(E 5/8) add 2.5-5lbs from the previous exposure
Post load and gory details to comments.
Compare to 11.24.10 and 11.20.10
10 Rounds for Time:
5 Hang Power Snatches (95/65)
5 Box Jumps
*The holiday is over and we're back on to our full schedule this weekend!*
A big shout out to Pete H. who had a great day at the gym on Friday PRing his Double Unders (20) and hitting a new PR on Christine! Beating his old time by 3:57 using a DL 10# heavier than his previous attempt. Great work Pete!
Fight Gone Bad V Shirts
Don't forget, there are still FGB shirts at the gym. They're located in the lounge area. Please pick yours up next time you're in the gym and don't forget to check your name off the list. It tells us if you've been naughty or nice.
Hang Power Snatch Crossfit.com
Hang Power Snatch Performancemenu.com
Collected Training Performancemenu.com
We are off in honeymoon! See you all in two weeks!
squat = 45×5, 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 155×1, 155×1, 170x20that was hard, again mostly in my brain.
10 rds of 5 63# HPSn + 5 20″ box jumps = 6:46that was fun. no real reason to ever stop.
G’morning from Cincinnati, where S(qua)turday was observed religiously. I drove to Crossfit Cincinnati, where the very helpful and courteous Rainer Hartmann let me use his squat rack to do today’s 20-rep exposure. I have to admit, I felt a little out of my element, just doing everything myself (really missing our group class vibe).
WU: did some mountain climbers, paleo chairs, squats, etc
WU lifting: 45×5, 95×5, 115×5 135×4, 155×3, 175×2
Work: 180×20 – felt hard but doable all the way.
Mentally checked out on this one. I got a bit light headed and just re-racked the bar. Probably could have done 6 more singles but wasn’t feeling the fire. I’ll have to think about what to do on Wednesday. I really wanted to end up at 235×20.
HPSN/BJ6:45 Rx’d
This mostly felt good. With such short reps there was nowhere to hide between rounds. Forearms started to burn a bit around round 7. All snatches unbroken except for last round (4+1) where my grip and low back asked for a short breather.
Nice job, Nick Petey at 5:30something!
Warmup:-droms, squat, bridges-3 rounds NFT of 3 vertical jumps, 5 reverse lunges each leg from 12″ box
LBBSQ:(45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 140×2, 150×1)work: 155×20-felt heavy but good. Took all reps fairly slowly with deep breaths between each rep. Really helped when Shane said to use the bounce at the bottom to drive up. Thanks Josh for counting and the cue to keep my knees out!
WOD:10:55 rx’d-really struggled with this. 65lb snatches are not light for me, and my back kept tightening with each rep. Chris pointed out afterwards that my deadlifts looked like crap, and I knew it. I just wanted this to be over. Have to admit that I was a little nervous having Brian watching many of my reps, but big thanks to him for the “stop thinking” cue. About 10 out of the 50 felt really good. Need to continue to work on those other 40…
Brunch at Bogota always makes things better!
Active Recovery
AR smoothes my shit out righteously. I want to thank all the Saturday folks who *don’t* come to AR, because I get 100% of Shane’s attention.
Good work today on my pinched-up shoulders and upper back, as well as some bitchin fun on the lower legs, the secret key to improving squat mobility.
Also mega thanks to Bethany for letting me try on your oly shoes. I just ordered my first pair – thanks for the nudge, Shane.
Big Dave B: I want Sara in the gym, I don’t care how we do it. And mazel tov on your 30-day challenge – you’ll rock it out, I’m sure!
Lovely 11am class with Shane today. Good to be back in after being away.
LBBSQ (45×5,65×5,85×5) 95x20KInd of ripped through these for fear the bar would get too heavy if I rested too long. Totally doable. Thanks to Jenna for the eyes on my grip.
WOD 10RFT 5 mid hang power snatch, 5 box jumps= 8:3835# 12″box +2 45# plates. Kept the weight low to try and keep technique clean. Just not a lot of go today in the legs. I’m going to give this one a solid “Meh.”
BSQ 180×20 this was tough but still feel I’ve got more in the tank.
wod in 8:33 75#/20″
had sharp knee pain for the 3rd time during during warm up that then vanishes before the work. Really hoping it goes away with more disciplined mobility/recovery and a couple of drills Coach Fox recommended.
Warm-up10 minute rowLAX ball on lower legsBand traction on right ankle
Back squat (e3)(45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 155×3, 175×2)150x 20
WOD11:55 as rx’d
I found this really hard and rested a lot before each snatch set.
Warm-up: came into class with an annoying case of low blood sugar which I figured would resolve itself once I got moving. It did, and I got so excited once my energy returned that I spazzed on a vertical jump and tweaked my right shoulder. I get a little too excited about jumping sometimes.
BSQ: (45×5, 75×4, 95×3, 100×2)100×20, all felt good.
WOD: Subbed 3 tire flips for the snatches, that was too much fun! First time flipping tires, I think I have a new favorite. Also this was my first WOD ever cycling my box jumps so that was kind of exciting. 8:08.
Great fun lifting with Katie. Finally womanned up and went a bit heavier on the squats.
45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 155×20. These were tough. They all went up, I never feared I would fail, but it has definitely become a mental game.
WOD: 7:41 with 53#, 20″ box. Really glad I didn’t go Rx’d. As others have said, nowhere to hide on this one and I was able to keep moving through the cleans. Hook grip started to get weary eventually.