One Rep, Every Minute On The Minute for 12 Minutes
Loading= 75% of your heaviest triple
Today is a deload for the OHS before we test out on Saturday
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(e7/8) compare to 1.15.11
Weighted Pull Up
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Name that dish from our last Rest Day Dinner!
Happy Birthday Juliana A.!!!
We're approaching the halfway point in the Paleo Challenge! We want you to revisit your original plan and take a look at your goals to see how they've lined up with your execution. Where are you doing well? What needs to be augmented? Do your goals still seem realistic? Are there any new goals you might have for yourself going into month two?? Don't answer just yet, review your plan and think about what you want out of yourself in February. We'll revisit this on the first!
We believe in you and are behind you, Team SBK!
Why can some people eat anything they want and never gain a pound? Marks Daily Apple
The Big Lie Dr. Micheal Eades
The SBK Paleolilith Speaks again
Attention SBK Competitors: The CrossFit Games Open begins on March 15th, 2011
Christine Cousins from CrossFit Virtuosity gets a Documentary by City Athletes
Weighted Pull-Up with Lauren Galassi
Darren Mehling and a very heavy Dumbbell
I did this one last night but managed to screw up the math.My heavy triple was at 155 and for some reason, I thought that meant 75% would be 135. Last night’s version was to do one rep ever other minute, so I just did 6 reps.Then weighted chins: 5#, 8#, 10#, 13#, 15#FI haven’t tried these in a long time and was happy to be able to add any weight at all.
Great Tough Titsday with Margie and the ladies last night. We cover the art of approaching and de-racking the bar with intention, as well as backsquat technique and benchpress. Seems I’ve been avoiding sitting back in my backsquat in order to avoid dorsiflexion in my right foot, because when Margie pulled me back into the right positioning, it suddenly woke up and screamed.
Learning the alternative, crawl-up-on-the-bench-and-contort-yourself-into-an-arc-and-thighmaster-the-bench method was interesting to say the least.
Hit Sunday’s Row/C&J/Clapping Pushup WOD yesterday as my First Metcon Back. I had convinced myself on the walk over it was 115# cleans (only) and was rudely awakened when Jeremy referred to it as “Grace plus…”
18:53 Rx, I really just wanted to slip in under the 20 minute cap, so I was pleased.
The clapping pushups fatigued pretty quickly, and once you’ve lost that OOMPH, its gone. I paced the row and the clean and jerks actually felt relatively light although after 3 months of doing them with full rest my body was a bit confused.
Nice active recovery with Fox after, my bod feels “good sore” right now, its nice.
Question for the coaches: if I’m unable to make class on Saturday but want to test my OHS 1RM, should I try it tonight, or would it be better to deload tonight and try to make open gym on Friday?
CFSBK field trip, anyone?
Oh my. That Lauren Galassi is super duper tuff!
@Bethany: great find!!
BethanyYES YES YES AND YES. I think im going to buy the two passes and two platzas. Nothing makes you feel more alive than a large turkish man beating the shit out of you with oak leaves in a dangerously hot room.
Also- the cold plunge pool is one of my favorite things to do.. in general.
Regarding the 1RM. If you’re feeling fresh, I would Max today. If not, then go maybe even less than 75% today and 1RM on Friday
” Nothing makes you feel more alive than a large turkish man beating the shit out of you with oak leaves in a dangerously hot room.”
I’d just like to say that I can think of a few other things. But, I’d be willing to give this a shot!
So, let’s say I am also living the Paleo lifestyle in terms of connectivity at my apartment and don’t have teh internet. How/when will I know if classes are canceled tomorrow morning due to weather?
..and being my optimistic self, I am assuming they won’t be canceled, but that’s not a mistake I am prepared to make at 6am.
OMG, you guys. I totally hit my goal from the beginning of the Paleo Challenge today — strung together 12 double unders! Then I did another 10, and ten again and then five, so I quit (for the day) while I was ahead.
This was especially exciting, since today’s post got me thinking about whether or not I was ever going to reach that goal. I started January doing 10 minutes of practice after every class. Wasn’t happening, so I switched ropes (obviously it was the rope’s fault) and kept practicing. Still wasn’t happening– I would always get tripped up after 3 or so. Then I stopped practicing after class for the past few classes and when I picked it up today, it finally came together. Don’t know how, but very excited it did!
Also, OH Squats felt good today. I went for 4 min, EMOTM @ 55# and then after that bumped it up to 60#. Felt solid, and my wrists that had bothered me the last few times barely felt it.
Is it supposed to snow a lot tomorrow? Apparently I live in a paleo information bubble. If we cancel AM classes it will be on the blog by 5am. How many inches are we expected to get?
