Post loads to comments.
Compare to 11.9.10 and 7.10.10
For Time:
10 Front Squats 155/105
20 Double unders
8 Front Squats
30 Double Unders
6 Front Squats
40 Double Unders
4 Front Squats
50 Double Unders
2 Front Squat
60 Double Unders
*This WOD is courtesy of the 2010 NY/NJ CrossFit Sectionals
Post loads and times to comments.
Fox & Lucy McG. just saw David O's "Before" Picture
*Special New Year's Day Schedule*
Remember there is only one 12PM group class today!
We will resume our regular schedule tomorrow. Happy New Year!
The 2011 Paleo Challenge Is Upon Us!
Day 1 of our 60-day 2011 Paleo Challenge is here! For those who haven't thrown their hat in the ring yet there is not time like the present. All you need is $20, a "before" photo (you can submit a photo until January 5th) and a plan!
Whether you want to lose some weight, feel and perform better in the gym (and maybe in the boudoir), or just see what all the hoopla is about this is a great way to kick off the 2011.
There's a sign-up list at the gym and the official Paleo Challenge page has all the info you need including some awesome resources.
Good luck to all folks participating in the Challenge we'll be keeping you supplied w/ even more resources and events to help make the next two months a major success for you!
Intro to Paleo Workshop
John Durant and his friends at Eating Paleo in NYC are hosting a talk/Q & A session on January 4th, 2011 covering the basics of the Paleo lifestyle. If you want to learn more about Paleo without having to sift through the ever deepening sea of information on the subject this should be a great way to get a starter's guide.
Check out the full details here.
Crossfit on the Road Powell Fitness
Happy New Year SBK Crossfitters!
I’m going to approach these as Q1 goals and then re-evaluate although number 3 & 4 definitely need to be an all-year long endeavor:
1) Get Stronger as measured by the CrossFit Total. Goal: 800 (up from 725 in October) I plan/hope/expect to PR all my lifts in 2 months. Seeing how I can probably do that now, this should be attainable, but I think 75# increase is both realistic and ambitious.
2) Chin-ups: 10 strict chins for 3 rounds.
3) Mobility: Get stuff moving 4-6 days a week. I need to collect a list like Shane and work it. Focal points: hips, ankles, shoulders, neck.
4) Meditation: You can only add so much to your life without something else falling off. I’ve had a pretty strong practice over the years, but this autumn I added cooking in the morning as part of my 1st paleo challenge and that just killed my sitting practice. Just couldn’t fit it in. This needs to get back to activity number one. Goal: zazen 4-5 mornings a week for a minimum of 15 minutes. Bonus round, add back 1-2 evening sits.
Finally, I am all-in on the paleo challenge. The holidays were much messier food/drink wise than I anticipated and this mass gain thing seems to mean one thing for me: belly fat. Therefore I’ve decided to lift heavy and continue with my 2010 body recomp. So, I won’t get 70’s big, but at least I won’t be fat! Health first for 2011.
FYI: Runkeeper Pro for the iPhone and Android platform is free until the end of January (it’s usually $10). I’ve used the free version to track my sprints around the Degraw and it’s legit!
Could be a good training tool for those doing Ragnar this year.
Hit the link for more details: http://blog.runkeeper.com/mobile-app/runkeeper-pro-is-free-through-the-month-of-january
Yarrr! I am very, very ungood at cleans and double unders, and that WOD kicked my ass, but I squatted!!! For the first time since before Thanksgiving! Didn’t want to go too heavy (trying not to be a dumbass) but I got up to 110 and it DIDN’T HURT! Muahahahahaha! Best New Year celebration evar!
(WOD, nowhere near Rxed – 63lbs, 1/2 the double unders, counting attempts as well as occasional successes – 10:50.)
(also, I’m a pirate.)
Got up to 190 on the front squats, had a little more in me but was pretty close to maxing out.
The WOD kicked my ass though. Dropped the weight down to 115 but after the second round of double under attempts my hang over came back with a vengeance and my head was pounding so hard that I without Vince’s encouragement I would have tapped out. Didn’t really feel right till I took a shower at home. Next time I need to drink less alcohol the night before and way more water in the morning after.
Well that was certainly an interesting way to start a new year.
Big FSq PR for me today at 145, up from my last so-so at 115. Good trio with Aaron and Nicole. And being neighbors with Will, Steve and BAZ was fun, especially the moment when BAZ screamed ‘UNLIMITED POWER’ which made me have to re-rack the bar I was laughing so hard.
And then the monstro-destructo WOD. I scaled back the squats to 85– wanted to do 95, but I can’t seem to clean over 85, so I went with that. It was certainly enough to keep me breathless. I cut the doubles to half/attempts after the 2nd round and made it under the cap at 13:02. Big thanks to Nicole for the jumprope loaner and to all the encouragement coming from all around.
This was good, though, because it gave me a gym goal to work on– I will get you, Double Unders!! I plan on getting to the gym 15 minutes before class and working the rope for at least 10 minutes, with the goal of being able to string 10 doubles together by the end of the Paleo Challenge. Yes I can.
Happy New Year, indeed.
I did this yesterday and loved every minute!
Warmup:-Droms (arm swings, torso rotations, mountain climbers, squat hold, plank)
Front Squat:(45×5, 75×3, 95×3, 115×2, 135×1)work: 145×1, 155×1, 165×1-165 matches my PR which I was surprised felt fairly easy. Still need to clean up my form as the weight gets heavier though.
