(E4/8) First, find a Heavy Triple, then,
Perform max reps at 75% of your heaviest load.
Post loads and reps to comments.
compare to 1.12.11
50 Dumbbell Squat Cleans for time.
Done at work/rest of :45/:15
Post load and time to comments.
compare to 10.13.10
A testimonial from John J:
"Today (12/28) two young guys snatched my phone on 7th ave. and ran for it up Lincoln Pl. I typically never talk on the phone on the street, but it was blizzard-transportation-coordination-related, so a rare exception.
I hesitated for a moment, figuring it was a lost cause, giving them about a 5 second lead. Then I thought, "lift heavy things, sprint occasionally…" so I gave chase. Realizing I'd catch them in a half a block, they ditched the phone, crossed the street, and walked away.
I'm not at all sure what I'd have done had I caught up with them, so I'm really glad it turned out the way it did. But I'll admit it was fun to run down fleeing thieves. I'd say this was the first real-world high-adrenaline situation where I felt the benefits of Crossfit profoundly. (Note I would not have done this if it were not the middle of the day with plenty of witnesses…)"
Potluck Tonight!
Tonight is the Paleo Potluck! The event starts at 6pm and we're hoping to wrap things up by about 9pm. If anyone could stay after for a bit and help clean up it would be greatly appreciated. We've had a tremendous amount of people respond and we couldn't be more excited about getting everyone together to eat and socialize. Also remember that Erica and Greg N are hosting an after-party at their apartment. If you'd like to attend, please email erica.nofi(at)yahoo.com
See you all tonight!
OHS (yesterday)150,165,175 (pr)I think 170 was my previous 1rm :)then,130 x 15
This seems SO far away from the benchmark of 15 OHS at bodyweight…
Didn’t get to do the shorty-short met-con, maybe today.
stoked 🙂
I wasn’t really sure where I was going with these so I did lots of sets…OHS: (45×5, 65×5, 95×3) 115×3, 125×4 (1 felt shallow), 135×4 (again, 1 felt shallow), 145×3 (old PR), 155×3 (1RM PR!)then 115x13I was thinking really hard about trying to pull the bar in half and my hands were sweaty so somewhere around rep 10, my hands actually started to slide out a little. That was totally unnerving and grip fatiguing and helped me be okay with giving up.
Then the 50 DB cleans at 30# in 4:34. (divided 13/23/33/42–I gave up early a couple rounds because my grip was so shot I thought I might accidentally throw the weight)
OHS slowly coming back. Work weights were 115, 125, 125. Then did 11 at 95.
Workout was 30#ers which was Rx’d. 4:30.
Enjoyed the mini-wod.
OHS: 75×3, 85×3, 90×3(pr)Max reps @ 65: 16
WOD with 20lb DBs, which was 10 pounds from Rx’d, oops. Left shoulder feeling tweaky so probably best: 5:21
Excited about potluck, see y’all tonight!
wu 45×5/75×5/95×3
rep out: 95 for 13
metcon: 20#, 4:30
if dropping a loaded bar on your head = crossfit baptism, i found jesus at about 12:35pm this afternoon.
OHS 120×3, 125×3, 130×3, 135F
WOD in 7:10 scaled up to 35# DBs due to availability. Lack of I mean.
OHS 65×3, 65×3, 70×3 53×20. Thinking I could have gone heavier. Bailed at 20 just cuz. Probably had about 5 more in me but my shoulder was fatiguing and form was breaking down.Nice to meet and work with Richie today.Opted out of the WOD and did some shoulder work instead.
OHS:(45×5, 65×5, 75×3)work: 85×3, 95×3, 105×3 110x2rep out: 80×9-105 was my previous 1RM so I’m thrilled to have hit 110 for two. Only bailed on the last because of wrist issues, but know I could have gotten it.-The rep out was much harder and shoulders fatigued fast.
WOD: 5:07 with 25#’s.-DB squat cleans might be one of my least favorite movements ever…right there along with DB thrusters. yuck. Next time, I’ll have this under 5:00.
PALEO POTLUCK WAS AMAZING!!! If you weren’t there, you missed out on some amazing food! I really hope that everyone posts their recipes so that I can try some of them out. Thank you CFSBK for hosting and Ariel/Michele for organizing a wonderful evening!
CFSBK + Paleo Challenge + Fantastick Food + Great People + Ariel/Michele (also included in the great people part of the equation) = Awesome
So happy about the turnout for this. You all filled my belly to the brim with goodness. Thank you.
It was great to see everyone tonight. More CFSBK parties!!