1 Rep on the Minute for 15 Minutes
Change weight at reps 6 and 11 with the goal of reps 6-10 being performed at same weight as last weeks heavy single, and reps 11-15 being lighter and FASTER.
Ex: Reps 1-5@165, Reps 6-10@175, Reps 11-15@135
Post loads to comments.
Compare to 11.15.10
1/2 Tabata 10 yd Sprints
1/2 Tabata Burpees
1/2 Tabata 10 yd Sprints
Score is lowest rep round
Post score to Comments.
Josh M. all up in the pain cave.
Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule
Here is our schedule for the upcoming holiday
Wednesday: Normal Class Schedule
Thursday (Thanksgiving Day): Special 9AM group class ONLY. See below.
Friday: 12p Group Class and 5:30-7:30p Open Gym Only. NO AM CLASSES
Saturday: Normal Class Schedule
Coach Fox has generously offered to run a 9am class on Thanksgiving Day. We'll run this class only if there is enough interest. RSVP to comments.
Hoboken Winter Challenge
CrossFit Hoboken is hosting their 2nd Annual Winter Challenge on Saturday, December 11, 2010. Last year SBK Athletes represented big time and we hope to again! This year there will be WODs, Cash Prizes, BBQ & every participant gets a free CFH sweatshirt. Can't beat that with a stick!
Sign up here to strut your stuff along with Dan L., Jess & Chris Fox!
James Hobart & Austin Malleolo Hang Power Cleaning Crossfit.com
Heaviest. Clean & Jerk. Ever. Youtube.com
3-Position Power Clean Performancemenu.com
6am Monday morning class of giant baby hugs and run, Burpee, run! Who’s tired? Not us.
Clean @ 63 and then 53, sort of kind of starting to get the hang of it.running burpee death = inability to do basic counting. Score of 0 for me.
Thursday AM class: WIN!!! Count me in!
I’m up for Thanksgiving AM class!
OMG, I think I’m going into a relapse!That hurt more then getting my tattoos..
Thursday AM class: Ill be there
I also signed up for hokoken winter challenge
Day 1 of new trainingwhich means restarting all my lifts :(BSQ245x5x3Press135x5x3Pullups2,2,2aesthetic accessorysitups 3×15
Yea, Gabrus! You made it!
Let’s all try and help Gabrus to stay on the morning track by giving him a (not overly aggressive) high five whenever he comes to the 6 or 7 am class.
Just sayin.
I dont really know you well…And now…I dont wanna!
Eli made me sleep terribly
Fun times at noon with Fox coaching and Shane being coached. I like when coaches take class.
Missed the first exposure to cleans so totally guessed on weights. Then, messed up my bar math, so I thought I was going 10lbs heavier in the first 5 reps than I was. Oops.
103×5, 113×5, 98×5. Looking back at the WOD in July when we did cleans on the minute, I was at 108/113/118 (different rep/weight scheme). Wish I’d known that going in, but feel OK with the maintenance level.
Acc WOD: 4, 5, 4. This was HARD. And awesome. Fun to chase the extremely long legs of Ms. Ahrens.
Goat work: 1 assisted MU (thanks, Shane!), 1 MU attempt, 2 rounds max pullups (3, 4).
I’m still tired 3 hrs later…and hungry!
I realize this has been covered before, but if someone could send me an excel sheet for logging girls/heroes WODs I’d appreciate it. Mine’s a mess.
joseph(dot)c(dot)williams at gmail
5pm Group Class
Warm-upNative People’s run
Cleans OTMx153PosC @ 453PosC @ 953PosC @ 135(135×3, 155×3, 165×1)OTM 175x1x5OTM 185x1x5OTM 135x1x5
Pulling too early, splitting a little wide at 185
1/2 Tabata Run/Burpee/RunRun: 8,7,7,6Burpee: 9,8,7,7Run: 5,6,7,6
Very Sweaty
Blue Cleaning Monday.
WU: Chief run followed by extensive clean drills with barbell and 75lbs.
135 for reps 1-5145 for reps 6-10115 for reps 11-15.
Shuttle Run/Burpee WOD:
Shuttle Run 1: 8,8, 7,7 Score = 7Burpees: 6,6,6,6 Score = 6Shuttle Run 2: 7,7,7,7 Score = 7
Power Cleans
195x1x5205-200x1x5 (I think I dropped down at rep 3)165x1x5
At 205 I was splitting a little wide and not dropping low enough. The speed work at 165 felt good and felt like it helped me to dial in the movement pattern a bit better for next week.
