For time:
30 Back Squats @ Bodweight
1000m Row
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The CFSBK 2010 Winter Challenge shows their "Game Face"
Get Strong(er) in 2011
Coach Jeremy's first Strength Cycles of the New Year begin next week! That's right, 8 weeks of Squats, Deads, Presses, Bench and Power Cleans! Space is limited to 8 people per cycle so sign up now!
Register here and get your strong on!
January Cycle A
1/3/11 – 2/25/11
Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30pm and Fridays from 6:00-7:30pm
January Cycle B
1/4/11 – 2/27/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00-8:30pm and Sunday from 10:00-11:30am
Cycle B will be the level 2 cycle, following an intermediate program. It is designed for advanced lifters who have exhausted a linear progression.
If anyone is confused as to which cycle they belong in, they can contact Jeremy(AT) to discuss placement.
A Reversal On Carbs Los Angeles Times
Hi to Dave and Chris from Brisbane. I just wanted to let you know (and ensuring I keep my promise to Gabrus) that we had a Fran as our last wod before the box closed for Xmas. After missing my sub 10 minute goal when I was with you guys on Nov 30 I did a 9:07 this morning to hit the goal within the calendar year. Very happy man indeed.. Wshing you and your families a safe and happy Xmas and New Year….regards from a very warm and currently wet Brisbane Australia …. Roger
warm up 3 rnds nft10 band squats1 min plank12 ring rows(I suck at all of these)
Backsquat285x5x3Bench240x5x3Deadlift (had to make it up bc tomorrow I will be on LI)305x5x1this felt great, I am exhausted now.
That is the sexiest, most awesome CFSBK Hoboken Winter Challenge 2011 team ever…
Roger – Nice! Thanks for checking in!
Congrats Roger!! Nice to hear from you.
That LA Times article is awesome, and I have emailed it to my whole family. My dad is getting discharged from the hospital today (yay!) and the cardiac nurse told him, as part of his discharge instructions, to avoid eggs for the next 2 weeks. “Why?” said my dad. “Because of all the cholesterol!” she answered. “But isn’t there lots of research showing that dietary cholesterol is irrelevant?” dad asked. Evidently she got all sheepish and said, “Yes, there is, but this is what we are told to say to patients.”
Sigh. My dad said to me, “So I am looking forward to a breakfast of eggs tomorrow!”
Really intrigued by the 30 rep back squat WOD… was pondering joining class but then the train got me to the box late– oh well, I didn’t really think it was time to mess with the rep scheme anyway, which as we know is incessantly 5×3.
Back Squat, Work Sets:240x5x3The third time through and it’s remarkably easier. The bar is moving pretty well.
Bench press, work sets:173x5x3I got it this time. the last rep almost didn’t make it. Thanks to Ryan for encouraging it up! This has gotten really tough. The last rep was a real grind but maybe I have 175 in me yet?
Clean: works sets:60kg x 3 x 2Pretty rough. I was tired. I’ll leave it at that.
Have a great Christmas everyone!
Warm-up:500m Row
Barbell Warm-ups
1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 Reps NFT of:Power Snatch 121 (55kg)Strict Muscle-Ups
Good fun!!!
And Congrats, Roger!!!!
Wod in 5:52. I only weigh 145 which I was able to do unbroken. I wasted a few seconds resetting the rower which had turned itself off. then was able to keep my split below 2:00 which is always my meager goal.
Front leaver work I was able to do easily but the next step, which is to straighten one leg, was too hard.
WOD. 6:46. Back squat 160, body weight (circa 1990. oh well). 10, 10, 5, 5. 1000 meters at under 4 minutes but it got pretty ugly. Squats took a lot out. yeesh. rolled out the quads but I know they’ll be sore tomorrow. Merry xmas and all that!!
WOD @ 180 (bw@176/7)6:34Squats 20+10Row – split held at <1:50 for most
Warmup:-3 rounds NFT of: 12 banded squats, 1min plank, 12 ringrows-squat warmup: 45×5, 95×5, 115×3, 135×3
WOD:30 BSQ @ 135 (not bw but hopefully soon)1000m row in 4:10.2-Time–7:17quads on fire. Squats went something like 10, 8, 5, 4, 3. Didn’t really want to keep rowing. I don’t know how to push myself on this and need to learn when it’s best for me to go “kitchen sink”. 250 is to long but 100 is too short. So, maybe 175?
Cool down:-5mins foam rolling my legs-1min unintentionally making fun of Paul R. 😉