Complete 5 rounds of the following for time:
2 Deadlifts (315/225)
3 Handstand Push-ups
4 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
5 Burpees
Post load and time to comments.
Compare to 10.21.10
(HSPU 3/4)
With a Lax ball
2 minutes each Shoulder
2 minutes each Hip
Raul D puts on quite a show during yesterday's WOD
Learn More about the Ragnar Relay!
What's all this Ragnar talk about? The Ragnar is a series of team
relay races taking place around the country. Crossfit South Brooklyn
is putting together one or more teams for the New York Ragnar taking
place in May. Each team is made up of 12 runners that will complete
the 178 mile course from Woodstock to NYC. Each team member will
complete 3 legs of the course, legs range from 2.7 to 8.3 miles and
are of varying difficulty. Total distance per runner ranges from 11.6
to 19.7 miles.
This will be an unforgettable experience! But there is a lot to talk
about in order to gather our team(s) together. If you are interested
in attending an informational session to learn more contact Sarah H at
sarah(AT) with your contact info so she can
keep you updated with announcements. This is no obligation and no
commitment, you are only signing up to learn more, so why wait?
In the meantime, visit to learn more!
Rob Orlando does 30 muscle-ups, Isabelle and Grace in 10 minutes
The Whole9 kids encourage you to Steal this Meal
Yesterday’s work
FSQ 180x2x3
Row/ OHS wod RX in 8:50
Been icing my lower back at night which is helping with perpetual soreness I have from work. But I can’t find the curve there that’s needed for hollow rocking.
Yesterday’s WOD
FSQ 185x195x195
Row/OHS wod RX 9:50
Complete 5 rounds of the following for time:
2 Deadlifts 275lb3 Handstand Push-ups 2 admats4 More than Chin-Less-Than-Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups5 Burpees
DL/HSPU/C2B/Burpee4:42 Rx’d
Fun. Lost a few seconds when Jeremy called time at 3 something…
5pm Class
Warm-upJump Rope/Hollow Rock Tabata Mash-up
2-3-4-5 WOD6:33275DL/1AbMat HSPU/CTB/Burpees
My handstand push-ups are coming back, so I’m Happy.My handstand push-ups and Deadlifts feel way way way harder than they did pre accident, so i’m bummed.
Did this about 10 Minutes after waking up from a 3 hour nap in the office. Couldn’t quite muster up a lot of mental intensity but still happy with my performance.
Cashed out with some LAX ball on my left shoulder, pec and glutes. Couldn’t really find any “hot spots”
Also- It was nice to be in a class with Jeremy and Fox.
Warmup:-droms, jump rope-Tabata jump rope and hollow rock
WOD:7:58225DL/2abmats/C2B/Burpees-boy were those deadlifts heavy. also, don’t know if I’ve ever done C2B pullups in a wod (other than at the Regionals in which I did maybe 5 total), so this was hard. I can only get them with a fairly aggressive kip so I have to do them all in singles.-what a treat to take classes with 3 coaches!
Cooldown:-lax ball love
5 rds: 2 225# DL + 3 35# DBs presses + 4 pull-ups + 5 burpees = 7:16This is the first WOD that I’ve done with real pull-ups in a long time. Hard and pretty frustrating but I’m glad I didn’t scale down.
then lots of lax ball hell. Ouch.
5 rnds275 dl3 handstand pushups (2 abmats)4 pullups (C2B in first round)5 burpees7:15
2-3-4-5 WOD
5:33 as Rx’d
3:29 RX
Fun WOD, quick heavy no need to break anything up.
2,3,4,5 WOD
275lbs, 3hand stand pushups 2 ab mats, 4pull ups, 5 burpees 5;16
WOD in 6:23 with 285 dead lift on low trap bar, 40# dumbbell presses, c2b pull ups and legit burpees. The deadlifts were really f’in heavy and slowed me down the most. The pull ups were mostly c2b but I think I was short on at least a couple.Actually felt a little nauseous during the post foam roll/lax fun. It was all good though.Hey Michelle, were’s the post!
chillin at CFSBK ladies’ night, dmak… soon.
Warm-up:TabataJump Rope/Hollow Rock
WOD:Rx’d (+)1 ab matTime 4:39
LAX Ball:hot spotchest & shoulder
2-3-4-5 WOD @185, HSPU with white bands but using 25lb plates to elevate, C2B pull-ups. 7:11. This was terrific fun. Would like to have tried it at 205 for the DL, 225 is too close to 1 RM, but 185 was a bit light. The HSPU scale was perfect. C2B easier than expected given that I haven’t done many pull-ups at all in over a month.
Having trouble recovering fully. I’ve been working hard and have had some other stress and have found that my recovery is seriously reduced. Hoping this changes soon!
Pre-class: rotational floor exercises, 2 min each arm socket reset with the little red KB
Warmup: Tabata singles/hollow rocks – modified the HW by doing static holds with knees tucked
WOD: 135lb DL, HSPU with 2 abmat+1 book, pullups were chin over but not CTB. Went super light on the DL because of tweaked back: 7:17
Cooldown with LAX ball & foam rolling, then re-visited an especially painful stretch from this week’s Active Recovery class, yay hip flexors!
Did this at the noon Friday class. Jess Fox, PROPS to you for doing the DL and C2B Rx’d! In the midst of marathon training no less! I have lost a lot of strength taking off the month of September and being half-assed about my squats in October…
Warm up: Tabata mashup jump rope/hollow rock. Liked this couplet.
Work: 2-3-4-5 with 185#, 2 abmats, and regular pullups. 7:24.
Didn’t think about trying C2B singles, should have. Started with 225# DLs (max is 245) but couldn’t get the second rep off the floor in round 2, so stripped to 185. Bummer.
Lax ball love: upper back happy.
8:03 with 205dl. used 1 abmat for the last two reps in each of the last two rounds. boo hoo.