(e4/4) Max Effort
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compare to 1.17.11 and 9.20.10
3-4 Rounds NFT of:
5 Windmills, each side
:30 Hollow Rocks (Cumulative)
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The CFSBK Olympic Weightlifting Cycle!
Want to spend 8 weeks improving your olympic lifts? Check out our upcoming Olympic Weightlifting Cycle. The class will focus on mechanical efficiency and technical proficiency emphasising proper position, tempo and finally load. The program is comprised of full squat variations of the lifts, squats and a selection of basic plyometrics and assistance exercises.
Whether you are looking to be a better Olympic lifter or Crossfitter this class will help improve your numbers and cut your WOD times.
For more information and for registration links, Click Here!
What is your favorite/standard homemade Paleo Breakfast?
Paleo Breakfast Recipes
Eggs in a Daze Everyday Paleo
CFSBK circa 2008
Favorite paleo breakfast: homemade pork sausage with a side of leftover roasted veggies. It is ridiculously easy and delicious.
I did deadlifts yesterday, felt the best on that nemesis lift in a long time. Been seeing Alec and Deb and they are fantastic and had some advice for me that helped.
Anyone else who’s a desk jockey, there’s a fair chance that your shoulders get internally rotated and that needs to be stretched out and fixed. It seems like my scaps, or upper back, have been the limiting factor, as that weight just gets away from me if they aren’t set back.
It’s something that I’ll be working on and I suppose a good thing to remember before you pull if that weight comes off the ground a bit and goes right back down.
Laurel,Where do you get your pork sausage?
My favorite/staple breakfast is:BaconThen 4 fried Eggs cooked in the bacon fatWater + Fish Oil
I find this to be extremely satisfying, albeit not the “ideal” breakfast. (Veggies?)
IMO, Park Slope/BOCOCO is not a good breakfast town, there aren’t too many places, especially during the week where you can get a quality meal in the morning. Does anyone else have any recommendations for us non-9-5ers?
Also- I went to the Russian Turkish Bath’s this Friday. Still working off my birthday present punch card. I came in feeling tightness in my right trap and overall sort of low energy, left feeling loose and like a million bucks. Also- a conversation about CrossFit started (a guy was saying how awesome he/it was in order to pick up a girl) and I decided to stay out of it :)Cold plunge pool best: 5 Minutes
7 a.m. deads with Tom and David.
DL(1): 280, 305 (old PR), 315(!), 325(!)
Breakfast? Malcolm has inspired me to make my own sausage, and it’s super easy–ground pork + fennel seeds + garlic/onion powder + salt/pepper + hot pepper flakes. Freezes super well. Cook a patty of that and then scramble some eggs in the grease? yum.
I’m a bacon and egger as well- for me, it allows the perfect timing to make coffee, wash dishes, etc. and be all ready to go when the eggs are done.
Mr roommate was initially incredulous when he saw me frying eggs in bacon grease and asked if I was following the 19th century farmer diet…which I guess I sort of am.
I think I’m going to take a crack at the homemade sausage though- Malcolm, you have inspired me too, through Katie.
On a sad note… RIP Jack LaLanne.
I’m a big fan of the egg/avocado salad that Mark Sisson posted a while back–3 hardboiled eggs, 2 slices bacon, an avocado, and a tomato (or a bunch of cherry tomatoes) all chopped up. YUM. I am not eating eggs or tomatoes right now so I eat chicken thighs and some kind of veg these days. Which I do not find inspiring. I should make my own sausage, too!
Sausage recipe, please?
My favorite brekky of late is leftover greens (collards, kale, whatever) + smoked mackerel.
Sausage is super easy to make and allows for a lot of variety when you DIY. Pork + Pork Fat + Whatever seasoning your heart desires (I like S&P + oregano, fennel, and a pinch of red chile). We just joined the Piggery’s Spring CSA. I’ll have some good quality lard on hand in a few weeks 🙂
My breakfast almost every day. I am an egg slut. 3 or 4 eggs fried medium (usually in coconut butter), some meat (sausage/bacon/leftovers) and either some baby spinach or leftover veg. And coffee, sweet, sweet, coffee. Keeping a big tub of ready to eat baby spinach on hand ensures that I get some green at meals, and if it starts to wilt I either saute it up or throw it into my eggs as an omlet.
Jack LaLanne was a visionary. When I was a kid I thought he was a joke, we used to make fun of his show. As I grew older (and somewhat wiser) I realized how much truth that old guy in the funny jump suit was speaking. Plus, he was a veritable physical badass! A sad loss for the fitness indursty.
we’re bacon-and-eggers too, with a heaping side of some veggie or other (zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, whatever) steamed in the microwave. because microwave steaming is teh awesome, and takes only a (literal) minute.
speaking of bacon, has anyone else discovered they definitely have an upper limit, digestively, to the fat they can handle? hmm.
i have discovered this, yes, but it happens with coconut, not animal fat.
