3 Rounds for time of:
Run 400 Meters
6 Clean & Jerk 135/95
12 Pull Ups
Scale up: Clean & Jerk 165/115, Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
D. Byrd proves that when it comes to weight there really is more.
Congratulations to Shawn S. & Tene on their marriage!!
A little past the midway point of the month and congratulations are in order to:
- JZ on his first double under yesterday
- Michele K. for completing her personal Paleo Challenge
- Samir Chopra for his weighted pull-up PR
- Charlotte on her PR of 35 consecutive doubles
- Matt Ufford for his 1st pull-up post-recovery
- Collette K. for running her first half-marathon
Great work everyone! November will be here before you know it so keep working toward your goals and using the accomplishments board to record your achievements. Do work, son!
Woah, is that 515lbs? Nice work Dave!
Nice 9AM class with Chris and Margie. Beautiful day outside.
WOD in 13:04 at 105 lbs with strict chin-ups.
Fun WOD today – 9:49 Rx’d + C2B
Oh, and I forgot to mention, I invented a new lift today; it’s called the Split Clean. Y’all can line up for patent licenses any time you want. Margie will tell you all about it.
free chocolate love -could a rest day rock harder?thank you milk thistle.
13:19. 73lb clean & jerk. 6 partner assisted pull-ups.
i’m making 70s Big chili
hello, slow cooker we’re gonna be best friends.
Yesterday:-18.14 mile run in 3:07Meant to do 20 but miscalculated a little. This run felt great. Seriously, I’ve never felt better! Plan to hit 20 next weekend, then will taper the following week.-Kids/Teens ClassSuper fun time helping Shane with this. Loads of fun playing dodgeball…but I need to work on my “no head” shots, right Shane? 😉 Although I felt pretty tired from my run, it was so good for me to move around and do what the kids/teens were doing (squat thrusts, jumping jacks, med ball cleans, snatch drills, etc.). This really helped with my recovery and I wasn’t sore one bit from the run. Which left me able to work out today…
Warmup:-forward & backward running, increasing intensity-Tall snatch and snatch balance work (tough stuff!)
Yesterday’s Front Squat:(55×5, 85×5, 105×3, 120×1)work: one rep @ 130 on the minute for 12 minutes.
Yesterday’s WOD:30 du’s, 20 pushups, 10 lunges each leg–modified to 3 rounds-9:15pushups got real slow, real fast.
Cooldown:-foam rollin’-helping dharma with head and handstands-situps-brunch
Gorgeous day out!!! Enjoy it!
11:39 @ 95#Could have gone heavier with the clean/jerk
Good to be home again.
@SamirThere is nothing new under the sun…Just don’t drop the bar on your lead leg!
@Willie: I meant, of course, the Inadvertent or Unintended Split Clean.
11 something with 115lbs.
Samir’s split clean was pretty badass, actually. Looked like an old school weightlifter!
10:57 with 115#. Run felt hard after yesterday. I used lifting shoes which were brick-like. next time i will try not to split jerk cause i think it takes longer and was probably unnecessary.
Pleasure doing Fight Gone Belated with Avi and Peter today.
3 rounds: 102, 79, 74 = 255 PR
In the past I’ve always tanked in the 3rd round, this time felt pretty consistent and pushed through serious nausea, so happy with the effort. Thanks to Margie for counting reps and push press pointers.
ack, i didn’t post. I think I did this in 13:something. 115 lbs
afterwards, recruited neighborhood kid to clean up the weights.