(E4/8) add 2.5-5lbs from the previous exposure
Post load and experience to comments.
Compare to 11.20.10
Perform 1, 2 or 3 Reps on the Minute for 12 Minutes of:
Muscle ups
False Grip Ring Pull-ups and Ring Dips
Laurel and Her Amazing Technicolor DreamSocks
Fight Gone Bad Shirts Have Arrived!!
The FGB V shirts are in! So come on down to the gym and pick up yours. When you do please make sure to cross your name off the sheet so we know you've been accounted for. Thanks again for all your hard work during FGB and most importantly with the fundraising leading up to the event. Can't wait for FGB VI!
Thanksgiving Day WOD
Join Coach Fox at 9am on Thursday Morning for a doozy of a WOD! This will be our only group class held on Thanksgiving Day. Remember NO morning group classes on Friday, November 26th however there will be 12pm Group class and Open Gym. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday everyone!
Please tell me this is a "little person" Gymnasticbodies.com
Crossfit Newport WOD:One minute work one minute rest for 20 minutes of:5 deadlifts, 5 mid hang cleans, 5 squats @ 95#total number of reps: 269Nice bunch of folks but all pretty new. I know its been said before and I’ll say it again, we at CFSB are so very fortunate to have our amazing coaches. Thank you.
Best wishes to everyone for a safe and healthy Thanksgiving. Please travel safely.
Holy cow, that kid is crazy strong! I want to be that kid when I grow up.
Half off stunt classes on Living Social today:http://livingsocial.com/deals/14148-stunt-classes-for-20?ref=BRKNDeal112410_234_2178email
That kid is awesome.
I am going to post my workout log as a public google doc tonight. Aparently changing the sharing options is not available on the iphone and my work blocks google docs entirely.
Made up Power Clean165/176/132Felt muuuuch better than last week. Pretty crisp.
and Run, Burpee, RUN!7/7/6Hard to keep running on the second series of sprints. FUN!
I’m looking forward to squats in a bit.
DJing tonight so I made up my squats after active recovery last night: 95×20 and no back pain. Kept my abs super clamped down. Think my rack position might have still been a tiny bit too low though.
Question: my glutes are never sore after back squatting – only thighs. Normal or no?
Speaking off strong ass kids:
Who’da thunk it?
Squatdown at High Noon
WU: 3 rounds of :45 KB swings, :45 plank variations.
Squat WU: 45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 155×2, 165×2
Work: 175×20 – these are getting tougher, but this still felt OK.
Accessory WOD: 2 muscle-ups, 2-3 assisted, then bailed early as my neck/trap region was starting to spasm painfully.
Off to Ohio for the weekend; have a great Thanksgiving break everyone!
Bethany – could be a sign of being quad-dominant in your squat, but not necessarily so. I’d say could be a sign of shallow depth as well, but I’ve seen you squat. I wouldn’t ponder it too much. Glad you got your 20 reps in, and pain free ๐
Nooner with David3x:45 KB Swing 1 pd:45 Plank Variations
This felt hard today. I made a 10lb jump today and was acutely aware of it. Difficult from rep 8 on, and grunty from about 10 on. I haven’t been able (or wanted to?) re-rack the bar after a set of these yet. Thanks, Chris, for keeping count.
Skipped Muscle-Ups due to a bummy feeling left shoulder. Great to see everyone in class working on the rings. Charlotte is Sooooooo close!
FARGH! I seem to have picked up a Women’s Medium FGB V shirt by mistake. Please hold on, I’ll bring this back on Monday for a swap.
Mea culpa.
Learned the hard way about no group classes on Wednesday mornings! And I hate exercising before 9am. Fortunately, David invited me to stay and use the equipment. I repeated an earlier WOD – 5 * (max pullups/ring rows + max hollow rocks). Also worked on DUs and got in 2000m of rowing. Sorry I missed an opportunity to do back squats again, but good to get in practice. Happy Thanksgiving, all.