FSQ/DU WOD:7:52 rx’d at 105lbs.-All front squats unbroken. Only the round of 30 du’s was unbroken. I can definitely push it more on the doubles next time.-Also, hitting some heavy singles prior to the wod, made 105 feel light. Can’t wait to do this again.
Nice job to all 21 of you that showed up today! It’s always great to see everyone supporting and pushing each other to the finish!
Will post goals later…promise!
Dan: Thanks for the Runkeeper Pro tip! I downloaded it and am gonna use it now for the first run of 2010!
Happy New Year, y’all. I was with some friends the other night and the question was posed to the table – what’s the best thing that happened to you this year?
My answer was instant and easy: CFSBK.
er, 2011. It’s the first run of 2011. Doy!
Starting off the new year with some spring cleaning. I went through my pantry and threw out everything that was old/expired (mostly my roommates), cleaned and purged the fridge of old food, arranged all the tupperware and recycled the mismatched stragglers. I also got rid of some empty cleaning containers and plan on transitioning to a more environmentally friendly stock as these run out.
One of my big goals for 2011 is to move to a new apartment. I’ve been here for 4+ years and Im tired of smelling McDonalds and car exhaust every morning!
Did not want to do this workout this morning. Was feeling like anything would be a worthwhile excuse. Wrist/drinking too much last night/eating sugar/ general sissyness. Glad I did it, but the double unders punished me for my sins.
Front squat with a body builder cross rack went up to 205. I failed at 215 and called it done for the day.
Front Squat double under workout was done for me at 105 from a rack so I didn’t have to clean the bar or drop it. All squats were unbroken. Doubles were a mess. Technique was no worse than ever but my conditioning is trash. Most of my subsets of doubles were caused by being out of breath not missing a double.
Total time 12:43.
I realized yesterday that I’ve worked out maybe 6 times in the last two months… honeymoon, stomach flu and Christmas kind of wiped me.
It felt great to be back in the gym, even with the mild hangover.
FSQ: 135, 145, 155. 155 felt good, form solid, no struggle, but I’d already done my three singles and felt that I had plenty of time in 2011 to find a true max. I’m trying to ramp back up slowly so that I don’t hurt myself.
WOD: 8:41 Rx’d. Did my doubles in sets of 10 deliberately to keep myself from pushing too hard and to avoid loosing my breakfast. I like this workout, it forces me to push through discomfort on the squats to finish each set.
Goals coming… I’m still figuring out which things to focus on. There are so many to chose from.
Today was an interesting day. Woke up, got myself over to the box and did the WOD, ate a giant brunch (paleo), and napped 2.5 hours. I can’t complain too much.
FSQ: 125-145-155. 10# more than my original “heavy single” from the last back squat cycle. i hope to ride the “novice effect” for a bit longer.
WOD: 9:26 with 95#. For the DUs I did half the quantity as I can only go every-other.
Still figuring out the goals but they include some serious skill work on DUs, kipping pullups, and HSPUs.
after 2 days of airports and being sickish yesterday, i was happy just to make it into CFSBK today. great class.
FS: 185, 205 (ugly), 205 (ok)didn’t try to PR today but these went better than i’d hoped.
WOD: 10:00–1/2 DUs. The squats were all unbroken, the doubles were a mess, mostly in 1s and 2s. Gotta work on those.
Front Squat: 105, 115, 125 (PR), 135FailWOD @ 80lbs: 9:14
Today was my first day back after 2 months of strength training. I have to admit I was a little nervous, but it didn’t hurt, it actually felt good.
Nice to meet so many new people today. Fox, I think that must’ve been the smoothest running 21-person class I’ve ever seen.
I am truly glad today wasn’t just me and 2 hungover athletes, which was my fear…Great vibe at the gym today. Thanks for helping me ring in 2011 with a bang. You all are awesome!
Did the WOD yesterdayRx’d in 6:39Squats unbroken, doubles mightily broken.
There are now 20+ people signed up for Paleo Challenge! That’s a good bit of moola in the pot!
Decided to not set goals for the year because that’s too long of a timeframe and I get distracted easily. Instead I’m setting goals for the next two months to coincide with the paleo challenge.
1) Win paleo challenge. :). Well, seriously my goal is to fully complete the 2 month challenge (if I win, it’s a bonus!). Every time I’ve started a challenge in the past, I’ve used some excuse to cut it short. Not this time buddy. I’m committed and you all better watch out.
2) 1 HSPU.
3) Snatch 90#.
Clearly, the paleo challenge goal will be worked on daily. Goals 2 & 3 will be achieved through pre and/or post class targeted work at least 1x week. I really hope to work these movements more than 1x week though, but my schedule is about to get tighter so I don’t want to overcommit.
FSQ 155ACC WOD: 6:17 @95#
Went very light today to protect my back which was sore from all the DLs from Thurs WOD
FSQ: 135, 145, 155(F)
155 is my FSQ PR, and i was a bit bummed to not be able to match it. i definitely shy away from FSQs whenever possible and need to start working on them more.
WOD: 9:43 RX’d
i was pretty happy with this. did this workout @ 95# after the sectionals and think i had around the same time.
1 longterm goal – log my numbers better. i used to be so so diligent about logging my numbers, times, even how i was feeling, etc. somewhere along the way i lost that drive to take good notes and need to get back into the groove.
short term goals – paleo challenge, ring dips (a set of 5), and at least 1 day a week of dedicated o-lifting practice