Some post weightlifting posing
top row: Ryan P, Katie M, Josh M, Yoon S
bottom row: Bethany B, Laurel M, Jessica F
Active Recovery is on for tonight at 6pm!
Are you a new athlete or someone who wants to get back to basics? Remember we've got On Ramp every Tuesday and Thursday at 8pm
Check out the CrossFit South Brooklyn page on Facebook!
Fight Gone Bad 5 is slowly approaching. We've built out our team page with pictures, videos and the current roster. Right now CFSBK is in 8th place for overall fund raising with a total of $2,405 raised! Get over to the team page to sign up!
Video clip of Robb Wolf talking insulin sensitivity at CFSBK
some decent pries on olympic lifting shoes here:
fun meat fact:
the butcher many of us get our grass-fed and -finished beef from, Grazin Angus Acres of Ghent, NY, supplied the short ribs for Chelsea Clinton’s wedding reception (for 350!)they apparently didn’t know it at the time they were asked to supply the meat, but the story is now out.
you can find their meat at the Carroll Gardens farmer’s market on Sundays, Union Square on Fridays and Saturdays, and the Museum of Natural History market on Sundays.
I was SUPER stoked to find this out for another reason — I’ve just been asked to cater a wedding reception with short ribs as the featured entree.
Lost Coast–25 miles, 3 days. Lions (sea) and Tigers (swallowtail moth) and bears (black) Oh my! Headed to Maine in a couple days. Miss everyone, see you in September.
clean and jerk
drills at 33(63×3, 83×3, 103×2, 113×1)
123×3, 128, 133(PR), 138x2xfail
was not getting a good drive on my jerks and kept having crappy reps at 123 so did a few to make them good/legit. jeremy’s “don’t touch my towel” technique was key.
sub 4 minute grace @ 652:46
guess i could have gone heavier.
then did main site “SQT”3 rounds of ground to overhead (used 65, did c&j)200m shuttles (50m down-and-back, x2)
that was a tough little burner, especially after already doing 40+ c&j