"Fight Gone Not As Bad"
3 Rounds of:
30 Sumo Deadlift Highpulls 75/55
30 Box Jumps 20"
30 Push Presses 75/55
Rest 1 exactly minute between rounds.
Post total time minus 2 rest intervals to comments.
Cool down with a 10 Minute MobilityWOD of your choice
Robb's takes some questions from the audience
Have you ordered your team shirts yet?
Paulie and Becca at Quist have generously offered to donate 100% of the proceeds from the FGB5 shirt orders. So by ordering you not only get a one of a kind badd-ass shirt, you also donate to charity AND raise our affiliate team total. Did your mom throw you 100 bones? Thank her by printing her and extra shirt too!
Team captains can Email PS(AT)QuistIndustries.com to place an order
will fight gone belated be on a weekend as well? I could do a belated if some folks wanted to do it on a weekday.
Yeah, do we have a Fight Gone Belated team yet? Will there be shirts?
I just kicked in my contribution and we’re just $35 behind Dogtown…
FNSGB Sunday.
Started intending to do this RxD, but scaled back to 20 reps after the first round. This felt really, really hard. Finished in 17.08.
I was a little shocked by how difficult I found the first round; I thought of dropping the weight, but Chris wisely suggested I drop reps instead. I think going five days straight (because of my penalty WOD on Friday) finally caught up with me and wiped me out. Many thanks to Scott Jacko for being a very good partner.
45lbs. 30 reps. 18:48. If this is not as bad, I’m not so sad that I have to miss the real FGB.
Rest day, day 7 Paleo Challenge. Prelim results are very encouraging!
Challenge is not strict – there is milk in coffee (50% of it pastured) and some v. nice tequila (priorities, people.) Relentlessly prohibited: diet soda, illegal rest-day WODs, sugar, grains, processed anything. I was mostly grain-free for about a month before the challenge started.
I’m supplementing with 4 TBS of fish oil/day, no other supps at this time.
Nevertheless, the results in descending order of astoundingness are:
1. Workout recovery RADICALLY improved2. PMS + cramps gone for the first time in 15 years3. Digestive drama (formerly daily event) gone4. PR’d on squats (and yet, not sore)5. Sleep more + better6. Rarely hungry7. Daytime highs-and-lows smoothed out8. 4 lb weight loss
I don’t even recognize myself at this point.
Wod in 15:59
Matt U pushed me through.
Witnessed Jeremy bar dip with Margie on his back.
Tried to post last night but my silly iphone had other ideas.
Warmup:-9am softball game.-sdhp and push press review with pvc
WOD:11:48 rx’d-The hardest part were the push presses. I felt so weak and couldn’t cycle more than 5 reps at a time. My legs felt heavy on the box jumps but I was able to cycle them pretty good. Great partnering with Ryan!
14:15 – 2:00 = 12:15 as RX’edMaybe went out too fast in the first round (2:59, 4:22, 4:53). Made it though the SDHPs and PPs straight through but the box jumps were slow. Gotta figure out how to cycle them better.Good to be back.
75#, 20 reps, 11:30.
Didn’t realize push-presses were so hard without a pectoral muscle, and the 33-mile bike ride on Saturday didn’t help with box jumps. (Nor did the gallon of bourbon I drank on Saturday night.)