For time:
50 Burpees
25 Thrusters 95/65
50 Box Jumps, 24"/20"
Deadlifts 225/185
50 Double Unders
25 Pull-Ups
50 Burpees
time and Rx to comments.
compare to 1.10.10
Happy Birthday, Dan H!
Good luck to Chris F, Jess F, Dan R, Asta F, Mike W and Joe W on today's Bronx Half Marathon!!
If yer comin, let us know!
While it is definitely the case that you can come even if you don’t RSVP… the quantities of ice cream and alcohol will be chosen based on the RSVP’s, so if you think you are coming sign up!
21:24 95# Thrusters, 175# Trap Bar DL, everything else Rx’d
Did not want to go to heavy and chance risking another back and neck injury. Feel great post-WOD. Hopefully next time will go Rx’d.
Thanks for the coaching Margie.
ERROR::: 65# thrusters, not 95#.
Great early bird class with Margie!
50 Burpees25 65# Thrusters50 24″ Box Jumps25 DLs on 175# trap-bar50 Double-Unders15 Strict Chin-ups50 Burpees
No signs of concussion yet from my bonk on the pull-up bar.
Results from today’s race are in! Awesome work everyone, especially Mike W who destroyed it!
Asta F – 2:10:55Chris F – 2:23:52Jess F – 2:03:04Dan R – 2:07:16Joe W – 2:02:14Mike W – 1:35:25
hehe. good thing i overslept today.
Thanks for posting the times Dan!
The Snip Wilson memorial fun run was a blast. The weather was great, and I saw Fox, Jess, Dan and Asta at various points on the out-and-back course.
Finished with a blister on my arch and some arching knees, but otherwise everything went according to plan. Missed my target time by only 2:14, which seems pretty decent considering I didn’t have a watch.
Hey everyone,Well this sucked, after all this time on the road I finally get to do a chipper and man was it tough! We’re in Minneapolis at a place with a great gym that actually had everything I needed to do this WOD. The jump rope sucked, however, making double unders impossible. Total time was about 32 minutes. Thrusters @ 70 lbs, box jump 24″, dead lift @155 with trap bar, 150 singles. Scaled deadlifts to only 15 as my back started to give. I am way out of shape! See you all in a couple weeks.
sameer p. posts for me.
congrats to the half marathoners!! I have much respect for you.
Great effort today to small, but hard working crew.
Thanks for help on the setup/breakdown to my early and late classes.
Samir – glad you are still conscious. Oy.
Brooklyn Lyceum: 34:35 rx’d except for jumping pullups
almost 9 minutes faster than last time. Burpees are still a killer, everything else actually felt okay, especially compared to last time, which was a travesty.
Thanks to Margie for the coaching and setting the 35 min. target for me.
Congrats to all the runners, I’m hoping to be with you in the not too distant future.
30:19 Rxed. 95# thrusters take all I’ve got.
a grand 9am class with margie and men. samir provided some early morning drama by head butting the pull up bar. thankfully no concussion.
THE BROOKLYN LYCEUM26:5065lb thrusters. not feeling 95 today. got to get used to 95.subbed du’s with squats. calf still tight.
good stuff
Hard 1/2 marathon in the Bronx today. Got extremely lucky with the weather for summer in the Bronx. Congrats to everyone. Odyssey of the weird continues next weekend with Mt. Washington Bicycle Hillclimb:
Yikes! Need to get to the Box and work on leg strength. STAT!
awesome Bronx. Let me know if folks are interested in Tunnel to Towers (3.5) and Rock and Roll Philly 1/2 – great training run – in October.
25:02! All rx except 185 lb dl. Couldve done 225 but wouldve taken another 5 min probably.
So close to breaking 25!
Did it Tuesday, posting so I remember:
RX 23.14