– Jason H
5pm Group
Warm-up2 Rounds::45 1.5pd KB Swings/:45 Plank
Foam Roll Quads
Back Squats (e2)(45×5, 95×5, 115×5, 130×3, 140×3)145×20
Felt more organized than last exposure. Didn’t feel like I was favoring my right leg. Quads felt fine, spinal erectors were most fried
2 Strict Muscle-Ups OTM for 12 MinutesCleared all in sets of unbroken doubles. Only the last two sets got challenging on the dip press out. Felt really happy about this.
Great working with L-Boogie tonight
FUN noon class with David and Fox.
WU: 3x 45′ KB swing 1 pd, 45′ plank madness
Squats: (45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 135×3)145×20. Hadn’t done this since 11/13, when I did 140. This felt tough but doable. (And probably the one and only time when I’ll do the same weight as David in a WOD. Heh.)
MUs on the minute: Did 1 rep on the minute assisted with Samir, lots of fun to try to get through the transition. After about 8 of those, started practicing kipping ones with David. SOOOOOOO Close.
Happy Thanksgiving, all! I am looking forward to Linus discovering the joys of Thanksgiving dinner. That boy can eat.
Public link to an old copy of my workout log. Feel free to copy in any way.
Back squatsWarmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5 155x1Work: 175×20
This felt better than 170 last week. Should be able to continue going up.
Muscle ups continue to aggravate.
Back squats: 140×20. In the midst of these I become aware of what a whiny sissy I really am. I get to 8 and think, “there is no way I’m going to do this.” Get to 10 and think “I could just fail.” Get to 15 and think “I HATE this. Why do I have to do this, can’t I put it down now, this can’t be good…” get to 18 and think “I’m doing it! Almost done. Can’t give up now.” What a roller coaster. I finish and am gasping, feel mentally worn and I hear Fox say “Laurel, you doing muscle-ups?”
WOD: Kipping muscle-ups on the minute every minute for 12 minutes. Wasn’t as challenging as I thought – perhaps I should have gone for two?
165×20–finished the set just fine, but yipes, my brain explodes well before my legs are dead. sharp pain behind my eyes–anything to do about that one?
then racquetball to make up for all the sprints i’ve been skipping this week. must. do. more. dips.
Warmup:-foam rollin’-2 rounds of alternating :45 of kb swings @ 1pood and plank
LBBS:(45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 135×2, 145×1)work: 150×20-gotta say that these felt good. Thought about these all day and was worried that I was going to psych myself out. Instead, I stayed focused and took the time between reps to regain my breath. This let me approach each rep individually which I knew I could do. I still haven’t gotten to the point where I don’t think I could stand up, so I’m looking to add another 5lbs. on Saturday.
Muscle-ups OTM for 12 mins.-Worked singles with a huge partner assist. Big thanks to PR who probably didn’t get enough rest between his reps because he was helping me so much! All were successful except for one.-Kept working on these after class. David helped me with a kipping MU and I was so scared/thrilled to have gotten to the top so quickly that I almost fell off. Also got alot of great tips and feedback from Laurel, Malcolm, Ryan and Noah. Practice, practice, practice.
Tried to do some HSPU work afterwards but I was exhausted.
p.s. This will be the only time that I EVER lift more than any of the coaches. ๐
And thanks Malcolm for sharing your spreadsheet!
Got to the 7pm class a bit early today
pre-classs WU: 1500m row, decreasing split time every 300m (except the last)
WU: 2 rounds, KB 1 pood 45s – plank 45sfoam rolling
LBBS: knee is still funky, did sets of light box squats intermixed with lacrosse ball work on calves and quads.(air squatx5 45×5) 65x5x3
knee is feeling better than the low point last week. made its presence known during the squats but nothing alarming. I’m optimistic that I’ll see slow improvement.
WOD: work on muscle ups, was able to do a few assisted. Attempted unassisted and failed, but can actually imagine how this may be possible as opposed to last time where it felt like there was no route from here to there.
accessory: David worked with me on kipping pullups, I think I have enough of an idea for them to be able to practice them on my own.
triceps were still sore from sundays workout, now after doing the ring dips as part of MU it hurts to put food in my mouth ๐