(E1/8) Sets Across
Load approx 15-20% less than previous 3RM with the goal of breaking it mid-cycle
Perform 6 Jumpe Squats after each work set. Rest 3 Minutes
Post loads to comments.
compare to 7.10.10
Perform Max Reps of the following:
1:00 Max DB Snatches, Left arm
Rest :30
1:00 Max DB Snatches, Right arm
Rest :30
2:00 Max Double Unders
Rest 1:00
3:00 Max Burpees, Games Standards
Load on Dumbbell should be ~20% Body Weight
Post Rx and reps per movement to comments.
Claire can Run. Run, Claire, Run.
Photo courtesy of our friends at lululemon athletica Brooklyn
Happy Birthday to our October AotM, David McG!
Happy Belated Birthday (yesterday) Yoon S!
Today is day 1 of Paulie's ODDLY STRONG workshop. Couldn't make it today? Then sign up for tomorrow!
The EliteFTS Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Prowler
Vincent S Dugan says
FS:135x3x3 Felt light
Acc WOD: 322 Total @ 30% BW (45# DB)
Samir Chopra says
Front Squat Saturday:
Partnered with Ben Bierkraft. Good times.
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 155×2
Work: 165x3x3
DU/Snatch/Burpee Mashup with 30lb DBs (20% BW): 134 DUs/41 Snatches/28 Burpees = 203 total.
Roundwise breakdown: 72, 18, 23, 62, 28
Nice little gasser.
Nick K says
Awesome time down at Quist on a gorgeous day. Paulie did a great job teaching us some new and challenging things, and then…
WOD: 5 minutes AMRAP of
-3 stone cleans @ 100#-3 axle deadlifts @ 160#-3 keg clean-and-presses @ 50#
This was the “light” Rx. I managed 3 rounds. Kegs felt light, the other two were pretty challenging. Other highlights included Josh cleaning the 135# stone all the way over his shoulder, leading to its obliteration.
Paulie and Becca–please host again soon!
Sameer Parekh says
deadlifted today ’cause i fsq’d on friday night
95×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×1
burner: 30#
Josh M says
FRONT SQUAT (1/8):Warm upBar 135 165 185 190Work200x3x3
CFSBK WOD:DoubleUnders 102Left One Arm Snatch 23Right One Arm Snatch 22DoubleUnders 77Burpees 48ish
Then ran over to Quest for Paulie’s ODDLY STRONG workshop. I had lots of fun, with some guilt, and a lil embarrassment. =/
First round-2 Stone cleans @ 135, then 1 stone clean @ 125-3 Axle deadlifts @ 290-3 Keg clean-n-press @ 100
Second round-3 Stone cleans @ 125-3 Axle deadlifts-3 Keg clean-n-press
Third round-2 Stone cleans
And I owe Paulie a 135LBS Atlas Stone … so0o0o sorry
Deb says
Excellent 9 am class with Shane this morning.
FSQ @ 80% 3RM=65# + 6 squat jumps in between work setsFelt good. This is a movement I a have previously messed my neck up on and I am looking forward to rectifying that.
WOD total= 144Tried the rope jumping first with weightlifting shoes, then without. Without worked better for me. Except for the toe whipping. Then the rope broke.
Michele says
Dear Santa,
I realize it’s not actually Christmas yet.
But I just wanted to drop you a short note to underscore how extremely very good I’ve been this year.
I paid my taxes on time. I kept my bathroom fairly clean. I went home to see my mother TWICE. And I didn’t wreck a single marriage, treat any roommates like shit until they moved out in despair, cyber-stalk anyone, OR blast obscenity-laced deathcore out my window on professional speakers to frighten neighborhood children into shutting the fuck up with the screaming.
That said, I have been working out a bit more lately, like you wanted, and so for Christmas this year, if you could just see your way to bringing me an EliteFTS pink prowler, I would really really just appreciate the heck out that. I would take very good care of it.
Thank you for all you do,
Samir Chopra says
@Michele: You forgot to say that you write very entertaining blog posts after you work out, which considerably ups the karmic quotient of your physical efforts. Santa should know that too.
JMD says
Charlotte says
Did this last Friday with Senor Shane. Very happy to hear that my squat is looking unrecognizably better from six months ago. Worked sets across at 130#, which felt very manageable (previous 3RM was 155#).
Did the burner with an extra round of double-unders, I think my total was 161. Thank you Shane for pushing me through the burpees at the end.
Fox says
Anton Gross says
M/ 36/ 132 lbs/ 5′-6″I did this WOD a couple days ago and forgot to both post my results, but also thank whoever created this one… It was fun. I was looking around for a shorter WOD that was a little different and time based.I did 1:00 Left arm d.b. snatch with 27.5 lbs for 29 repsrest for 30 secs.I did 1:00 Right arm d.b. snatch with 27.5 lbs for 29 repsrest for 30 secs.2:00 Double Unders for 150 Reps1:00 rest3:00 burpees, with strict adhearance to being totally vertical and clapping overhead and behind my ears to show ears for 50 repsTotal of 258.This was fun, and I have not been going hard lately, since I had a long layoff not too long ago and I had a little bit of a nagging middle back pull.Fun WOD.. I would like to try this one again.. I know I could get some more snatches. I was holding back a little thinking I’d have to do a lot of burpees in the end. I also thought that I’d be able to get a bunch more than 150 reps for D.U.I think I could get more than 50 burpees, but not too many more. I was tired. Next time.