(E6/8) Sets Across
Post loads to comments.
compare to 8.7.10
Perform 4 Rounds of:
1 Minute Row for max calories
1 Minute max Box Jumps 20"
1 Minute rest
Post totals for each movement to comments.
Sal M completes the 10! Power clean/Pull-up workout at the 09 regional Qualifier
Tonight is the accumulation of 8 weeks of pushing and pulling iron. Check out Jeremy's Strength Cycle athletes compete in the CrossFit Total. They'll have 3 attempts to nail a 1RM Back Squat, Press and Deadlift. Good luck, everyone!
Read, "Routine vs Ritual" by Chip Conrad. Chip will be hosting the "Brutal Recess" seminar at CFSBK. For more information watch this then click here.
August's Foundations cycle is just around the corner. Jump on in before it sells out!
August Evening Cycle
Dates: 8/16-9/8
Times: Mondays and Wednesdays from 8pm-9:15pm
Register Here!
The Healing Imagination Mark's Daily Apple
Being Mindful is Like Boiling Water Utne
Jim says
When does the next strength cycle start?
David Osorio says
I will put these up for registration later today.
Cycle A. Aug23-Oct 15M and W 7-8:30, Friday 6-7:30
Cycle B. Aug 24-Oct 17T and Thr 7-8:30, Sun 10-11:30
Cycle B will be the level 2 cycle, following an intermediate program. It is designed for advanced lifters who have exhausted a linear progression.
If anyone is confused as to which cycle they belong in, they can contact Jeremy(at)Crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com to discuss.
David Osorio says
Female Infants in China growing breasts from hormones in milk production
Samir Chopra says
Sal did 3,628,800 reps? Or 110?
David Mak says
Hey all,There are four affiliates in Minneapolis (and me) — anyone know anything about any of them?
Laurel says
Heya, just a reminder to you all that our wedding after party is at 9:30 on September 5th (sunday evening of labor day weekend so you have Monday to recover.) If you plan to come, let us know: http://laurelandmalcolm.eventbrite.com/ .
We’d love to see all of you and your spouses, dates, kids etc. Just let us know that you plan to come so we can acquire sufficient alcohol and ice cream!
Peter says
David, 7 and 8 year old girls in America are also hitting puberty at an alarming rate. The Times had an article just the other day. It’s horrifying.
Back squats65x395x3115x3145x5x3
Subbed situps for rowingsitups 42, 35, 35, 35Box jumps 20, 21, 20, 20
Charlotte says
Fun 5pm class with Margie. Really starting to dial in my squat form, exciting.(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 155×3, 165×1) 175x5x3
Then, rowing/box jump hell. Box jumps after rowing are, uh, hard. Left my scores on the white board but it was something like:19/16; 19/19; 17/16; 18/17.
Bjorn says
BSQ 205x5x3
squats are feeling much better
Row/Box Jumps 89/86
also felt better than expected, hooray for FGB!
Samir Chopra says
Back Squat Day.
WU: 95×5, 135×5, 165×3, 185×1
Work: 190x5x3
Rowing/BJ WOD: 73/103 – Box jumps felt really, really hard.
Vincent Dugan says
LBBS: 180x3x5
Row/Box Jumps – 55/165ish
Yoon says
Clean + Front Sq. (Boxes):80x1x4
Handstand push-ups:5×4
David Osorio says
sal did 55 of each
10!=10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps
stephaniep says
enjoying more bsq action
(45×5, 85×5, 105×5, 125×3)140x5x3
then row/box jump fun20/24, 16/23, 16/23, 17/23
great working with josh m (who i call josh tat for all the tattoos cause there are 2 josh m’s)
Josh M says
Back Squats *work on low bar back squats*
WU: 135×5 160×5
Work: 3x5x250
Rowing/Box Jumps: dang! forgot to write down the numbers
… but i do remember steph really pushing me to keep moving. Thanks
Great idea with the partners
OH! I am thinking about competing in knock down fighting again (we’ll see). Ill post up a link tomorrow with my last fight.
stephaniep says
josh m-
i think these were your scores. a plus about having me for a partner – i have a random memory with numbers (most of the time) so pretty sure these were you rounds and total. awesome job!
25/35, 23/33, 22/28, 21/33
James N. says
WU: 10 minute double under practice – max linked: 12
LBBSQ: (45×5 95×5, 115×3, 155×2) 175x5x3
WOD: row/box jump 20″ 74cal/90
ACC: pullups 3×5