Too much bacon and egg and grease (animal or otherwise) is not good for me either, digestively. Add in coffee and exercise and I am in a world of, eh…I found this out the hard way, and it took me a few “experiences” to sort it out.
“a world of, eh…” sums it up exactly. Coffee and I divorced many years ago for this reason. (O coffee, I miss you.) Maybe bacon will love me again if we don’t cook *everything* in its fat for a couple of days. Our embrace was, perhaps, overzealous…
We have made this in the past, this guy has a great website, too
Our favorite breakfast has been baked eggs. I posted a how-to on this awhile ago (to help David cook more home meals) and called them frittatas, but they are baked in the oven not fried on the stove top, so really they are baked eggs. (scrambled and baked in one large pan– very unlike the link Jr posted.)
The great thing about it is you make 3-5 days worth of breakfast at once (like on Sunday night so you don’t have to cook in the morning before work) and put your vegies into the eggs thus avoiding having to cook greens as well.
This week we have bacon, broccoli and onion. Last week we had mushroom, onion and broccoli with sides of sausage. It’s best to just put all the meat and vegies in with eggs and call it a meal.
3 pieces of canadian bacon
a big pile of crispy cold non-nutritious romaine hearts dressed with olive oil and balsamic
tea, unsweetened.
RUTHLESSLY eliminating sugar from my morning has paid huge dividends for me.
2008 was the year of the bearcrawl
those vids are disturbia
Hey, exercise prevents flu! Better than vaccines!http://www.naturalnews.com/031089_flu_infections_physical_fitness.html#ixzz1Bxuxy9Rc
So, to celebrate, I went for a run today. That hurt my lungs. But it felt good to move.
Also, still looking for a taker for my spot at KStar’s mobility cert 2/6. charlottejerome(at)gmail(dot)com.
We destroy a lot of bacon and eggs every morning. Bake the bacon in the oven like 20 min at 400, and either scramble the eggs with some mushrooms, onions and parsley, or whatever else Robin comes up with. We’ve been saving the bacon fat for other cooking, which is probably makes my depression-era grandparents very happy. And me too.
Deadlifted 285 – 295 (PR)- 305 (PR) today, didn’t feel overwhelmingly heavy but my form was getting sloppy at the end. Some day I hope to catch up to Katie.
Excellent session with David and Alec today.
WU: 3RNFT 3 pull ups (self assisted), 3 ring negatives, 18 GHD sit upsring negatives are tough. Can’t wait until these dips click and then I’ll have my muscle up.
DL 1-1-1: (115×3,135×2,150×1,160×1) 170×1,180×1,185×1(PR!)Very psyched about the PR. Old PR was 180 and I weighed about 10 pounds heavier than I do now.
3RNFT: 5 windmills ea. arm: 20#,25#,25#hollow rocking something like :15 on,:10 off
Katie was all that today. Very impressed with my new friend; very inspiring to have such a good role model. And thanks to David for the help on my form. Exceedingly helpful.
DL Warmups: 135×5, 185x 3, 215×3, 245×2, 265X2Then: 275×3.
Technically 275 is a PR since I have no idea what I am doing. But that is the beauty of this whole thing.
Two other things – is someone compiling all of these awesome recipes that are going around? I am not really eating paleo, though my diet leans in that direction coincidentally (minus the bread and beer… yes, that’s right). So many good ideas going around. One of my faves is to roast trimmed and halved brussels sprouts and either pancetta or good bacon at 350 for 15+ mins. So easy and delicious. And sprouts are in season now.
Second, bummed about Jack LaLanne. He once swam from Alcatrazz to the mainland handcuffed, and he was no kid when he did it… If that doesn’t personify “tough bastard,” I don’t know what qualifies. He was way ahead of his time.
The Aberdeen Hill (or something like that) ground pork from the Coop has the right percentage fat to just make into sausage patties without adding anything extra. Getting the salt correct is 90% of making it delicious. A easy thing is to test a mini patty to see if you have it right and then go with it.
Everyone should eat tasty sausage. Super cheap and delicious.
40lb PR tonight at 205. Felt heavy but solid. Nice to work with Melissa and Theresa.
I like those windmills. Feels all good and stretchy. I may not be saying that in the morning, but it was good tonight. Also fun to have our little team of hollow rockers. Those start off fine and by round 8 suck. But at least we were all in suck together!
As for breakfast, I love leftovers. I’m also a big fan of a little skirt steak with eggs, and I love that mushroom/bratwurst thing at Prime Meats. I’m working on making fried eggs, but either the yolk or the white gets demolished more often than not. Anyone got any secrets?
