(e4/4) Max Effort
If you're scaling your push-ups on the rack, attempt to find the lowest pin you can complete a rep at. If you're already on deck, find a new rep max.
Post loads/reps to comments.
compare to 1.20.11 or 4.28.10
10 Rounds for time:
(With one dumbbell)
Hang Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Front Squat
Push Press
Then Switch arms
Completion of the complex with both arms constitutes one round. If the Dumbbell is put down there is a 5 Burpee Penalty. Use a dumbbell heavier than you'd expect for yourself.
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Eric warms up his Overhead Squats
Results from San Francisco CrossFit's "Spring Leaning Challenge"
Perfection is not Reality CrossFit Lisbeth
Full Service Gyms feel a bit Flabby NY Times
Brains and Brawn NY Times
Fun hike over this morning.
150-160-170f-165fI think I could have hit 165 if I tried that before 170, that was an ambitious jump. 160 is still a 15 lb PR.
Did the WOD with a 25# dumbbell in 4:02.
Worked double-unders and my kipping pull ups after which both seem to be coming along fairly well. I am starting to cycle the Kips although they aren’t super pretty yet and I’ve finally hit 10 consecutive double unders.
question for Jeremy or anyone with LP experience
if i took a week off from working out, what should I do about my Linear progressionmy gut tells me to reset a bit and try to take off from there. am i right?
I had good experience with just continuing the linear progression. I took two breaks like that and did not reset. Resetting is for missed lifts, not a little extra rest.
*Ideally* you’d have had a light Squat day in the middle of that break, but a week off is good rest and you’re probably better off for it and ready for the next weight.
I would say the least you do is what you lifted last session, but I would just go for it. In one week you should not lose strength and if anything you were ready for a little extra rest: it’s all about increasing the stress session to session.
I’d say give it up altogether. You’re too old anyway
I “conquer” with Rob. If you’re feeling good try to jump back on the horse.
For anyone interested, “…And you will know us by the Trail of Dead” is playing at little field (Across the street) on Tuesday the 8th at 8pm
Does anyone have a Therapy/Massage table that we could borrow for two days for our Mobility Cert with KStarr? Email David(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com if you’ve got a lead on one.
@Gabrus – I agree with Rob and David.
I love Trail of Dead!
Bench 1-1-1225 – 235(pr) – 250F
Deadlift 1-1-1405 – 405 – 375
Losing my back on anything above 400 is frustrating. I can pull it, but it ain’t purty…I had hoped to PR this cycle but probably couldn’t even hump up my previous PR. Jeremy gave some advice that I’m gonna incorporate into my schedule.
Halting Deadlifts…not as much fun as beer and porn.
Dr. Harris over at PaNu is blogging again, thanks be to.. Thor, or whomever.
Bench:165, 170, 175, 185, 190 (f)I suppose the 185 is a pr because I hadn’t bench pressed in decades prior to this cycle. Still, I feel like 190 was attainable and I’m a bit disappointed about that. So I went ahead and drank a can of Budweiser on the walk home. not paleo, but I feel better now.Oh, WOD. I think 3:45 with a 30# dumbbell.
Bench–145, 155 (old PR), 165 (PR!), 175F, 170FThe 165 went up easily so I made the 10# jump, oops. Probably could have cleared 170 if I’d tried that as the 4th attempt.
DB WOD w/35# in 3:22. Should have gone heavier.
Exciting news was after class I was working on pull-ups and managed to get the push-away part. I got two strung together for real and four without coming off the bar. Progress!
Bench press today I worked with Shane who gave me helpful tips again with keeping my head still on the bench.
My lifts were 215, 225, 235(fail) then hit 235 on my 4th and final rep. I’m really happy with the 235 and with some form work I think I’ll be able to press more.
The dumbell work was uneven a lot stronger right arm. I think i did 6:00 with 40# and 5 burpees
Bench was satisfying and frustrating. No where near old PR’s but it felt good to tax my weakened shoulder.
45×5, 95×3, 135, 145, 155, 165, 170, 175F, 165, 165.
The after workout was fun. I should have gone slightly heavier but was happy with how it felt. Did it in 4:33 at 35lbs.
Bench 135, 140(pr), 145(pr), 150(fail)
Didn’t listen to my Cult Leader David Osorio and went light on the WoD @25lbs. 2:26. Bleah.
Down to 186lbs. after getting a late start on the paleo challenge. Feel good, few fouls, lots of home cookin’.
Go Pack!
I liked our little early morning relay obstacle course, even though I took a major digger trying to hop the tire. Who knew you could literally fall on your face and still have it be fun?!
First time benching, still sort of feeling my way around it at 80#. Felt fine, but was more concerned about the arch in my back after watching some videos courtesy of Margie.
WOD in 3:14 w/20#. Did ANYONE go heavy enough on this? I didn’t.
Warm-UpLots of Foam Rolling and mat based mobility.2 Min Row
then HSPUs with 3 ambats, 2 abmats, 1 abmatDeadlifts with 135, 185, 225
“Diane”10:45 as Rx’d
HSPUs were by and far the limiting factor. I did a set of 3 then a bunch of doubles and then it basically became a steady march of singles. Oh well, I’ll take it
Bench Press: (45×5, 65×5, 85×3, 105×1, 115×1)125,130,135,140(pr),145
This was surprising. I have generally lost strength recently and thought that there was no way I’d even match my old PR, but I got a 10lb increase! Very happy with this.
WOD @30lbs, 3:30.
Bench Press: 1-1-1(45×5, 75×3, 90×2, 105×1)work: 110×1, 120×1, 125f-thought it was only 3 attempts, but I was probably at my max anyway!
Weighted Chin: 1-1-1(bwx3x3, 5#x1)-work: 10#, 20#, 25#f-happily surprised by this!
Accessory Work:-10 Russian KB swings (2pood) on the minute for 10 minutes.-Wanted to work on swinging a heavy kb and this was a very manageable way to do it. Finished all rounds in under 20secs. Will try this again tabata-style.