Perform 1 Front Squat On the Minute for 12 Minutes
Use load 10-15% heavier than your triples from last exposure
5 Rounds for Time:
30 Double Unders
20 Push-ups
10 Lunges/Leg
Post loads and times to comments.
Dan John talks the importance of the Front Squat
Wait, who is this Dan John guy?! Mark Rippetoe's interview w/ Dan John Pt 1 & Pt 2
Don't know who Mark Rippetoe is?
C'mon guys, Boobs need our help!! Barbell For Boobs Fundraiser at CFLIC
FS on the minute x 12 @ 185#. probably could have gone heavier, but this was fine. first time front squatting in a long while.
then 5 rds x 20 DUs + 15 push-ups + 10 lunges each leg. 15:27scaled back the DUs and push-ups but it still was slow. couldn’t string the DUs in more than 2s and 3s. by the later rounds i was just counting attempts.
FS 165
Acc WOD: 12:33 as Rx’d
Front Squat Saturday
Partnered with Ben Bierkraft again – good times.
Squatted at 175lbs.
Accessory WOD: 14:14 as RxD. Pushups added up fast and tired me out bigtime.
Fun 10 am class today! Partnered with Paul R who squatted fantastick and picked up my slack when I’d goof off and dance between rounds. I really enjoyed the dynamic warm up but Shane’s Go-Bot joke maaaay take the cake.
Front Squats185 (only hit 1 exposure and worked at 175 that day)These all felt good and back didn’t bother at all. Definitely added up a bit towards the end but no big struggles. I’d like to be at 190 or 195 on Wednesday. Previous 3RM is 200 so I hope to beat that by 5-10 lbs.
WOD Rx’d10:24Thought I’d be sub 10 but my doubles were inconsistant.
Brunch at Bogota is always sublime.
FSQ 165
Wod in 11:06
Got to class early and stretched hard. I’ve found I need a lot of bonus stretching if I want fsq, Osq, or snatch to go well. Push ups were tough.
Love the race thing b4 the FSQ!
Front Squat (3/8):
Warm Up:Barx3 95×3 135×3 185×3 225×2
Work:245 across
WOD:Rx’dTime 10:36
Hung out after to watch the crossfit kids at work..LMAO all I’m gonna say is if CFSBK get a DODGEBALL game going JESS FOX is on my team!
Think she plays catch with Randy Johnson for time to time …
150 front squat
5 rounds 40 du, 10clapping pu, 10 pistols each leg: 11:37
Did this on Friday: FSQ @ 145. Really enjoyed this format. Got slower on the last few reps but still went up well. Hip felt a bit tender afterward.
WOD: 12:50 as Rx’d. Margie talked me through this and it was a bit slower than I thought.