Kiki sets the top female time for "Jackie"
Happy Birthday, Coach Margie!
We're very proud to be hosting Robb Wolf for his Paleolithic Nutrition Seminar today! We've got over 40 folks coming to SBK for a full day of gluten free education.
The Paleolithic Solution Seminar
Spend 1 day with Robb Wolf learning the art and science of performance nutrition. The day will include lecture and theory of performance eating, recovery and optimizing health and longevity. Significant emphasis will be placed on the PRACTICAL implementation of Paleo nutritional concepts to support fat loss, muscle gain and improve athletic performance. Attendees will be exposed to basic pathophysiology related to metabolic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s and infertility. Additionally, attendees will receive a mechanistic understanding of autoimmunity and systemic inflammation and how these processes impact performance, health and longevity. A basic science background is helpful but not necessary for this seminar.
While we will not be running normally scheduled Group Classes today, we are running a Track Meet in Red Hook at 9:30am. Come benchmark your 400m run and cool down with some ball field tacos!
Happy Birthday Margie!
Happy birthday Margie!
Great track meet and food-truck fun at Red Hook today. Kudos to Chris for running a tight show. Days like this make me really, really happy to be a CFSBK’er.
4×400 runs:
Happy Birthday Margie!
Great morning out in Red Hook. Finally a day where I didn’t start to sweat upon leaving air conditioning! Nice efforts (and the times to prove it) by all, and a few virgin barefoot runs to boot.
As promised, here are the times.Alec H – 1:32, 1:24, 1:32.5, DNF (barefoot), 1:32.5 (in Chucks)Deb P – 1:36, 1:25.5, 1:36.5, 1:46Samir C – 1:20, 1:18, 1:19.5, 1:20.5Nick P – 1:16.5, 1:21, 1:27.5, 1:30Bjorn B – 1:24, 1:22, 1:25, 1:37Jess F – 1:55, 1:25.5, 1:28, 1:28 (last one barefoot)Sarah H – 1:29, 1:34, 1:29, 1:34.5Jenn 1:30, 1:32, 1:28, 1:30Charmel R – 1:17.5, 1:07, 1:09, DNFJames ? – 1:18.5, 1:15, 1:27, DNFBen W – 1:25, 1:13, 1:14.5, 1:16.5Nick K – 1:10, 1:08.5, 1:15
A few folks made their cool down/victory lap a bsrefoot one. How did it feel to be out of shoes on a run?
Now the food follies…I never thought I could have too much crispy pork skin, but the chicharron huaracha I ordered proved me otherwise. Thank god a 2 pupusa platter came to the rescue. If you’re planning a paleo challenge post-Paleoplithic Nutrition Seminar, I highly recommend heading over to the ballfields today for a last decidely non-paleo meal. Robb says corn tortillas are practically helath food, right?
Red Hook is such an awesome track. I wish we did this more often. Should we?
An early yes vote for more Red Hook track meets. Besides accurate benchmarking of 100s, 200s, 400s, and miles, its great to be out and about. I’ve also discovered that its way easier to get to than I thought, so I can’t see any downsides to this plan.
Fun times with track and trucks. All the CFSBK togetherness has spoiled me to the point where I really don’t enjoy solitary endurance workouts any more, so I’d be into more track & truck meets as well. It was slightly depressing how hard these 400s were for me today.
Great morning at the track. Love the outdoor workouts. And delicious tacos and watermelon juice afterward.
My second time was actually 1:35.5. Very consistent runs. The last attempt was barefoot. I like it.
Big thanks to Coach Fox for organizing the whole deal and taking us through our paces.
Jenn M, shoot me an email and I’ll give you the low down on the mobility WOD challenge. cows_ski at hotmailLikewise if anyone else wants to jump in.
Happy birthday, Margie!!
Just home from the Robb Wolf seminar. Honestly, I can’t remember the last time in my life that 8 hours went by so quickly. I could listen to this guy for like a week.
Happy Birthday Margie!
Ab Fab track workout this morning! I tend to not work on my sprints and this definitely tested my leg strength. Super group of runners. The barefoot lap was “interesting” – not sure if I would do more that 800m. Would be in for more track work.
Thanks guys! Track meet sounded awesome – wish I could have been there!
Have to say that I wasn’t looking forward to these sprints. But in the end, I found them much better than the 200m ones we did at the track last November. Overall though, I’m still not a fan of sprinting.
I was quite surprised that my last lap, which was barefoot, matched my previous time with shoes. I felt like I was moving fast, but knew I couldn’t go all out because I could feel the skin under my toes tearing. Kinda motivates me to do more barefoot running/walking to toughen up my feet…and possibly make me faster.
Definitely up for more track work! I really want to test an official mile–without making sharp turns. And the track also has a long jump pit that we could also test. Sounds like a fun day to me. Or we could also do some bleacher stair runs or stop by Paulie and Becca’s for strongman stuff, or play freeze tag or… The possibilities are endless! 🙂
And of course, the food trucks were great. So glad we were able to hit these on what I believe was the best weather of the summer. Good times all around.
Happy bday Margie!!!