5pm classOHS: 11 minutes @115#weighted chin-up: 70/80(f)/75
Random trivia: I wrote the initial version of the lifebooker site that bethany linked to up back in 06. Totally shocking that it’s still around. I guess it pays for the founders to have rich parents…
Also, I can totally identify the dish in the picture.
OHS: did 95# on the minute, felt good, itching for more weight but decided to actually follow directions for once. My chinups are barely existant and I’m close to a non assisted one.
Really enjoyed today’s class. My shoulder feels like it is getting better fast and my wrist is improving. Did the OHS at 105 across. Felt easier at the end than at the beginning as the shoulder opened up.
Did the chins at 20, 30, 40, 53, 63, 72F. Long way off old PR’s but better than I was hoping for today.
Came in late, sorry everyone. Waited 20 minutes for a train today and everyone was so out of sorts on the platform. Ugh.
OHS workout: 85 (1-4), 95 (5-8), 105 (9-12)This was fun, but I need to work on not hyper-extending in the bottom. I worked up in weight because I’ve missed a lot of these exposures and so didn’t need to de-load, but had no need to go for a max.
Weighted PU: (10,20) 30, 40, 53. These felt better than I expected.
Came in to work on some mobility before the squat exposure and stretched for 30min prior and then during the warm up. My squats are a work in progress. I feel like I stay in the bottom too long searching for what i think is solid depth.
Anyway, i did front squats @ 120
weighted Pull up work was good: 80lbs, 100lbs, then pr’d at 105lbs
Did the first 8 reps of OHS at 80 lbs, then jumped up to 95 for the last 4. Still very green at the movement. Knees out, etc.
Weighted chins. Didn’t know where I’d end up with these. 20, 30, 40, 53, 63. In my world, tying Malcom at something = huge win. I will just pretend he didn’t smoke me at OHS.
Excellent sesh with Shane and Alec tonight.
WU 3RNFT walking lunges 6 ea. leg, bent over rows 6 ea. arm, DB presses 6 ea. arm 10# DBs. (Love the new half-weights BTW)
Bench Press 3-3-3 + rep out(33×5,48×5,58×3,68×2) 78X3x3 rep out at 63#=19Had to do and extra set at 78# because the 2nd set was “bullshit” according to Shane.
KB Complex:10 rounds ea. arm alternating Clean, FSQ, Push press, FSQ, Push press 12Kg. bell
Feeling like I’m making some real strength gains all of the sudden. Me likey.
Strength intensive cycle B: light day
Squat 195x3x3
Press: 102.5x5x3
Cleans: 125x3x3
First work rep of the clean was rough but Jeremy straightened me out. Felt pretty good for the work sets. Definitely not the lift for me to skip and go two weeks without– too long for my muscle memory.
I’m still hocking stuff out of my lungs. Hope I’m closer to 100% Friday.
many weeks of pitiful suffering + outright searing pain at the sadistic hands of deb and alec continue to benefit my squat.
could’ve gone a lot heavier tonight, i think – i did add a couple pounds after the second of the 12 reps – but it was great to feel everything sliding and working more like it should.
Strength Intensive Day N
Squat 230x5x3 – feeling a little heavier, but still manageablePress 120x5x3Chin-ups +25x10x3 – this was a struggle
Kevin – Sorry to dissapoint you. Tonight I had no margaritas.
Nightline episode on Monday night?
The (senior) Management has no internet service to update the blog.
All Classes are on as usual Thursday. We will be working Bench Press, and other generally fun and challenging things having to do with fitness (like a DB complex, complete with penalties!)
CrossFit Snowball Fight, anyone?
OHSI missed a lot of the exposures this time and I won’t be around on Saturday, so I decided to team up with Bethany to do a Max Effort. So glad I did.
(45×5, 65×3, 75×1)85×1, 90×1 (PR), 95×1 (PR), 100×1 (PR)15lb. PR. If I had more time, I definitely would’ve attempted 105. I felt good with it and was surprised that I was able to jerk the weight up. Otherwise, that would’ve been the limiting factor.
Chin-UpsBW only – 4 attempts with minimal partner assistance.
Cajoled Becca S. into going for an early OHS 1RM with me and we both ended up PRing, yay!
OHS 1-1-1-1-1(45×5, 65×3, 80×1)90, 100, 105, 110xF, 110 (pr)
I’d done 110 from a high rack before but this was my first time jerking it up and squatting it so I’m gonna call it a PR. I found taking time to quiet my mind/focus/rehearse the lift in my head before approaching the bar, then approaching the bar aggressively really helped last night.
Weighted chin-up:5×1, 8×1, 10×1 with assist