(E8/8) Max Effort
Today is the final exposure for Back Squats in this cycle. On Saturday we're going to run a CrossFit Total so if you can make it then, we recommend some sub max heavy triples today. Your heaviest triple can inform your opening weight for the total.
5 Rounds for time of:
5 Snatches
100m Sprint, 50m out and back
post time and load to comments.
Chris A and David T hit the partner row workout.
Check out Chris' athletic bio here
Robb Wolf teaches the Kipping Pull-up on Again Faster
Part 1, Part 2
Come see Robb for a Paleolithic Nutrition Seminar at CFSBK on September 4th. Register Here!
Fight Gone Bad 5 slowly approaches. So far SBK has raised $3845 for charity and holds steady at 8th place for affiliates worldwide. Have you signed up yet?? Our first team will be announced tomorrow!
Kids Can Downdog, Too! Complimentary massages and parent/child Yoga at lululemon tomorrow
Awesome bio.
Wow, nice bio. We’re really packing in the distinguished athletes!
I wonder how fast Nick P, Chris A, Willie N and Katie M could get this car going:
Hey Everyone, we’ll be committing to our headcount for ice cream and alcohol in the next few days so if you are planning to come to our wedding party (which everyone who is in town ought to be doing), please RSVP now!
Everyone is welcome, so feel free to bring along spouses, kids, significant others etc.
*if you don’t drink and want to participate in doing pistols etc. spinning in place for a minute prior to competing is perfectly legit.
**apologies if you are tired of hearing about this… just want to be sure that we have enough tasty things and that everyone knows about it.
255x5x34:23 on the metcon (my lungs still feel weird)
Collected Training articles that we’ve posted on the blog are now up under the “Information” tab in the left column.
Back Squat Day.
WU: 45×5, 95×5. 115×5, 165×3, 185×2
Work: 200x5x3 (All of these felt pretty heavy but they went up).
A very satisfying back squat cycle comes to an end. I started at 165x5x3 and ended today at 200 – and got my depth issues sorted out (I think).
Snatch-Sprint burner: 3:10 with 35 lb DBs (should have done with it 40; would have still finished under the target 4:00 mark).
lovely noon class with margie.
good lifting with bjorn.
WU400m row5x3 droms5x3 inch worms5x3 squat to stand
LBBSQ(45×4 95×3 135×3 185×3)215×3 235×3 255×3
BURNER95lb barbell snatchsubbed run for box jumps. after 1st round had to do step ups calf tightening again!4:03
Unsatisfying dr’s appt today–unclear whether anything is broken in my foot, but either way there’s not much they would do about it but wait. So I’ll wait. And work on my pull-ups + dips!
Squats went fine, nice to work with Shawn.(45×5, 95×5, 135×5) 185×3, 205×3, 215×3
A special toe-less burner for me:5 rds: 6 ball slams + 12 1 pd KB swingsThought about Fox’s article and pretty much blasted straight through w/o even little breaks. Glad I went light on it. 3:40.
Back squat:warmup: 45×5 95×5 135×3 185x2work: 200×1(PR) 210×1(PR) 215×1(PR)
Snatch/Sprint WOD:3:17 at 75#
today was pretty freakin infuriating. after not being able to squat what I thought I should, I found my ass pretty kicked by a super short (and light- 15lb db?! please!) metcon. I cursed those worthless ugly chucks every step of the sprints.
back squat: 120×2, 110x5x2.
snatch/sprint metcon: 3:37 with 15lb db.
So good to finally be back in a class!
Warmup:-jog around the block-3 rounds NFT of: 5 dislocates, 5 inchworms, 5 sumo squat to stand
LBBSQ:(45×5, 85×5, 115×5, 135×3)155×3, 165×3, 175×3-haven’t squatted in 2 weeks so I wasn’t sure what I could hit. Lots ofgood coaching from Margie on my barbell positioning and bar path. Just a reminder that there’s always something that I need to work on.
WOD:3:51@ 53lbs.First round felt good and fun but that excitement died quickly. Snatches didn’t look all that pretty. The run was more like a jog and not a sprint. I just didn’t want to run hard.
Rare midday class for me today, nice!
BSQ 215×3, 235×3, 245x3now that the weight is getting heavier the knee is caving in again. We’ll see what the total holds on Saturday.
Acc Wod: 4:05 w/95 lbs.Snatches felt pretty easy. Running is hard.
Never. Gets. Old…
as promised
great class today.thank you to margie for the encouragement.i thought that 130 was my max for backsquatting but then, when I was just doing one at a time for max weight, i got up to 175. and i feel i could go further. i had just set 130 in my head as what I could get to and I just stopped there. that is so weird. underestimation is like a lifestyle choice for me. the extra 45 pounds was the absence of fear.
Michele, you say you were frustrated by the workout and it kicked your butt. Let me put on my detective hat and try to sleuth this one out.
You didn’t by any chance complete an eight week intensive lifting program that culminated in an event where you set 1RM PR’s in 3 lifts did you?
You did? What a lucky guess.
Normally someone in your position would take a week off, or at the very least be training at super low intensity as active recovery. It’s unfortunate that nobody suggested this to you earlier.
Take the rest of the week off. Do the things that people who don’t live in gyms (like us) do.
Also, if you show up at the Total on saturday and try to do anything more strenuous than cheering and perhaps making guacamole, then may god have mercy on your soul, for I surely will not.
Pass this along to your agent as well.
Jerk (from the boxes!)90kgx1x4
Snatch/Sn Pulls to 60
Back Squat (tempo & drive):100x3x5
Curse you, R Train!!!!
Back squat: 155x5x3felt hip, but it wasn’t bad. definitely shifting to my right slightly as I stand up, which is frustrating.
WOD@73lbs 4:37 – this was a great workout. Like Jess, my sprints were jogs (although probably slower). I tried to keep moving the whole time but found that a few times I couldn’t get enough air to keep moving and had to stop and gasp for a moment.
LBBS(45×5, 85×5, 105×3, 120×1)135×3, 140×3 F (on last rep), 140x3I’m not sure what happened on the Fail. It’s like I decided to mentally check out for a second there.
Snatch/Sprint WOD4:16 @ 44lbs. This was fun, though I would like to have finished in under 4 min.
WU: jog around the block
LBBS: (45×5 95×5 125×3 140×2) 160x5x3
WOD: #30 dumbbell snatches , 3 each side/rnd – 3:18
ACC: pullups 4 4 4 4 2