A huge thank you from the SBK Staff for another wonderful year!
Friday-6 &7 AM Group and Noon Classes. NO EVENING OPEN GYM
Saturday-12PM Group Class ONLY.
Sunday-Normal Class Schedule. We've got kids to feed.
Happy New Year!
2010 was an incredible year for SBK. We moved into our very own space, we have seen our staff, our program and our membership grow.
We owe it all to you who inspire us and help us to keep growing as trainers and athletes. Thank you so much for an amazing year and with your continued hard work and support we look forward to an even bigger and better 2011.
We want to wish all of our members and extended family a very safe, happy, healthy and successful New Year!
Plan You Work then Work Your Plan
Yesterday we asked you to spend some time brainstorming two or three fitness goals for 2011. Now these goals can be as big or small as you want them to be but we've got a couple of guidelines.
Your goals can be as bold and daring and exciting as you want them to be but they must be Specific and Measurable, and Attainable ("I PR my Squat by 20lbs by May 2011" vs. "I want to be stronger"), they must be Realistic (This is NOT an excuse to dream small but "I complete 30 Muscle-ups for time tomorrow" isn't a realistic goal if you don't have a single pull-up today) and they must be Timely (If you like it then you better put a date on it. Don't just let your goals float out there in the ether). The SMART guidelines as they are known are a pretty solid framework to help you define what it is you really want. And you know how we Crossfitters love us some definitions and specificity!
Got your two or three goals in that pretty little head of yours? Good! To get the ball rolling right away post your goals and along with one or two steps/actions (per goal) in the comments. These actions should be ones you can take IMMEDIATELY aka no later than 24 hours from now (Ex: Sign-up for that competition or race, register for the Paleo Challenge, find a new paleo recipe, hell, maybe it's just throwing out that pack of Hot Pockets in the freezer). These steps will be the first step or two you take toward toward turning what is now only a goal into an achievement in 2011.
Remember this is what YOU want in 2011 and the SBK staff and your fellow members are here to support and help you in anyway we can!
Art Devany Book Signing in NYC
All you Paleo Challenge participants may want to check this out! Art Devany, one of the foremost thinkers/writers on the subject of Paleo/Primal diet and author of "The New Evolution Diet" will be in town Thursday, January 13th at 7pm. Click here for the 411.
What are your plans for New Year's Eve?
Happy New Years folks! Be safe out there! No driving no driving no driving no driving no driving!
Going to stay home with wife and baby Charlie. Drink some vintage Champagne and pretend that 9pm is midnight!
Happy new year from Switzerland.
My goals for 2011:
1. Angie rx’d in 20 minutes by the end of the year. That means I need to start a regular regimen of pullups and pushups, with the goal of one strict pullup by the end of march and 100 pushups in 5 minutes by the end of June
2. Paleo, Paleo, Paleointermediate steps are finishing Robb’s book and joining the challenge when I come back to NYC on Monday.
I was hoping to make noon today my first class back after strength, but I’m not going to make it. Paul and I are cooking ourselves an elaborate dinner. From the new brooklyn cookbook… fried goat cheese with proscuitto, figs, and honey. crispy octopus. delicata squash with toasted squash seeds and aleppo pepper. Hope to see everyone tomorrow, or at least those of you that make it for the noon.
Anyone know of a good, supportive, crossfit in northern, VA – alexandria/mt vernon area? My 66 year old mother is looking into starting.
Jenna J I responded to you on the paleo potluck page…
Lovely, productive day at the gym today.6am: no one showed, did office work7am: only Jen M showed, we had an exceptional session8-12 Office work!!!12-1 18 person Group class! Lots of energy and barbells1-2 Arts and crafts project for the paleo challenge
And now for my last taste of bread for 2 months.. bierkraft here i come!
Old town is where Jerry whatshisname coaches. He seems like a nice.. overly enthusiastic kind of guy. I can’t comment on the quality of the program though. I think Dan L trained there..
Super fun day at the gym! I’ll post my WOD results tomorrow so as to not spoil the fun for anyone attending tomorrow’s class.
Have a very Happy (and safe) New Year’s everyone! Thank you SBK for keeping me grounded through a rather challenging year. Looking forward to 2011, the Paleo challenge, and continued growth and support from the SBK community.
Wanted to thank the coaches and everybody else for making my first few months at CFSBK so awesome. Really looking forward to getting after it in 2011 with all of you.
Last year I had way too many goals, so this year I’m going with one strength goal, one Oly goal, and one met-con goal:1. DL 455 (PR is 435, but that was a while ago)2. BW+ Snatch (PR is 209, BW=225)3. 400 FGB (didn’t attempt in 2010)
Also very pumped about the Paleo Challenge. Really need it after the holidays.
Murph seems like an annual thing at CrossFit Oakland…
At least this time when I showed up I knew what I was getting myself into.
Rather than hitting this Cindy style, per the recommendations of the fine folks at CFO, I mixed it up
5 pushups5 pullups5 pushups15 squats
20 rounds. That worked out much better because I never went to failure on the pushups.
First run was 8:47, got the rounds done at about 40, and I probably could have squeezed out an extra 30 s from the run to get under 50 but I felt like I was going so slow I was in the 12 min range for the last mile, not the 10 min range. If I had a watch with me maybe I would have pushed a wee bit harder.
Overall, still respectable.
@EveryoneHappy New Year! I’ve missed you all so much and I can’t wait to walk back into SBK on Wednesday and see you guys.
No, thank you brother! It’s great having you in the gym.I like the stripped down goals list. It’s so easy in the CF world to chase after way too many goals and end up burning out (mentally or physically) and at the very least being very disappointed by all that you didn’t accomplish instead of what you did. Awesome stuff.
2010 was spent with two main goals:1. Getting stronger2. Squatting without Pain
It was a success on both fronts. I’d like to continue to get stronger by just playing w/ the slow lifts and lord knows I need it but I’m going to throw my hat fully in the 0-lifting ring this year.I can now squat w/o pain thanks to Alec/Deb, Fox and Kelly Starrett. I look to continue addressing my mobility issues in 2011
Here are my goals for 2011
I’ve broken them into quarterly goals. I will only be posting the Goals and action items for the first quarter. I will post my numbers for each quarter.
1st Quarter2011 Fitness Goals
Short Term (1st Quarter)Complete Performance Menu’s 12-Week Classic Cycle
1. Choose/Review a lifting program2. Schedule my lifting in my Google Calendar
I Clean & Jerk 245 (20#PR) and I Snatch 180 (15#PR) by 2/28/10Action Steps:1. Choose a Lifting Program-DONE. Using Greg Everett’s Classic cycle. Start Date 1/3/112. Spend 10’/day mobilizing ankles/quads/hip flexors. Outside of gym-Done3. Make a quick list of MWODs that will aid in above-Tomorrow’s homework.4. Schedule my training sessions in my google calendar
DietI complete the Paleo Challenge.1. Take/send my before photos along w/ my plan-DONE2. Research 4 New Recipes to make (1/week)
2nd QuarterI Clean and Jerk 260 and I Snatch 200
I compete in the 2011 Sacred Heart Open on 5/8/20111. Email Gary Valentine who is the organizer of the event for more registration-DONE
I spend 1 Week Surfing in Costa Rica-Action Steps: Email for informationDONE last week-Reserve trip/pay 50% Deposit No later than 1/8/11
3rd QuarterI Clean and Jerk 270 and I Snatch 215I surf at least 1x/week
4th QuarterI Clean and Jerk 275 and I Snatch 225.
See you guys soon!