(E4/4) Find a new 1RM!
Post loads and PRs to comments.
Compare to 11.15.10 and 8.9.10
Accessory Work
Athletes will have 12 minutes to hit a new Double Under PR.
Avi S. gets a new PR!
Hercules! Hercules!
Congratulations to Paulie S., Avi S., Jack L. and Coach Jeremy on a successful powerlifting meet. The weeks and months of hard work paid off big time!
All hitting PRs!
Avi 435/259/507
Paulie 474/303/573
Jeremy 374/275/452
Jack hit a couple of misses due to technical errors but will be back in the saddle again next go 'round!
Great work everyone! Way to represent SBK!
Fight Gone Bad T-Shirt Reminder
You worked so hard raising all that money for some great causes and now all you've got to do is come in and grab your shirt. Please pick yours up this week and cross your name off the list.
If You Kill it, Refill It
Congratulations on doing your part to end Global Dehydration please don't forget to refill the water pitcher in the fridge!
-Gracias, el Management
Inspired SBKs strong men and women? Learn how to get ready for your first meet StartingStrength.com
Diggin' in the Crates: Buddy Lee on Double Unders Crossfit.com
Diggin' in the Crates II: Buddy Lee Rope Simulation (Can you spot the three original CFSBK coaches?) Crossfit.com
Michele says
the numbers from the meet are awesome.
congrats, guys.
gabrus says
Kickass to the big guys (i am chasing you guys)squat260x5x3thanks for the knees out cue…Helps get my gut out of the way, though I would prefer to just not have a gutPress145x5x3Pullups3,2,3
Paulie T-Shirts says
Power lifting meet this past weekend was a lot of fun.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record:Take Jeremy’s Strength Intensive so you can get really strong and then compete. Easy peasy!
Here are my videos from the meet. A special shout to Rebecca S for shooting all of the video.
Charlotte says
Great noon class today. Had no idea what to shoot for on cleans as my previous PR was 118, and I did that for reps. So I checked out the leaderboard for inspiration and saw that Steph P had a 133# PR at #3. (No way I was getting to the 150++ range of Katie & Laurel.) So….here’s what I did:
WU:drills w/ Fox @ 33, 53, 7393x2103x2
Work:115, 120PR, 125PR, 130PR, 135F, 135F, 135PR
Still lots of room–need to get better at getting DOWN. But very exciting. (Steph, better get in there tonight and kick me off the board!)
DU practice: 48 PR. Finally feel like I have the hang of these.
Charlotte says
PS I see David, Keith from Virtuosity, and Jacinto in that second video…really like the first video. The second one I’m not sure what Buddy is getting at. I do like his Billy Blanks head mike though.
David Osorio says
That video was taken at CrossFit Pittsburg in late 2007. It was my first Level 1 Cert, I went up with Jacinto, Allison B, Keith W and Mike P. I think it was the last cert that Glassman actually lectured at, or so I was told. Nicole Carrol, Tony Budding and Dave Castro were also there. John Gilson and “Johnny Pain” and Neil from CrossFit Boston were also in tow.
They surprised us and said that we could do a demo jump rope cert with Buddy Lee the next day if we showed up a few hours early. Buddy Lee was an… interesting guy. Very much straight from the 1980’s/’90’s fitness scene. He was a good instructor however was sort of a pushy salesman. I remember someone asked him if they wanted a general use rope for Double Unders for their affiliate what they should buy. He insisted that to master the Jump Rope you needed large quantities of every rope that he made.
gabrus says
Hey guys,
I am up for a beard competition on 70sbig.comhttp://www.70sbig.com/?p=3302go vote for me, or at least look at how insane this competition is.
Samir Chopra says
Manic Cleaning Monday
WU: five-minute rowing piece, hip-openers, clean drills with barbell, 75lbs, 85lbs
WU Lifts: 95×2, 105×2, 115×1, 125×1, 135×1
Work: 145, 150, 150, 155(PR)
Accessory DU WOD: I did 12 extremely frustrating minutes of this, not getting beyond 18 straight. Then, as the clock ran out, I walked over to DMak and asked him if I could borrow his rope. One set, and I had a new PR of 47! (old PR was 45). And it was a Buddy Lee rope!
Dhalioua says
Did some work on my cleans today at a weight of 125, not trying to PR because I dont feel comfortable with movement. Did work at 125 felt good and really worked on opening my hips.
DU work for 12 minutes was good. 65 was my max.
I did set one pr with getting my first muscle up. Very happy about this. Good Monday!
willie says
There’s a great Dave Tate video where he is reminiscing about the days where his gut was so big that it would press down on his thighs to help him start the deadlift.
Fox says
Power Clean203 PRSkipped DU due to timeHappy with this and have more room on the way down.
Soooper happy to see so many prs in the gym today.
Jessica Bailey says
Power clean118#, PR
Thanks to Jess Fox for all of the encouragement!
DU Practice: 41
Bethany says
Power Clean:92×1, 98×1, 103×1 (pr), 108×1 (pr), 110 fail
DU work: 49, 1 rep shy of my previous pr (50). 😛
Rob Israel says
Congrats to the big guys lifting heavy! Awesome!
Amazing DU work here, congrats on all the PRs.
Avi says
Hey all – sorry this coming late…had a crazy day.
The meet was amazing and the support from Coach J, Margie, Paulie, Rebecca (and Michele via text) is really what got me through the day. The family atmosphere we have at SBK is really something special and something to cherish.
The PR’s were really exciting and it’s a huge credit to Coach J that I hit PR’s at all considering I was out for two weeks with an injury.
I second Paulie – take Coach J’s strength class. You’ll get a lot out of it and you’re guaranteed to have a great time!!
Looking forward to the next meet!
Jess says
Warmup:-Hip mobility-5 min row at different s/m each min: ~18, 24, 28, 24, 18-clean drills at 33#
Power clean:(63×3, 83×3, 103×3,113×1)work: 123×1(pr), 133f, 128f, 125×1(pr)-my legs split wide as the weights get heavier. Need to work on this and continue to get down much faster. Definitely room for improvement.-So awesome lifting with J.Bails who continues to amaze me with her strength! Awesome job to her and all the other strong ladies!
Accessory work:-Skipped du practice to do competition prep with Coach Fox and the Hoboken crew. We worked on finding a relatively heavy bear complex. Finished at 95lbs and called it quits when my wrist started hurting. Definitely bringing some tape with me on Saturday!
David Mak says
Power cleans went something like this:45×5, 95×3, 105×3125, 145, 165, 175(F), 170(PR)
DU PR’d at 80 (previous pr was around 48 or so)… and with an f’in Buddy Lee rope! Yes, your gym needs lots of them in multiple editions!
Becca says
It was great to work with the 6pm crew and see so many PRs on both the power clean and the DUs.
Power Clean:95×1, 98×1, 100×1(PR), 103×1(PR), 105×1(F)
DU practice – did not come near my PR. But at the end of the session D Mak gave me a good pointer on correcting my form. I already know it’s going to be helpful moving forward. Thanks, David!