Shuttle Run: 8,8,7,7 (7)Burpees: 8,7,7,7 (7)Shuttle Run: 7,7,7,7 (7)
I would also appreciate an excel workout log if it’s being shared! akalishman at gmail
Thank you!
Perhaps someone who has server space can just host it so it can be downloaded at will. Provided the author agrees, of course.
Crossfit Newport is a new endeavor that is being run out of a storage garage. It took me 45 minutes to find it (no sign, sticker, nothing) and it turns out they don’t have a 630 class as their website says. On the other hand, owner Gino was very friendly and accommodating and the four folks there stuck around as I went through the WOD.25, 20, 15, 10, 5 of knees to elbows and 95# thrusters. 15:49 A real forearm burner
Power cleans92x1x5102x1x572x1x5
Shuttle Run, Burpees, Shuttle Run: 5, 4, 6
It was hard for me to count and run, those numbers might be off.
Tiny amendment to my previous post. My 10th rep was actually at 150lbs (a PR; I felt tempted to just try and see if it would come off, and it did). Not kosher in terms of the prescription for the WOD, I agree, but as I had just done four lifts at the previous week’s 145, which had been a PR, I was tempted to just try one a little heavier.
I would go to 9am Thursday but that is same time as the Pptc Turkey Trot 5mile in prospect park. This is a popular Fun run (we do it as a family) that would make a great warm up to a 10:30 am class?
For those of you looking for training logs, beyondthewhiteboard.com is a really good resource. It’s not free, but it’s only like $25 a year or something – so not too expensive. It lets you track your progress and compare your numbers to thousands of other people. At one point the CFSBK WODs were being put up there, but you can also just enter your own workouts.
If you enter your body weight, height and a few other measures, it will also calculate power output and graph how your power output has changed over time based on changes in the time taken to complete the WOD and changes in scaling or body weight (I’m a nerd but I like stuff like that)
Sneaky, Samir. I was wondering (and probably Shane as well) if you were going to post that rep. Glad you made the rep.
Carlos – Nope, sorry. I ain’t gonna keep my Momma waiting. Looks like we’ll have the 9 am though.
Anyone else for Thursday’s Turkey Coma WOD?
Today’s cleans were better thanks to a few pointers. Still feel very awkward. Thinking too much about the movements then I forget to deadlift the weight up. It’ll come. I worked at a comfortable 115lbs and tried to work on opening my hips on the lifts.
The Tabata was fun. I’ll be there thursday for sure.
7-6-6 for the Tabata
Front Squat: 100x1x6Pausing Squat: 85x1x5Single Leg Squat: 5R,5L; +40#vest x 3R,3L x5HSPU: 8,8,7Olympic Rows: 8×3
Warmup:-Chase the chief run around the block-Clean drills @ 33, 43, 63
Power Cleans:(73×3, 83×3, 93×3, 103×2)Work:-113x1x5-118xf, 113×1, 103×1, 108x1x2-83×1, 88x1x4Wow was this horrible. Didn’t feel fully warmed up. Also intended to get in early to foam roll away some of my upper body soreness, but stupid train held me up.I was landing too wide during my first 5 and probably should have just stayed there for the next 5. Once I failed at 118, I mentally checked out. Nothing felt right and I was completely uncoachable. Sorry Coach Fox. 🙁
WOD:-Shuttle Runs: 7, 6, 6, 6 = 6-Burpees: 4, 4, 5, 5 = 4-Shuttle runs: 6, 6, 6, 6 = 6Quads were on fire. Fun to chase David. First time doing sprints in the vibrams and I felt like I was going to tear through the toes as I changed directions.
Went home, walked the dog, ate dinner, watched Fight Club…and all was much better.
Showed up late having had 2 glasses of wine at work funciton and with antibiotics in my system (no worries, alcohol not contraindicated.) Desperately wanted to work out and was graciously allowed into class.
Cleans: 145,155,135. 155 felt much lighter than expected, given that my recent PR was 158. Very exciting.
WOD:I don’t know that these are my exact numbers – but it was something like this:SR: 8,8,7,6 = 6Burpees:8,~7,6,~6 = 6SR: 6,6,5,6 = 5This was brutal. Very hard to keep moving.
I’m totally in for a little pre-feast WOD.
Made up 11/23
Power Cleans165/176/132Felt much better today
Run/Burpee/Run7/7/6HARD to keep running