduced my sweet potato intake, but thats as far as I go.
Must. Get. Stronger. More.
Great classes today. The PR Train will be long…oh yes, it will be long.
OHS175-185-195F-195(PR)-200F200 went up but I lost tension on the way down.
Tabata DU241This is always harder than I think it’s gonna be.
Nice work Fox – I feel like I’m always chasing you!
OHS180-185-190(PR)-195F-195F-195FI was able to get 195 overhead but couldn’t keep it locked for the full rep.
Tabata RowI scored this wrong. I did lowest calories rowed in a round: 7
OHSWU: 45×5, 95×5, 115×3, 135x1Work: 145×1, 155×1(PR), 165×1(shallow), 165×1(PR), 170FWOD: Tabata row, 91m min round
OHS is my favorite lift so I am sad to bid this cycle goodbye. I’m pleased with the results though, with a 15# PR to add to the PR train. Fail at 170# was on the split jerk…I know if I can just get more weight up, the squat will follow.
OHS:(45×5, 65×5, 80×3, 95×2)work: 105, 115PR, 120PR, 125PR, 130f-super happy about this! Failed on the jerk at 130.
Tried Tabata Double-unders but had some clock malfunction. Total 150 in either 6 or 7 rounds.
OHS: 95-105-115-125(f)-115(f)Tabata DUs: 244
OHS:Did the max effort on Wednesday: 225(PR), attempted 235 but couldn’t lock out overhead. Am confident that if I can get it locked out overhead I’ll have no issue squatting it.
Today went for max reps at bodyweight.16 unbroken reps at 171 pounds. Left arm started to collapse due to fatigue ~11 reps in. After the 15th rep, 16 was a gift; with left arm failed entirely.
Tabata doubles didn’t go well, had two rounds with jump rope malfunctions. Need to start bringing my own rope again.Today’s total: 239 doubles.
Tabata rowing was also messy, 84m for lowest round (which also happened to be the first). Better get on it before the 2K at CRASH B…
Great to see all the PR’s on the board — people are kicking ass!
175 was just unstable at the top after the jerk, didn’t try to squat it.
15 lb pr
double under wod felt pretty good actually. form went to shit after a while though but i still felt like i had a respectable result
Starting Strength Day:Low Bar Back-Squat: 130x5x3Press: 77.5x5x3strict Pull-ups: 7,7,5
Squats felt good, hip was well-behaved, stayed nice and square. Still looking for a mature bounce/hip drive out of the bottom. Press felt hard, but Jeremy pointed out a technique issue that helped – move the hips instead of the head! Pull-ups felt harder than normal.
WOD: Tabata DU: 200 exactly. Got a DU headache immediately but thank goodness it went away quickly.
Felt like my wrist is really coming back finally. Did 135, 150, 160, 170, 180. All of these were pretty easy so I think there was another 10 to 20 pounds in the tank, but I was trying to not be stupid about the wrist. Old PR is 200, so this is getting close.
Double under tabata was okay for the first few rounds, but then the donkey kick came back and it went to hell. 102 total doubles.
DUs 21–pr–off the 20 schnied.
DU Tabata 86–I still do a onesie between each DU so that makes it tough to really rack ’em up on a tabata.
great coverage, coach Shane!
Great to get back to the gym after 8 days away due to flu. Felt like forever.
OHS 125, 135, 140(pr), 145(pr), 155(pr)These all went up pretty easily and I may have had more in the tank. Because I spent almost a year with a shoulder injury, this still feels like a newish lift to me.
Those DU#s are amazing! I continue to struggle. 89 for me. I am gonna make DUs a priority. It’s getting embarrassing.
Bina said tonight:
“You know what I hate about the paleo diet, you know what I really hate? There’s nothing to snack on!”
A little help from the choir please…
I used to snack on frozen berries. Cascadian farm raspberries are best, with (can’t remember brand name but it comes in a brown bag) blueberries as a close second.
pickles! pickles make nice snacks. if you like them.
i snack on:
good-quality olives
pickles and pickled vegetables, and cornichons
meat sticks (not jerky, but also higher quality than Slim Jims)
charcuterie – the Italian (mortadella, all the salumi, bresaola, etc) and also lots of fine American product, like La Quercia (Italian-style but produced here)
hard-boiled eggs
pistachios in the shell
half an avocado with olive oil and salt
and for a nostalgic white-trash moment, slices of deli ham or smoked turkey, spritzed with mustard, rolled up, and yum.
also w/r/t today’s workout:
this was my first exposure to overhead squats, so the PR is sort of inevitable. and yeah, i got one.
Fox tore me a new one for not going heavy enough, though, so I’ll keep the embarrassing number to myself and endeavor to stop pussyfooting around from now on.
Paleo Snacks: jerky, raw veggies (celery, radish, broccoli, cauliflower, whatevs), almonds, pistachios, walnuts, macadamia nuts, and my new favorite thing: jicama with lime juice and chilli flakes. mmmm!
Oh, and those raw veggie sticks are excellent for scooping up this: http://paleodan.com/recipe-walnut-red-pepper-dip/
I mostly snack on almonds, made up paleo shake-like concoctions, fruit, and tins of fish. Sardines, makerel, trout etc, smoked or not, in various suspensions from Portugal or Spain. These are great alone or over a salad, very portable, and loaded with that precious oil.
OHSqWarmup: 22×5, 42×5, 62x3Work: 72×1, 77×1, 85×1, 90×1 (old PR), 95×1 (PR)
Even though we talked about going for a PR by round 2 or 3, my old PR of 90# was many months ago and in this last cycle it’s been tough for me & my flimsy wrists to even imagine getting above 70, so I wasn’t confident I’d get much above 75-80 max. Once I managed to get the 95 overhead (why did I try to push press and not push press like Fox reminded me later?!), the squat felt fine. So there is much room for improvement, largely mental, next time this comes around.
WOD: 91 DUs, 84m row
Now that I’ve finally got some sort of handle on the doubles, I’m totally psyched for DU WODs. Got 15 strung together on my first round, then nowhere near that for the next 7. But considering I’m still new to getting more than 5 at a time, I feel great about a total of 91. So win!
As for paleo snacks, we are big on nuts (macadamia and almond, mostly), but when I get a little sugar jones, I’ve done some crazy shit with a banana: Throw browning (old) bananas in the freezer. Peel a frozen one and whip it in a food processor with a splash of vanilla and what emerges is not unlike banana ice cream. I mean, it’s not ice cream, but it’s pretty darned tasty.
Congrats on all the bad-ass PRs folks!! Mighty impressive OH squat and bench numbers, great to see so many people getting stronger.
Thanks to those offering up snack options. One day Bina herself may post to the blog but now she’s probably too embarrassed.
I had no idea my offhanded private comment would go public but I’m glad it did. Awesome paleo snack suggestions!Thought I would share what I made yesterday, which can be a dip or mixed in while sautéing any vegetable.
Sun Dried Tomato Dressing:½ jar of sun dried tomatoesgenerous amount of olive oil (about ½ cup)1 big spoonful of capersjuice of ½ a lemon3-4 garlic cloves2 springs of fresh rosemarysea saltcombine all ingredients in a food processor and process until smooth
(p.s one day is today!)