3 Attempts at max reps
Rest 3 Minutes between attempts
Post reps to comments.
For time:
100, 75 or 50 Burpees
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 1.1.09
DIY Cool Down
3 Rounds NFT of:
10 Ring Rows
20-30 Sit-ups
Remember that we won't be holding formal classes at the gym this Saturday for Robb Wolf's Paleolithic Nutrition Seminar. We will however be holding a track meet at 9:30am at the Red Hook Track. Check out yesterday's post for more details.
We will not be running 6am and 7am classes on Monday, otherwise the afternoon and evening schedule will be as usual.
Upcoming Foundations Cycle Dates:
September Evening Foundations
9/21/10 – 10/14/10
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00pm-9:15pm
Register Here!
September Morning Foundations
9/7/10 – 9/30/10
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00am-8:00am
Register Here!
@ Michele
so even if nobody else at cfsbk is ready to go in with you (im in the middle of one now) check this out.
Starts Sept 7!
I’m on day 17 of a paleo challenge myself. I can feel improvements in my mental clarity, strength and energy levels. I’ve allowed keeping cream in my coffee and i had some cheese at a picnic yesterday afternoon, otherwise it’s been totally strict. I have regular cravings for certain processed foods but they haven’t been intense and go away once i eat something.
I might have left my log book at the gym last night. If anyone finds a little blue notebook, probably near the pull up bars, holler at your boy.
I think I left my pink jump rope there last night as well. You guys can play with it, but I will take it back next time I am in there.
I feel like I should commit to a DMak-style 30-day straight Starrett mobility WOD challenge (yes, yes, I know I should be doing it everyday in any case but a 30-day challenge should get me going).
Anyone want me to join me on this? To make it interesting, first one to fail pays up (something, somehow). On a honor code of course.
@ShawnS –
thank you for pointing that out! how’re you feeling in your challenge?
@David –
i think both of us are going to allow dairy in our coffee – otherwise the coffee has to go, and that just seems like a recipe for a failed challenge.
i must ask, what processed foods?!
Yesterday’s OHsquats at 95#
Yesterday’s wod @115# in 10:04
David’s Vices:
Bierkraft sandwichesHAMBURGERS w/friesoccasionally pizzaBeer
and worst of all…. Diet Coke! (sweet nectar of life) I didn’t have it terribly often, but man oh man can i put down a can of cancer.
I’m reasonably diligent about observing my paleo restrictions (including staying off dairy). My biggest temptation is: cookies! I crave ’em badly, especially during the afternoon lull. To make things worse, my department office has bagfuls of them lying around. I’ve resisted this semester but it’s really hard. I also crave bagels in the mornings.
holy crap, david, we are like, vice twins.
Here goes the relentless reminding… BUT… in case you didn’t know…
WEDDING PARTY SUNDAY the 5th AT 9:30 PM at the gym. Bring yourself, eat ice cream, drink tequila and dance.
David: so is the first class on Monday at noon? Would you consider running a 8 or 9 am class?
So today’s madness:Ring dips- 20, 11, 7 lovely drop off!100 burpee suckage in 12:48
Samir, I’m in on the challenge but the penalty has to be something fun yet painful.
Diet Coke…? I’m just askin’…
Nice little 6PM class.
Dips: 15, 11, 7 (lookit that drop-off!)
100 Burpees in 12:25 (sucked)
Afterwards, Jess Fox shamed me into doing the DIY work of 3 rounds NFT, 10 ring rows-25 situps.
Man, I’m sore.
DMak: You’re on; we’ll figure out something.
Got out of work late so did some improv. All on my ride home I was wondering “where can I do dips?” I stopped by the playground by my local park and didnt see a good place, so dismayed, I rode home.
After getting home and doing a survey, I realized my stove and counter would be a perfect place to knock out some dips!
100 Burpees in about 10:37(my watch malfunctioned for a bit)This was hard after those dips–I cheated a bit by turning on the AC in my living room.
Super late post to be able to track back.
Bar dips with the white band:9, 7, 5
50 burpees for time: ~4:42-Didn’t do all 100 because I had just run 4 miles.
3 rounds NFT of:-10 ring rows-30 situps.