5pm Group Class
Warm-up3RNFT5 Windmills each side, 25#10 Swings, 16kg
Deadlifts(135×5, 185×3, 225×2, 275×1, 305×1, 315×1)325×1, 335×1, 340F
I thought I was 5-10 lbs heavier than I was actually pulling. I was stoked on a 5lb PR post surgery and after very little Deadlifting only to have shane show me it was 5lbs below my old PR. Waited too long, got soft and failed at 340. Thanks to Noah and Ryan for the eyes and shane for the brains
THEN at 9pm Ryan and I did:”Danny”Amrap 20 Minutes30 Box Jumps, 24″20 Push Jerks, 115 (Rxd=Push Press)20 Pull-Ups
2 Rounds + 30/9
Holy moly was that hard. Like, Really really hard
Sad to hear about Jack LaLane. Team CFSB Manhattan 1/2 marathon this past cold Sat. a.m.. 1:37:19
Strength Cycle B: Volume DaySquat 220x5x5Felt heavier than it “should” but got easier as i went. Starting to feel the volume now though. My legs are ‘aware.’
Bench: 140x5x3Fine. Not graceful.
Chins: 7,8,8Barely. I’m bummed my first week was the best so far, but I’m still sick so I’m not near 100%. I gotta beat this thing before Friday– a 250×10 squat is gonna be freaking hard.
@David: no shit that was hard! I read it and get tired. Youz boys are crazy.
I watched Jack Lalane videos for like half an hour today. Such timeless information. The best comment I read about him was:
“Jack LaLane, the father of the fitness movement and the father of sitting on a chair backwards”
Two last things before I finally leave the gym..
1. Thanks to Josh M for counting reps for me on the WOD
2. Today, in the spirit of variety, I had like 10oz of steak and steamed cauliflower for breakfast. One of my “Russian Peasant Standards”
Warmup:-Alternating KB swings (16kg) and Windmills (15#)
Deadlifts:(135×5, 185×3, 215×2, 235×1)work: 250, 260PR, 265f-happy about hitting a PR. Probably could have stood up with 265 but it would NOT have been pretty. Need to stop wasting time at the bottom of my setup, and focus even more on staying tight.-According to the whiteboard, it looked like lots of folks hit PR’s today. Nice job everyone!
Accessory work:-Hollow Rock, 10 rounds of :10 on, :10 off.
Mobility work:-lax ball, clam shells, wall stretch…all for a sore left hip. ouch.
My favorite paleo breakfast: scrambled eggs and sausage over raw baby spinach, olive oil and salt.
after three weeks of trying, it’s obvious i can’t deadlift in general programing like i could in strength cycle. this is disappointing, but there are several possible explanations:
1. regular crossfit makes you way more tired- so chill out.
2. VLC eating doesn’t provide the fuel for weekly PRs – so chill out.
3. i cut my hair and removed my fake nails on the same day, and am therefore robbed (ONLY temporarily) of my heavy-lifting life force – so chill out.
Robin, for sunnyside up eggs in the restaurant I worked at, we would heat the pan and start cooking the egg regularly, then when the bottom of the eggs was set, put the pan under the broiler. If you want the yolk really runny, it only takes enough time for the top of the whites to be set. If you like the yolks more set just give it more time.
At home I use the toaster over instead of the broiler. May not be authentic fried eggs, but no need to worry about flipping them.
Robin – low/medium heat, a healthy dose of semi solid fat (butter/coconut butter/lard/etc…), patience, and a gentle flip. We also used to get em started and add a TBSP of water and a lid to finish. The top would steam cook.
programming. oy.
Warm-up: 135×5, 185×3, 215×2, 235x1Work: 250, 260, 270 (PR)
I have this thing where I can’t really eat solid food when I wake up, so I always start with coffee, a fruit smoothie, and maybe some nuts. Around 1 or 2 p.m. is when I make “breakfast”: 3-4 pieces of thick-cut bacon, 3-4 eggs scrambled or over easy (cooked in the bacon fat), plus a whole tomato (sliced) and a whole avocado (sliced). It might be my favorite meal on the planet.
Hey, thanks for the egg tips, y’all. Breakfast today was better than it’s been. Maybe because I ate eggs over cabbage, channeling my Polish grandmother, maybe just because my eggs looked way nicer. Either way, thank you thank you!
(95×5, 135×3, 155×2, 170×1)180×1, 190×1 (PR), 200×1 (PR!)
I went to the gym last night hoping to break 200lbs on my deadlift, so I opened at 185, my old PR, then; 200 and then a crazy 215lbs.
Thanks to Jeremy, I never would have gone for it like that if he didn’t insist that I could. It made my whole week.
I know Im late to the topic, but my favorite paleo breakfast is poached eggs, prosciutto and a little fresh tomato or spinach… sound pretentious? i got addicted to poached eggs when I discovered apple cider vinegar really holds the egg together in the water; now I’m a poaching machine…
Deadlift 1-1-1405 – 405 – 375
Losing my back on anything above 400 is frustrating. I can pull it, but it ain’t purty…I had hoped to PR this cycle but probably couldn’t even hump up my previous PR. Jeremy gave some advice that I’m gonna incorporate into my schedule.
Halting Deadlifts…not as much fun as beer and porn.