A full house of folks getting stronger
Speaking of getting strong, here our the dates and registration links for the next Strength Cycles. These sell out fast!
Strength Cycle A
October 25th-December 22nd
Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30pm
Fridays from 6:00-7:30pm
Cycle A is a novice level cycle
Register Here!
Strength Cycle B
October 26th-December 23rd
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00-8:30pm
Sunday from 10:00-11:30am
Cycle B will be the level 2 cycle, following an intermediate program. It is designed for advanced lifters who have exhausted a linear progression.
Register Here!
If you’re interested in getting stronger, in getting amazing coaching on some fundamental lifts and in having a really fun time doing it, sign up for the strength cycle now – you won’t regret it!
I’m so happy I did the cycle, I’m pleased with how my total went (150, 65, 185 = 400) and I can’t wait to get back in there for another round.
Thanks to all the athletes and especially to Jeremy for such a great experience!
It’s official: CFSBK finished 1st overall in fundraising for FGB5.
Great photo of a large house of athletes! I have to point out though, no one appears to be actually squatting, pressing, or lifting anything. Maybe it’s like those photos in Highlights magazines where your job is to find stuff?
Matt, great work. Congratulations on doing such a fantastic job. You’ve been a great ambassador for CSFBK, but more importantly, you did a great thing for a lot of people that can use the help. Thanks for your effort.
Baaah! I am so. SO proud of all of you guys.In other news me And the Snipstick have decided to start liveblogging terrible TV below is our first experiment with this weeks ep of Jersey Shore. Tequila is involved:http://kittensandjujitsu.blogspot.com/2010/10/ray-woww-and-snipuation.html
Congrats Matt. Obviously a HUGE part of this was you!Also wanted to add my 2 cents about the Total the other night. Great job to everyone!! Fantastic energy in the gym that night. This is quite a supportive and unique environment. Proud to be a part of it.
Just came across this and thought I would share. Although I’m not drinking until the Marathon is over, I will definitely continue to extend my life post race! 😉http://healthland.time.com/2010/09/13/even-more-evidence-for-the-health-benefits-of-drinking/
Interesting Jess…
“But there is of course a caveat, one you may have seen last night on Mad Men: too much alcohol can harm your quality of life even as it extends it. As Foster told me, “In principle, higher levels of alcohol would work better, but of course there is a point where there is a tradeoff with liver and behavioral problems.”
Truer words were never spoken. Jeremy, I’ll be at the Sunday class, not quite fit as a fiddle today.
just gotta cosign what ariel said. strenght cycle with jeremy was amazing. everyone should at least do it once. having jeremy doing all the numbers really took my stupidity out of it and kept me injury free.
also thanks to deb and alec for keeping my rickety body going.
Bench Press200x5x3
Row 1k3:30:01f$ck you, erg.
I met two colleagues of Joe’s and Raoul’s (two NYPD officers from the 78th Precinct who completed Foundations last night) just now. My bike was stolen from outside work, and when I reported it from home the case was transferred to the 78th. I told the officers they should check out CFSBK.
I’m pissed about the bike, but the martini’s taken the edge off.
HSPU 15 (1 abmat), 6 (no abmat), 6
yesterday’s wod 95#, 20″ 7:24
@Nick- That SUCKS! Been there. Yuck. Sorry to hear that.
Nick, sorry about your bike. That sucks.
Strength Cycle Dénouement: Final Session, Bench+Clean 1-RM
After all the build up, glitz and paparazzi of Wednesday night, it felt real and good to be back in a cold, mostly empty gym with just us, doing what we do.
BENCH: old PR 92.5. Today: 95(PR)/100(F)/97.5(F)
Ok, a 2.5-lb PR. I’ll take it.
I became a stumbling baby deer when I tried to manhandle 97.5 and 100 – looking forward to next cycle when our two ‘totals’ will have meaningful rest time in between. Really thought I’d be able to push 100 tonight.
CLEAN: my worst lift. Old PR: 77.5. Today: 82.5 (PR.)
Apparently I am only able to clean when Coach J is not looking. Whatever it takes, you know?
REALLY enjoyed watching some of the other big benches (Dave McG, looking at you) and cleans tonight (Cloyd, Colette, Malcolm AKA Elbow Man.)
Onward to next cycle!
-Power Snatch/Snatch to 60KG-Snatched to 82.5-Clean to 92.5-TruSquat: +10×4, +47.5×4,+37.5×4-HSPU (on plates): 5,5,4-Crushing finger under errant bumper plate x 1-Falling out of handstand and catapulting uncontrollably across weight room x 1
Well, it looks like 4 consecutive weeks of poor sleep finally caught up with me! I should have just stayed home and watched cartoons instead.