3 Sets of max rep Chin Ups. Rest approximately 3 minutes between attempts. If you can do more than 10 body weight chins, add weight.
Post reps and Rx to comments.
3 Rounds of :30 on, :30 off for each movement:
Dumbbell Power Cleans
Dumbbell Power Clean and Press
Dumbbell Clean Thruster
Post total reps per movement to comments.
Carrie M is a Bonafide Badass
The first team for Fight Gone Bad 5 is:
1. Stefanee R
2. Avi S
3. David Mak
4. Josh M
5. Juliana A
Each team must choose a captain, team name, team colors and what stations everyone will start at. Good luck, team 1!
Some CFSBK FGB Stats:
We've got 37 people signed up so far. There are 25 men and 12 women registered. As it stands we can make 7.4 teams. We still need more people to sign up so that we can round things out! CFSBK has raised $4,295 already.
Want to find an article we've written? Check out the new CFSBK Training Articles Page located in the left column under the Information tab. Enjoy!
Cool scoot Carrie! What makes it cooler is that (if I’m not mistaken) its the little brother of the Honda CA77 which is the bike Robert Pirsig was riding while he wrote Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenence.
watch this and laugh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gm_n76Dsl0c
Noah – That’s THE book that made me want a bike.
Great read from CrossFit California City
Noah – I think you are correct, if the other name of the CA77 is the Dream. That is a good-looking bike, and I should finally get around to reading that book.
Yeah the CA77 is also known as the Honda Dream 305. Pirsig keeps quiet about it during the book- he refers to his friends fancier BMW but only mentions that he’s riding a Japanese bike that he is very well acquainted with (shop speak for “I fix it when it breaks, often.”) Cool little bikes. Fox, lets get you on one man!
Sorry for the takeover of what I believe is supposed to be a board about exercising or something…
10, 6, 6 (bodyweight)
Triplet Accessory WOD: 35/21/19 with 25 lb DBs.
Warmup:-alternating mins of jump rope/plank variations-droms
Max chinups:8, 7, 6 with white band
Triplet WOD:Cleans: 12, 16, 17 = 45Cleans to Press: 10, 8, 8 = 26Squat Clean to Thruster: 8, 10, 10 = 28-Pretty sure about all of the numbers except the thruster round.-My forearms and hands hurt.
WU: KBs + plankslotsa leg swinging–I like these!
Max chins: 2 BW + 2 yellow, 6 yellow, 6 yellow
Metcon :30 work, :30 rest, 3 rds w/ 20# DBsPower cleans = 12, 13, 12 = 27 (hard not to just curl these)Power cleans + press = 9, 9, 8 = 26Squat clean thrusters = 7, 7, 8 = 22
Max chins at BW 10, 9, 8
31 cleans19 clean and press24 clean thrusters