Malcolm nice and upright during the OHS
A Star is Born
Congratulations to Scott J. and Suzy on the birth of their son August (Gus) Myers Jackson! Gus was born 1/15/11 and both mom and baby boy are doing great!
Rest Day Dinners Hosts Needed
We've got 5 remaining Paleo-themed Rest Day dinners remaining during the Challenge. We currently have two hosting slots unfilled:
Friday, January 21
Friday, February 4
Remember, these can be informal, either hosted in-home or at a restaurant of your choosing.
The purpose of these dinners is to serve as reinforcement during the Challenge, giving folks a way to share difficulties and successes in a positive environment. If you're interested in being the host w/ the most please email us at info(AT)
Upcoming Seminars and Certs and SBK
There are still slots available for Kelly Starrett's Movement and Mobility Certifications. We'll be hosting not one, but TWO full-day seminars with K-Starr. If you're serious about improving your peformance by making increases to your flexibility and mobility check the links on the Upcoming Events sidebar or take the shortcuts here to register! Saturday, February 5, 2011 & Sunday, February 6, 2011
We're also excited to announce that we're hosting Jeff Tucker and crew for the CrossFit Gymnastics Trainer Course Certifcation November 5-6, 2011. Jeff and his team put on a phenomenal weekend of gymnastic skill development when they visited us before and we can't recommend their cert enough. Check here to register!
Come "concur" the Kipping Pull-up with our Kipping 101 Workshop
Do you have strict pull-ups but haven't pieced together the kip yet? Have you recently started kipping and can't quite get the rhythm right? Join David O. this Thursday, January 20th at 8pm for a dedicated kipping tutorial. RSVP to David(AT)
Price of admission: One strict pull-up or chin-up.
Hypocritical…or Human? Whole 9
Dessert Demons in Disguise Whole 9
Glow from Eating Well Judged Healthy Looking Scientific American
I am happy to report that I had NO whiskey yesterday, not even after a stressful day of apartment hunting and dealing with real estate agents. Apparently football is a bigger trigger.
Gabrus – you are fast becoming my idol.
Reeealy good links today. I especially like the Whole 9 ones.
Pssst…I think you mean “Friday, February 4” for the second unfilled paleo dinner slot.
Rob Is –
The pot roast was the bomb. I researched a bunch of recipes, then used yours from the Paleo Overview page, with two adjustments:
– beef stock instead of chicken- Spanish smoked paprika, just because
Ten hours in the crockpot –> best breakfast ever.
Great to hear Michele! I’m going to have to start eating it for Breakfast too– eggs are getting a little old.
If you promise the Beef stock didn’t make it too salty, I’m totally onboard with trying that change and actually bought it already with that intention.
Question back at you: I am in need of paprika. What’s your source?
@Margie: Where’s the goat recipe coach? I’m ready for more! Source for goat?
Rob, I salted yours at the potluck so I think we have different barometers for sodium!
The smoked paprika can be obtained at Stinky’s on Smith Street (they have hot, Picante, and sweet, Dulce) and I think at the co-op as well, but you are never guaranteed availability at the co-op.
I can pick you up a container if you like.
ahhh the goat… well, I must say this is a proprietary dish that evolves every time I make it. I will put together an approximation of the recipe, but you must promise to credit yours truly if ever you serve it to others.
Yes, I am that vain 😉
(PS Beef stock in beef recipes will always result in a richer dish. If you make your beef stock or buy it from Bklyn Larder/The Meathook, there will be no salt.)
Aside from the Larder and the Meathook, where else in BK do folks get their grass-fed beef? I am not a member of the co-op.
The Fairway in Red Hook has some grassfed beef. Not much but some. Staubitz (sp?) in Carroll Gardens might carry some too. I can’t recall.
And the Grand Army Plaza Farmer’s Market!
Also the Carroll Gardens farmers market on Sunday (Grazin’ Angus Acres).
Flatbush co-op in Ditmas carries some grassfed ground.
Staubitz has a fair selection of grassfed beef, but much of it is not on display. You can get many more cuts if you ask.
How early do you need to show up to the GAP Market before they start running out of all the good stuff?
They typically have it for quite a while, but the prices are nuts. Butcher shops are frequently cheaper than the Farmers Market. Also you have to make sure what you are getting is grass fed. There is sometimes meat for sale at the various farmers markets that is not.
You guys should also check out the meat share group on meetup:
They work out occasional deliveries from real farmers at ridunculous prices. I just picked up a bunch of ground beef and a big chunk of pork over the weekend…all for $5/lb!
PALEO QUESTION: Canned Lemon Lime Canada Dry sparkling selzer water from the free drink machine at my office: OK or no?
There are no ingredients listed on the can, but I imagine they have to get the bubbles and the lemon/lime flavor in there some way…
My issue with Fairway grass fed meat is that it is from Australia. (WTF?) I admit I haven’t checked for a while so it’s possible that they have cuts now that are local.
Bethany – the bubbles are just harmless CO2 but I wonder if they use natural lemon lime or weird fake stuff.
I have been getting my GF beef from Fresh Direct (Local–>meat–>Hartwicks)
I also got an order directly from Hartwick and while the prices are a lot lower, the shipping cost was really high so it kind of cancelled out the savings. (and was a lot more difficult to coordinate)
Dan from Strength Cycle was telling me there a good butcher in Brooklyn Heights but now I forgot the name. DAN– can you post?
Paisanos on Smith, which is a great old-school butcher, has GF ground beef and sometimes roasts.
I think I’m going to try these guys:
That seems like a righteous deal.
@Margie: anyone who I feed your wonderful dish to will get the full story and you’ll have all the credit! Thanks for the tip on the stock– I didn’t even realize the Larder has it, that’s great.
I’ll try to get down to Stinky’s later this week, but Michele, if you are there and wouldn’t mind, I’ll take some Paprika. Thanks!
The one time I went to the Foodshed Market (farmer’s market/ gourmet vendors in Boerum Hill) there was a farmer selling grass-fed beef from upstate NY. I think they also have Buffalo sometimes.
It is a nice space, close, and most importantly: indoors.
The butcher in Brooklyn Heights is called Heights Prime Meats. It’s on Clark Street right next to the 2,3 subway (between Henry and Hicks)
weak day at the gymPower Cleans reset down to work on form185x3x5dips8,8,8some rowing conditioning2x500m easy2x250m all out
Why thanks Rob – you have my blessing to goat it up! The recipe is posted.
Great class with Margie and the ladies. We worked on the press (reps at 45#, 55#) and got to wear belts.
i did not concur this workout today. either half of it.
deadlift suffered a lot from my still sore-to-the-touch shoulders; WOD was radically underscaled. i finished, once again, mostly unwinded.
bench press: hit my numbers there, at least. thanks jack!75x3x5
jenna: one final option for grassfed i will offer is that the NYC Paleo Meetup group organizes meatshares that anyone can participate in. typically you plunk in a minimum commitment (50-70 bucks) and on the appointed day, go to a designated location and pick up the meat.
it’s not as convenient as shopping; the prices, however, can be unbelievably good. melissa mcewan, the organizer, works very hard to ensure the meat is squeaky clean.
i have done it twice – the first time, the farmer delivered the meat herself all the way from upstate (pork, lamb and chicken.)
another bonus of this is how impressed everyone will be when you breezily deadlift a cooler the size of a small RV filled with frozen meat and blithely ask where they’d like it placed.