1 Rep on the Minute for 10 Minutes
Athletes may add weight in the 5th minute if appropriate
Post loads to comments.
compare to 10.18.10
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
3 Power Cleans 155/110
7 Push Ups
10 Deadlifts 155/110
Post loads and rounds to comments.
Our very own Whitney H. will be dancing in Regenerate! Bringing New Voices to New Audiences at BMCC 11/5 & 11/6 at 7:30pm.
Purchase tickets here!
Collected Training at Catalyst Athletics Performancemenu.com
David and CFSBK featured on today’s Mobility WOD! Mobilitywod.blogspot.com
Question about today’s AccWod: are we supposed to be working with the same barbell/weight or are pairs of barbells allowed?
@ Samir, same Barbell
Had a ton of fun on Saturday. Folks got a LOT of work done in the hour. Thanks for buckling down and hitting it hard guys. Really great movement all around and nice to see some big PRs.
See y’all today
What the F… my new hero was in Brooklyn and no one told me. Quick, someone throw me an emoticon sad face!
David needs an “emo pixie” tshirt, stat.
i’m not thrilled with my gluten-free meatballs, i have to say. they are not tender enough.
i used some almond flour, but i might try another batch with gluten-free bread (ugh) processed into breadcrumbs. udi’s.
anyone have any experience with this? i have to improve the recipe before saturday. appreciate any advice.
@Michele is almond flour the same thing as almond meal?
I use almond meal in my paleo meatballs and they taste amazing. GrassFed ground beef from staubitz, chop up some parsley, chopped and sauteed onions, some eggs, and whatever other spices you wanna get dirty with.
They do taste a bit drier than with regular breadcrumbs, but delicious nonetheless.
yeah, same thing.
it wasn’t the taste that bugged me – they were freaking great. it was the *texture.*
the day i made them they were tender enough, but next day… more like leetle hamburgles.
maybe i need to increase the amount of almond. i only used a tinkling because i was experimenting.
how much do you use?
(also thank you for responding, i appreciate it)
/will henceforth refer to David as Pixie Pants.
A different substitute for the regular breadcrumbs in meatballs could be using potato flakes (instant mashed potatoes) which are just dehydrated cooked potatoes. Gluten free, but people seem to have different views on potatoes within paleo.
@michele –
My wife makes meatballs that are outrageous, some straight up sicilian action that she learned from a friend. I don’t think that there are breadcrumbs in there, there is some parmesan cheese. They are really good. email her ritaalicia@me.com
I left her a message to hook you up if you care. She’s got a sauce too.
I am getting back in there tomorrow night, looking forward to seeing everyone.
Thanks Jim!
@ Michele
I’ve used this recipe and the texture was really good – hope this helps.
Avi – that’s pretty much the same recipe I used but with way more – at least double – the almond meal.
Good, good info.
Thanks much!
Now I’m starving
So I went to this foodie blog, and someone started talking about lifting…
whatevs, no balls for you.
Michelle – what cut and grind of meat are you using? A cut that’s too lean or a grind that’s too fine can both lead to dense meatrocks. Also handling your balls too much can make them tough and chewy…seriously.
I make meatballs with 70/30 chuck and only use seasoning and cheese, and maybe an egg yolk or some cream.
the beef is Grazin’ Angus ground Angus and they told me it’s 80/20. they said they don’t make a fattier grind.
i also used pork and veal, but have less info on the fat content. i will see if i can tweak both.
i will also continue to refrain from ball overhandling.
@Fox that’s what she said
@Michele: Ball denial sounds like cruel and unusual punishment.
WU: Snatch complex with barbell, then 65×2, 75×2, 85×2.
Note: The snatch is a lift that really, really gets better the more I warm up.
Work: 95×10
Accessory WOD at 115 lbs: 6 rounds + 3 cleans + 7 pushups + 2 DLs
Note: Apparently I’ve forgotten how to clean, because I kept forgetting I had to get under the bar. Dang it.
I felt like I finally started to understand how to snatch today. This rep scheme meant that I could actually make the correction right away–I mostly alternated between good feet position and keeping the bar closer to my face, but by the end I got a rep or two with both. Progress!min 1-5 = 93#, 6-10 = 103#
Then 10 min AMRAP 3 105# cleans + 7 push-ups + 10 105# DLs = 8 rounds exactly. Hard but in a good way.
ah yes. very good to be back at CFSBK. and to a massive 5pm class.
very good to take a week off too.
started the hang snatch but missed work set. had alec do some quick work on my shoulder. wondebar!
AMRAP10 rnds + 3 cl RXwent out gangbusters and then slowed. a good one.
Boy there are some great comments in todays posts, mostly about balls!Snatch – 85# – really working on getting that top position with arms back. I’m landing in way too wide of a stance but I’ll take it for the moment since I have to pretty much throw the damn weight all the way to an over head standing position. Many gains have been made but no where near to being able to do any kind of a squat with arms in a proper snatch receiving position. But getting my arms into position while standing is already a big improvement.
AMRAP – 6 rounds even. I wouldn’t say I took it easy but I did take it careful because the last thing I want is another back injury. Paid very much attention to proper form, especially since I haven’t deadlifted with anything but the trap bar for quite awhile.
Great to see McG back in regular rotation again!
That’s now two days of CFSBK + meatballs. My Saturday class was meatball heavy too. I’m beginning to think we need a paleo meatball cook-off.
Snatches 1-5 @ 93, 6-10 @ 103. These were amazing – was working on speed under the bar and the last two reps at 103 felt light and easy. wow.
WOD as Rx’d: 8 rounds + 3 cleans. I liked this a lot because my strength didn’t fail me, it was entirely my wind. I was able to really push into that gasping heart racing realm.
– Thank you all for your input. Except Samir.
– Jim’s wife never…. woops, yes she did. Never mind.
– Made test batch #2 with gluten-free bread breadcrumbs. FWIW Udi’s g-f bread, while made with canola oil and an assload of other chemicals, looks, feels and performs ASTONISHINGLY like commercial wheat flour bread.
– Texture of the little buggers is definitely better.
– I killed it with the marinara this time. Key: Italian canned tomatoes. Locavorism be damned.
Thanks again. That’s all from meatball land.
Tomorrow begins: Strength Cycle B for BAD ASS!!!!! Woot.
On the Minute Snatches55kg – 60 kg
WOD (10/25)8 Rounds flat, Rx’d
Hang Snatch (3/4):
Warmup:Snatch complexBar 65 95
Work:1-9 @ 125lbs10th @ 135lbs
Note: felt better getting under the bar, just need to get under faster now!
AMRAP:Rx’d8 rounds + 2 power cleans
Snatches: 1-5@ 95, 6-7@105, 8@115, 9@ 125, 10@135.
WOD: 8 rouds as Rx’d
Made this up on 11/11/10:
Snatch on the minute for 10 minutes WOD:-reps 1-5 @ 63lbs-reps 5-8 @ 68lbs-reps 9-10 @ 73lbs.