3-3-Rep Out
Perform a heavy triple or max effort triple for the first two work sets then drop to 85% of your heaviest weight and rep out. (perform max unbroken reps)
Post loads and reps to comments
compare to 9.8.10
10 x 100 yd shuttle runs (50 out – 50 back)
Rest 30 seconds between runs
Score is total time taken to complete all 10 sprints
Post total time to comments.
Dogtown CrossFit is currently in first place for Fight Gone Bad fund raising with $26,773 currently raised. South Brooklyn is a close second with $25,652. Here is an excerpt from their September 8th blog post,
"Get it together people! There are a staggering 30 people who have signed up and haven't raised a dime! You all should be able to donate 10 bucks to yourself. We are quickly losing ground to those dumbasses in South Brooklyn."
Them's fightin' words.
A goose egg from David. Let’s get some leadership from the front, eh?
I understand that not everyone has the resources to raise a whole lot of money, and most people don’t have the close personal reasons for supporting FGB that I do, but if you don’t want to do it for cancer research or wounded veterans, then do it for CFSBK. Robb Wolf said we have the best box he’s seen; let’s make it known throughout the CF community.
Take a couple minutes to give $10 or $20 to your own fundraising page, then pester your parents for a donation.
OHS 120x3x2 115×5
Shuttle run in 7:30
I lost my start time on rep 9 and estimated, so I might be off by a bit.
Shuttle Runs in 7:36. Carlos was a whole lot of fun to chase.
Good point, Ufford.
Tell those Dogtown folks there’s a storm ah comin’…gaunlet thrown.
My fundraising push started in earnest yesterday, lots of emails and facebook “spam” sent out. I’m coming for YOU, Ufford!!
Let me get this straight, there’s a box with a name like “Dogtown”, and they’re dissing South Brooklyn? They could at least have spelled “Dawg” right. Sheesh.
Overhead Squat day. Nice noon class with Laurel.
WU: 45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 105×2
Work: 115×3, 120×3, 100×10
Before today my best triple was a 110, and my best single was a 115, so the first two lifts are PRs of some sort – not sure which.
10 shuttle sprint WOD: 7:10
Like Ryan said, the 8th and 9th were brutal. My legs felt like they were turning into jelly.
Usual warm-up + descending snatches to 40kg
Sn (blocks):60×2,70,80
One Leg Squat:5R,5L x2, +40lbvest 5R,5L x2
Handstand Pushup:5×2, +light vest 4×1,2×1 (3rd rep fail)
First exposure to OHS since foundations, hard time keeping arms, shoulder blades tight, and the bar straight overhead.
75 – 75F -75
shuttles: 7:43
and also F Dogtown. I’m going to go donate to everyone I was in foundations with. I see Josh M and Erica N up there, who else?
1/2 GIJane in 8:50.
30 12k KB snatches per side in sets of 10 no rest.
1st try at HS push ups ever, 3, 3, 5, 5.
Hey! In the spirit of giving, Quist Industries will donate ALL of it’s proceeds from FBG5 team t-shirt sales to FGB5 (in the form of equal donations to myself and Becca). Step up and make sure that your team captain orders your shirts and order a few for the kids and relatives! They make a fantastic holiday gift and work as wonderful thank you for your larger benefactors.
I repeat, Quist Industries will not be making a dime from printing FGB5 shirts! The more you order, the more we donate!!!
OHS 48 x 3, 53 x 3, 58 x 3 (48 x 10)Sprints: 8:24
P.S. Group Stitch is tomorrow. If you went last month, I have no recollection of it, so come again! Here’s the details http://www.bklynembroidery.com/blog/2010/09/september-group-stitch/ (subject to change due to weather.)
I woke up this morning, looked at the blog and almost didn’t come because of the sprints. They weren’t as bad as I thought they’d be, but man oh man, I hate the running. Which probably means I should run more.
8:35 – was shocked at lap 8 that I only had two more to go…
OH Squat48x3, 53×3, 63x358x17
As for fundraising, I reached my smallish $500 goal through about 3 Facebook posts and one big email. Of my 575 fb friends (of which +-10 are teen- and tween-aged cousins, two are their cats (don’t ask) and two have passed away) only 16 people donated anywhere from $5-100. My original post asked for just one American dollar from each of them. I guess my facebook friends aren’t really good friends. But I found that the donations all came within 10 minutes of posting/sending email. So post/email often for best results?
Or offer to wear short shorts like Ufford. I’m very happy to be on that team!
Any NFL folks out there: I’ll be watching the Giants kick butt tomorrow after classes. Probably at 200 5th, which has a crazy amount of tv screens and cheap bar grub. Hope to see you there.
OHS: (45×5, 75×3, 105×3, 115×3)125×3, 125×4, 115×8
Had to do this in the afternoon because I woke up a bit late for the 9 am class. Didn’t end up doing the sprints part… I’d just eaten lunch and ice cream and really did not want to loose it on the street.
Lots of fun today. I like you guys.
Wore a 20lbs vest for today’s workout.
OHS:(95×5, 115×3, 135×3)155×3, 185×3, 155×15*
A bit of a press-out on the last rep as my left arm began to fade coming out of the hole.
Did the shuttle runs, and the extra weight caught up with me on the third round. Total time: 7:30. Average time for each round was round 18 seconds, but they felt really slow.
Recovery between the sprints felt solid despite the extra weight I was carrying.
Goal for the end of this month: Attempt max OHS@Bodyweight
Some random advice for others:Don’t wear your weight vest on Sept. 11 while wandering around Park Slope. Parents get really nervous, and bank tellers shit their pants when you have what looks like an explosive device strapped to your body.
That is all.