For time:
Row 1000m
50 Thrusters, 45lbs
30 Pull-Ups
Have you done "Jackie" several times and are pleased with your time? Consider scaling up by increasing the thruster weight to 65lbs and substituting 10 Muscle-Ups for the pull-ups.
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 12.27.09
Ben G attempts 225 at our last CrossFit Total
Happy Belated birthday, Dan H!
The movements for this cycle are as follows:
Squat variant: Overhead squat, 8 exposures, Saturdays and Wednesdays
Pull: Deadlift, 4 exposures, Mondays
Upper body Exercise: Dips, 4 Exposures, Thursdays
Expect some variety in programming beyond a straight linear progression on the Overhead Squat. Deadlifts are all from dead starts, rounded back deadlifts are missed lifts. Dips will be on the bar.
Overhead squatting Safely CrossFit
Deadlift Introduction CrossFit
Exploring Ring dips CrossFit
any good ideas or links to video on a good lower back stretch? I did that mobility wod low squat stretch yesterday, it’s great. Also did the again faster pre-squat stretching, excellent stuff. The lower back is still tight, and I need to get in there, appreciate any ideas, thanks!
Jackie w/white band pullups: 11:30
1 second slower than a year ago, though that was with jumping pullups. Couldn’t quite get my head in the game today.
10:37 with blue band.
Last time I did Jackie (not “eikcaJ”) was in June ’09 for the CrossFit Norcal challenge — back then I did it in 13:14 with jumping pull-ups. My thrusters have improved since then.
11:34 with 30 strict chin-ups.
I’m not sure of how to compare this to my last Jackie, which was 15:42 but with 25lb DBs (by mistake) and 30 strict pull-ups. My feeling is that this time is faster even accounting for the fact that that Jackie was a little scaled-up.
Sorry about the loud F-bomb at the end. Two fails at the end felt really painful and frustrating.
hooray for ohs.
jackie: 9:54
Fargh! I’ve just realized that I left my ring behind at the box, right next to the last pullup bar on the wall. If someone sees it, can you please hold on to it? I’ll be in tomorrow and will pick it up then.
Thanks very much!
Jackie Rx’d 7:57Pull ups were for shit
Also, I have a ring for sale, contact me for info.
im here working out, I put you ring in the orange cabinet below the sign in desk, top drawer.
Noah – I’m browsing craigslist for a bike and apparently don’t have your email. I’m christian (at)
@David: Thanks bunches!
So last time I did this in June of 09 I was at 12:25. Today was really sucky and I was beat and lightheaded for a hood 20 min after.With all that said my time wa 9:45 almost 3 minutes faster–and that shows how far I’ve come in a year.
I had a lot of stop time today with fox and Margie yelling at me and still finished under 10. I think I cane of the erg at sub 4.
Thrusters 20-15-10-5I couldn’t sneak in 2 sets of 15.Then went 5-5-5 pullups with whatever I can get. About 4 weeks til fgb gonna realllu clean up the diet, train as mich as I can with work and see how close I can get to 300
Jim- check out DeFranco’s squat prep series. Google it. I love it.
I wish I did this wod
Instead did 100 DUs, 100 PUs, 100 Sit ups, 100 squats in 19:28
Then surfed all day. Took a pounding. Hurricane swell was too much for me.
Manuel finished with bloody hands shins and nose. Very rocky too.
Warmup:-400m jog-3 round nft of: 10 blackburns, 5 pushups, 10 kb swings (24kg)-400m jog-front squat, push press, thruster review
Jackie–10:25-Only my 2nd time doing Jackie and was able to shave a little over 3 mins since December. I finished my row in about 4:10 and got 10 straight thrusters. Then they were in about sets of 5. Pullups were in sets of 2 throughout. Ugg. Really nice to finally wod with Steph P. again and chase each other!
Cooldown:~7 mile run through Brooklyn.-no I’m not an overachiever…i just figured i should really start training for this marathon thing.