As Many Rounds as Possible in 20 Minutes of:
3 Muscle Ups
10 1 Arm DB Thrusters Left
3 Muscle Ups
10 1 Arm DB Thrusters Right
* Sub for Muscle-ups: Muscle Up from the floor OR 5 Pull Ups + 5 Ring Dips/Push Ups = 1 Muscle Up
Post loads and rounds to comments.
Paleo Challenge Rest Day Dinners
Thanks to all attended last night's first rest day dinner of the Challenge! We hope you had a great time and some delicious ancient ancestral cuisine. A special thanks to Coach Fox for organizing the innaugural dinner. With the exception of next weekend we have rest day dinners scheduled for each Friday night of the challenge. We have FOUR dates that still need organziers and we need YOUR help in organizing them. Please email us if you're interested in organizing/hosting one. The dates are:
1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11
Remember, these can be informal, either hosted in-home or at a restaurant. The whole purpose of these rest day dinners is to serve as reinforcement along the way, giving folks a way to share difficulties and successes in a positive environment!
Email us at info(AT) if you want to host!
SBK Community Paleo Potluck Countdown!
Our big Paleo Potuluck is just under a week away! The Potluck is next Saturday, January 15 at 6pm. Please RSVP to info(AT) so we know you're coming AND what you're bringing. And all you SBKParents don't fret kids are welcome! Looking forward to seeing you there!
How can it be Paleo? It's called Bierkraft not Mietkraft?!
Ben G. Crossfitter extraordinaire also happens to own one of our favorite establishments, Bierkraft on 5th Ave. They are known far and wide for their delicious sandwich specials and their amazing selection of ice cold liquid gluten (beer).
But did you know that Ben and his crew now have a selection of paleo meals that'll sate the hunger of any would-be caveman or cavewoman? On weekends ask about the Pinwheel Special (a selection of meats, salad and avocado). All sandwiches ordered without bread come instead on a big pile of mixed greens. Oh, and all their meats are from local farms and from pastured animals. NOM!
Paleo Poor: Your Guide to the Grocery Store
20# DB and Muscle Ups from the floor5 rounds plus 1 muscle up
Thanks Fox for the help on the muscle ups!
6 rounds + 3 muscle ups + 4 thrusters (right arm)
Jumping muscle ups, 25# dumbbell
as rx’d with 45lb db:
6 rds+3MUs+10 thrusters left +2MUs
Really wanted to finish the seventh round, but bricked on the last MU about four times. Super frustrating, but awesome wod.
As rx’d with 35lbs dumbbells:
7 rounds + 2MUs
Had fun with this and stayed way under the red line. Interested to see how this will compare in 6 month…
20# db, front floor MU’s
6rounds + 3 mu, 5 thrusters
Really enjoyed this workout, all the MU work was helpful especially working on it when fatigued.
I was talking to Yoon the other day about goals and having people to keep you to them. Seemed we were both in agreement that we needed some help in keeping us honest. And our pact to keep each other honest over the year was born.
But I’ve been away from training for so long, felt like I should share a bit with y’all, the amazing folks at CFSBK in an effort to reconnect.
A portion of my “goal” is to build up my portfolio of photos on Flickr. And I’m also looking to write about the whole goal setting and achieving on my new blog.
Here’s the photo for Jan. 10, 2011, hope to publish one a day for the next 365 –
And the linkage to my goal setting is here:
Yoon: Tag, you’re it!
Using 25# and 1 muscle up then 1 asst mu after round 3. Haven’t learned how to kip yet
7 rounds + 1 mu + 4 ish thrusters
Then DL x 3 from Monday 135×5 185×5 225×3 275×3 315×3 335×3 340FI was pretty wiped after 335 and prob should have stopped.
margie –
my doodies are now dark green and thrice a day.versus once a day and light brown.not diarrhea but still softer than usual.normal?oh, and avocados are starting to taste like ice cream.
OK Dan. Me and my big mouth!
Like Dan, my goal is to develop my portfolio for the next 6 months of so (compiling old pieces, adding new stuff). My other goals are to be more consistent in producing and posting work — even if only a work-in-progress — and to get back into long-pose portraiture.