4 Rounds for Time and Max Reps:
Shoulder to Overhead, Max reps 135/95
Row 250m
Push-Ups, Max Reps
Rest Approximately 3 Minutes after each round.
Post Reps, Row times and inverval times to comments.
3 Sets of 10 Strict Pull-Ups
If you're working on a Muscle up, consider 5 sets of 3 false-grip pull-up
PR, Baz and Becca get inverted
Happy Birthday, Ariel K and Keith W!
STOP the Self Abuse Shoreline CrossFit
Going Rx'd Doesn't Mean Sh*t! CrossFit Mission Gorge
Purposeful Practice Catalyst CrossFit
Oops…a mis-blog…Today’s WOD is
4 Rounds for time and max reps ofShoulder to Overhead 135/95 (max reps)Row 250 metersPush Ups (max reps)Rest ~3 minutes
A mis blog indeed, Sorry early birds.
um, I didn’t write that.
Happy Birthday Ariel! Enjoy Harry Potter…*spoiler alert* HE’S Keyser Soze!
Sunday Bloody Shoulder Sunday
WU: Yet another funky Fox stretch bonanza.
Work at 105#. Decided to do split jerks.
Split Jerks: 12/8/6/4Rows: 54.4/54/55.1/53.9Pushups: 23/15/10/11
This was hard – the numbers went down quickly.
Later, 3 sets of 10 strict pull-ups, which went as follows:
Set 1: 8/1/1Set 2: 6/1/1/1/1Set 3: 4/1/1/1/1/1/1
Happy Birthday Ariel!
totally smitten with carlos’s newfie Smudge. i grew up with a large dog – and old english sheepdog – and had forgotten how amazing it feels to have an animal that size next to you. big working dogs have a very special energy.
oh and happy bday, ariel :)———————–
strength cycle B, week 4: intensity day
couldn’t be happier with today – proof that good planning and a dose of restraint can course-correct performance hiccups and mobility challenges.
warmup: lacrosse to both legs from glutes to achilleslacrosse to traps and scaps (teeth were gnashed)hip openers and samson stretch500m row
w/u: 45×5, 65×5, 85×5, 105×5, 125×3, 135×2
work: 142.5×10
not even a struggle, even though last week i only got half that number at 140lbs. amazing.
w/u: 45×5, 65×5, 75×4 (F)
what, failure at my warmup weight? oh, grip stupidity. once fixed:
work: 77.5×5
deficit pull deadlifts:
w/u 95×5, 115x2x5
work: 125×5
everything felt easy, and it was awesome to be in the gym today with the intense WOD going on. got to observe some of my sekrit role models and admire their badassery.
if i could give cfsbk a big hug right now, i would. i will settle for consuming all the bacon in brooklyn and rooting for the eagles tonight!
Did this at 115 lbs
Round 1: 15 / 47.7 / 15Round 2: 7 / 51 / 15Round 3: 10 / 52.4 / 10Round 4: 8 / 52.1 / 11
Had some grip funkiness during the first part of Round 2. Was happy to be able to stem the bleeding on some of the numbers as the rounds went on.
3 sets of strict pullups using the white band.
Today was hard on the arms/chest.
3 sets of *10* strict pullups, that is
Rangers Hockey game on me.
I’ve got an extra ticket for Monday night’s (22Nov) Rangers against the Calgary Flames. My date backed out last minute and I’m new in town. Seat is in the 300s. Game starts at 7pm.
Looking for whoever’s interest or curious – no need to be a hockey fan. Feel free to pass the word.
Give me a shout or text my cell 301-356-1488.
Giants vs Eagles tonight!!!
8:30, but Jess and I and some other CFSBKers will be at 200 5th to watchText me if you’re coming and we’ll try to elbow some extra space347 623 4795The place usually has an…exuberant crowd.
Warmup:-review of press, push press, push jerk, split jerk with pvc-overhead stretch on foam roller with pvc and 5lb plate.
WOD:Split jerks: 7, 5, 3, 4 rx’d at 95lbsRow: 56.0, 56.9, 57.1, 55.3Pushups: 15, 9, 8, 7-Wow was this a crusher! My arms were on fire afterwards. Push jerks were hard to start and only got harder. Although I could get the weight overhead, it became extremely difficult to lock out.-Overall, I still need to push myself more on these max-out rep efforts. I tend to give in too fast. Really great to work with Steph!
Accessory work:-Supposed to be 3×10 strict pullups. I had to end up doing 6×5 strict pullups with the blue band. Really hard to do these after this wod and I even took lots of rest between sets.
Goal work:-Power Snatch practice: 33, 44, 55, 66, 68-Tall Snatch: 33, 43
Now it’s time for a nap before I have to rally for the football game tonight.
WU: 3 minutes row, overhead stretch
WOD: didn’t write down all my numbers, so roughly like:push press, push jerk: 75# 22 – – 4row: times in 51 to 54 second rangepushups: 16 – – 7
First time really doing any overhead work, it was fun but tough. Expecting I won’t be able to lift my arms overhead in a day or two.
Ran out of time, skipped the pullup work.
Just getting a chance to post more in depth…Fun class today and really great efforts all around.
Today’s WOD? jacked. me. up.I don’t have my numbers in front of me but something like…
GTO – 10/8/3/4Row – :44/:45/:49/:48PU – 27/20/8/16
I’m off here and will check back in.
Had to ice my elbow with my margarita glass(es) at brunch, not even kidding.
Great links on today’s blog, I have to say. I think the CrossFit ethernet reads my freaking mind sometimes, you know, like the Matrix? If you haven’t read them then DO IT NOW.
this was really hard–mentally, max reps always do me in because i usually COULD do more one more rep, i just don’t want to. wah. anyway…
push jerks @ 95#: 21/12/8row: 48.1/49.1/50.2push-ups: 13/10/7
i had to leave a little early so didn’t get to do the last round. great working with peter.
Warm-upLots of mat-based hip mobilityLAX Glute, Hamstring, lower leg
Row 3 Min, easy pace
More DROMS, some push-ups, pull-ups and Deadlift warm-ups
9-6-3 Reps for time:Muscle-UpsDeadlifts, 225100m Sprint after each round
Did all the Muscle-ups as steady singles, only missed one rep due to poor timing on the transition. All Deadlifts unbroken. “Sprint” was more of a labored hobble to the light pole.
Heavy Deadlifts still don’t feel great on my clavicle. I really feel the pressure of the bar on it while I’m pulling.
Special thanks to my WOD partner, Sam
If one could “like” a post on this blog, I would “like” David’s. I guess a 🙂 will have to do.
WOD: For time, run 4 miles (NYRR Race to Deliver in Central Park)
Not sure of exact time yet but I was averaging just under 7:30 splits. Not quite a PR, but I was pretty happy given that I haven’t been running at all the last few months. A beautiful fall day really inspires one to try to run more.
Cooldown: AMCAP (as many calories as possible) brunch at Rose Water: Grassfed burger with bacon and egg. NFT: Nap. Ice shins.
Go Iggs! Happy birthday Ariel! And belated happy birthday to Becca! I’ll be watching the game out here in S.F.!