For Time:
Row 250m
9 Muscle Ups
9 Push Jerks, 135/95
Row 500m
6 Muscle Ups
6 Push Jerks, 135/95
Row 750m
3 Muscle Ups
3 Push Jerks, 135/95
Post time and Rx to comments.
"Baby Bierkraft"
Congratulations to Ben and Serena on the birth of their first son, Kenyon J Granger, 6lb 9oz
Congratulations also to:
Pam O for getting her first Double Unders yesterday!
Deb P for getting through the strict transition on the muscle up yesterday.. Ring dip training time!
Welcome back from Africa, Coach Margie!
The CrossFit South Brooklyn Ragnar Relay Team is almost complete! We have 11 out of 12 athletes registred for this 200 mile relay race from Woodstock to NYC.
Our Team:
Sarah H (C)
Joe W
Bjorn B
Charmel R
Juliana A
Dan R
Asta F
Noah A
Jess B
Steph p
Dan L
6 men and 5 females.. who will step up to be our 12th spot on the team?
Congratulations Ben and Serena!!Kenyon is such an awesome name!
Congrats Pam and Deb!First Julie E hit’s her double now Deb makes it through the transition of the muscle up the very next day. What a week it has been!
Our Ragnar team is looking every shade of badass
Congratulations Ben and Serena! Beautiful.Thanks Shane! Always helps to have people yelling at you.
Back Squat255x5x3 (this was harder than I wanted it to be)Bench Press210x5x3(this was easier than I thought it would be)Dips4,6,6
Congrats, Ben and Serena! Well done!
Congratulations, Ben and Serena! Yay, Baby Kenyon.
And to everyone with Prs and accomplishments this week – Julie, Pam, and Deb – nice work! Very inspiring.
A huge thanks to Dave and Chris for the welcome I received over the last 2 weeks. As a visitor it is a wonderful thing to know that there is a friendly box where one can keep training while on holidays. I really hope that you or some CFSBK members make it down to Australia some time and I can guarantee a warm welcome in Brisbane from Matt Swift and his team. Thanks too for supporting my 50th birthday Fran… I’ll be sure to post when I get under the 10 mins…. Train hard, train well and good luck with the growth of the box… Cheers, Roger.
If you’re interested in the 12th slot on the Ragnar team, give me a holler! sarah at frenchfrieswithpepper dot com.
Not such a good day at the office, I’m afraid. I came in today still feeling a bit sore from yesterday’s WOD, and perhaps had psyched myself out a bit. Whatever it was, I decided early on to try just for 6-3-1 on the muscle-ups. But I landed up needing assists on all of those from David. Gah! I’m tempted to beat myself up just a bit more but I’m afraid Chris will wrap a barbell around my head. So let me just sum up:
13:51 at 100 lbs, 6-3-1 assisted muscle-ups
morning lessons in patienceno row, no push pressdouble unders laugh at me.
17:05 at 135# and partner assisted MU’s. Wow, this was tough. The push jerks ended up being more like push presses by the end and Shawn was getting one hell of a work out assisting me in the MU’s. I did do almost all the dip portion unassisted (Shawn may have helped on a couple).
@ Chris A from yesterday: EU! It was EU, and I was there, too! Hilarious.
Babies galore at CFSBK! Big congrats to Serena and Ben!!!
Warmup:-pvc dislocates, flag poles, ohs-press, push press, push jerk review-muscle-up review on low rings
WOD:14:01 at 95lbs-muscle-ups were hugely assisted by David with the 6-3-1 reps scheme. This was deflating and I didn’t feel strong at all. I was definitely rushing the transition and wasn’t pulling far enough before diving my head through. Only one rep all night felt halfway decent…but I can accept that.-the first round of push jerks felt the hardest/heaviest. The row was nothing to write home about.
Definitely looking forward to rest day tomorrow! 🙂
WOD Rx’d13:43
Row splits: 1:50/1:55/2:05MUs: all one at a time, missed one in the middle round. Need to work on kipping from fully extended and turned out armsPJ: 9/4+2/3
Missing the gym and missing the barbell. My first week of classes– isn’t. Did active recovery Tuesday and a lot of icing and heat packs.
Resting my back– seem to have a mild lower back strain and today was the first day I woke up and wasn’t in a lot of discomfort. Hope Saturday I can bench and squat. I think I’ll stay away from the cleans and deads for a bit longer. Boooo.
Welcome back Margie and congrats to the new parents!
strength cycle b, week 6rest day
the litany of Things that Hurt is growing. they are all on the left side, oddly enough.
i need a series of videotaped sessions with kelly starrett, Rebuilding Michele Knaub.——
w/u: deb-mandated series of lower-leg/foot mobslots of lacrosse ballmobility WOD doorframe stretch
stepoverssquat undersleg swings
3 rounds 15-lb push press/10 air squats, NFT
w/u 45×5, 65×5, 85×5, 105×5, 115x5work 117.5 x3x5
left piriformis is not amused by this, even at the light weight.
33×5, 38x5work: 45x3x5
super impinged left shoulder threatening a boycott.
snatch is what you get to do when you cannot learn to clean.
work 55x3x5 (i think?)
left wrist extremely unhappy with this entire idea.
I have to keep my shit together for a week and a half.
13:42, 95# and ring-row self-assist MUs.
The muscle-up, even in its most neutered state, is a real bear when you don’t have a pectoral muscle — uncomfortable and damn near impossible. Moving forward, I think I want to swap it out with a more basic move.