When the going gets cold, the tough come Crossfit.
Tomorrow's Schedule
Ain't (s)no(w) stoppin' us now!
Tomorrow we're back to our full schedule. 6 and 7AM classes are a go-go! As is the rest of our Tuesday Schedule. Come work off some of that cabin fever!!
The 10 General Physical Skills
1. Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance
-The ability of the body systems to gather, process, deliver oxygen.
2. Stamina
-The ability of the body systems to prcocess, deliver, store and utilize energy.
3. Strength
-The ability of the muscular units or combination of muscular uints, to apply force.
4. Flexibility
-The ability to maximize range of motion at a given joint.
5. Power
-The ability of the muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply maximum forcein minimum time.
6. Speed
-The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.
7. Coordination
-The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement.
8. Agility
-The ability to minimize transition time from one movement pattern to another.
9. Balance
-The ability to control the placement of the body's center of gravity in relation to its base of support.
10. Accuracy
-The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity
"You are as fit as you are competent in these ten skills. A regimen develops fitness to the extent that it improves each of these ten skills."
-Greg Glassman, "What is Fitness?" CFJ October, 2002
How fit/balanced across these skills are you? In what areas are you strongest? In what areas do you need to improve the most? Which do you think is the most important?
Broad, General, Inclusive Fitness Crossfit.com
Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance and Stamina are the two areas that I am most lacking in. I was embarrassed to be huffing and puffing so much after the truge in through the snow and the rowing warm-up yesterday! I feel reasonably competent across the others but there is still so much room for improvement.
What movement at Crossfit would be a good measure of accuracy? Wall-ball perhaps?
I just saw the cutest pic on the mainsite! 🙂
Hope everyone there is having a happy and healthy holiday season!!!
A day of PRs for me after a particularly shitty 2 daysBack squat290x5x3 PRpress160x5x3Pullups4 (PR and my dec goal), 3,3
My general physical skills are weird for me, for my size 6’2 250/260 my strength and shit is low, but speed and balance and all that is a bit surprisingly on the high end.
See you guys in the new year. Thanks for everything
Thruster/K2E WOD4 rounds flat at 135#Good to be back home. Fun to chase DMak on this one. My stamina sucks, which reminds me of a quote from tonight…Jeremy – “This is gonna suck, but it’s only 7 minutes of suck”. Paraphrased, but classic.
Made up yesterdays WOD4 rounds plus five thrusters @ 115#All k to e were unbroken, thrusters first round was unbroken then four and three for second through fourth rnds. Final five were three and two.Great getting to do this with the always inspirational Mr. Fox.
Thruster/K2E WOD @135: 4 rounds + 4 Thrusters
Way too much standing around and looking at the bar for a 7 minute AMRAP – Good to be back though!
Yesterday 5 rnds 1 thrusters at 95#s. 95# I’m barely strong enough for so I was pleased.
Today snatch balance singles 135, 145f, 145, 150f, 150
Death by pull up 16
Great mobility class with C Fox. Realizing that my perpetual lower back soreness might stem from hip and hamstring tightness
Today two young guys snatched my phone on 7th ave. and ran for it up Lincoln Pl. I typically never talk on the phone on the street, but it was blizzard-transportation-coordination-related, so a rare exception.
I hesitated for a moment, figuring it was a lost cause, giving them about a 5 second lead. Then I thought, “lift heavy things, sprint occasionally…” so I gave chase. Realizing I’d catch them in a half a block, they ditched the phone, crossed the street, and walked away.
I’m not at all sure what I’d have done had I caught up with them, so I’m really glad it turned out the way it did. But I’ll admit it was fun to run down fleeing thieves. I’d say this was the first real-world high-adrenaline situation where I felt the benefits of Crossfit profoundly. (Note I would not have done this if it were not the middle of the day with plenty of witnesses…)