(E7/8) Sets Across
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compare to 8.11.10
Assistance Work
3-5 Medium Sled Sprints, 50'
3-5 Heavy Sled Drags, 50'
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Great 8 AM class with Shane and all the European and non-European early birds today.
Did back squats while partnering with Ash. Good times.
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 165×3, 185×1
Work: 195x5x3
Sled sprints: 3 sprints with a 45lb barbell; 2 with 60 lbs
Sled drags: 3 drags with 105 lbs. The first one was very tough, and then high school physics kicked in, and I stayed a bit lower for the next two (which felt a little better).
Sled sprints were awesome; can I have some more please?
Just a coupla more things, and I’ll be done, I promise.
@Ash: drop us a line at samirchopra1 AT yahoo DOT com.
Great photo of Dharma! I like the intense look. And it looks like Shane is saying in the back “No, you can’t take that barbell with you”
LBBS: 185x3x5Sled Sprints: 45, 45, 70
LBBS 250x5x3
Sled sprints with 90drags with 135(i wish I could do these everyday)
i meant to post yesterday, but where is the best online price for good fish oil? I get nordic naturals from vitacost, but was wondering if anyone had a better lead
WU300m row 16 s/msamson stretchmountain climbershamstring stretchesslow squats
LBBSQ(45×5 95×5 135×5 185×3 225×3)245x5x3 PR. i think, it’s been so damn long since i’ve squatted.great lifting with charmel today.
bummed to have to skip the sled pulls. resting my calf.subbed…15×3 back ext12x3 ghd sit ups.
CDhamstring stretches, ice, foam roll.
BSQ 215x5x3
Sled Drags: 5 sprints 45 lbs, 1 drags 90 lbs, 2 drags 135 lbs
felt pretty good about the sled drags until Margie told me that 135 lbs was way too light. Harsh!
Good lifting with Tushar. Welcome back!
bsq 200x5x3 5 sprints at 45#, 3 drags at 70
good to be back at 225, now i have to regain 250.
1 sprint at 45, 2 at 70then 1 drag at 90, 1 drag at 115