Synchronized Keg Lifting with Shane and Laurel
Happy Birthday to Rob I and Mike W!
Thanks again to Paul for hosting ODDLY STRONG at the South Brooklyn Weightlifting Club this past weekend.
What is your favorite kind of odd object lifting? Which do you think is the most painful?
Here are some examples: Keg Lifting, Heavy Carries and Drags, Farmer's Walks, Prowler Pushing, Stair Climbing with odd objects, Sandbag work, Unconventional barbell lifting, Kettlebells….
Analysis highlights of the USAW/CrossFit Weightlifting Meet with Mike Burgener, Kendrick Farris and Tony Budding
Most difficult lifting of odd objects for me has to be screaming toddlers. Throw some flailing arms and legs in, and you’ve got a wet fish on your hands.
@Jim: HA! totally. Linus has mastered the Houdini shoulder move and can slip out of your grip on his ribs.
Anyone interested in trying out a free capoeira class, our teachers at the studio on Flatbush are offering them w/ Lululemon this week! Tonight and Thursday, 7pm. Space is limited, RSVP to
Anything I can LIFT is fun- kegs, stones, etc, no prob.
Anything I have to HOLD is torture, especially farmers walks.
Fun: da prowlah.
Unfun: anything squishy.
Extra fun: Collette+slosh pipe.
I think Keg lifts are pretty fun. I like trying to control a sloshy keg. Sled drags and prowler pushing are close seconds.
I hate farmer’s walks, very painful.
For me, Farmers walks are not that horrible while I am doing them.However, RECOVERING from the Farmer’s walks we did recently was easily the worst pain I have yet experienced in Crossfit. I literally had tears welling up!The rest of the odd object lifts I tried have really been pretty fun.(Also, kettlebells no longer seem “odd” to me.)
Prowler and sandbag work are some of my favs, due to the level of suckage. Kegs are also fun, as are stones. My favorite though is picking up Mrs. Fox and slinging her over my shoulder. She too, is pretty odd.
Made up Snatch and Front Squat today, still have to do the WODs
Hang Snatch40x2, 45×2, 50×2, 55×2, 60x2x2These were all caught pretty high. Thanks Shane for coaching me out on them.
FSQ175x3x3Goal is to hit 200 (previous PR) by exposure 5
LBBS(5): (45, 95, 135, 155) 175x3x5+tomorrow’s little metcon–50 reps of 35# DB cleans, :45 work + :15 rest(reps each round were 10-17-23-30-36-43-50)6:45. gah, that was hard! so easy for me to let my form to go to shit on DB cleans. on the other hand, it was certain a reminder that it’s easier when you bother to jump the weight up, and harder when you let it crash land on your ear.
Quick workout at SBK today. Really tired.
Usual warmup + clean/clean sots press to 50kgx2
Clean (bl) +FS:100x1x3-missed 105cl due to lack of enthusiasm today
Pausing Squat:100x1x5
Back in the office…
i was “inspired” by the row on sun and yesterday’s row 1k workout to do
250m x 1min rest8x
wow that sucked
7:45 total time for 2000m
Great to see Yoon today!
Power Snatch: 43×5,53×3,63×2,73×2,83×2,93×2,103×2,113×2,83×3
Great cue from Shane today that I must remember: Look up at the gray line on the wall to keep my chest up. When I did this correctly the weight floated up into position. It felt amazing!
Meant to row but ran out of time before foundations. I owe some metcons.
Odd object loves: prowler, atlas stones, axle cleans.
Odd object enemies: KEG, keg, Keg. We may look like friends in that picture, but it gives me bruises and tries to make me pass out.
great write-up on eating clean on a budget
Total tomorrow.Good a time as any toBe your own hero.
Jerry1 mile run2k row1 mile run
1st mile: 8:142k row: 8:462nd mile: 8:55
felt pretty good. first 150m or so of the 2nd run was not looking too good, but then i caught my stride.