(E4/4) Max Effort
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compare to 8.2.10
Sub 4 Minute "Grace"
Attempt find the most weight you can Clean and Jerk for 30 reps in under 4 minutes.
For example, if you can perform "Grace" as Rx'd in 3:08, try adding 10-15 lbs and see if you can keep it sub 4. If your previous effort was 7-10 minutes, try dropping 15-20 lbs. The goal is to scale this benchmark workout so that you can achieve the metabolic stimulus of a short, hard workout. There is a hard cut off at the 4 minute mark.
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compare to 5.6.10
Many of you newer folks started your CrossFit journey with us here on Degraw street. There were however ancient times when our program was based out of The Brooklyn Lyceum. Lots of memories were made in that building and our time there helped us get to where we are today. After 2 years in the Lyceum we left to make a home of our own just a few blocks away. We marked the occasion with an unforgettable WOD and a "Gym Move for time" cool down. Check out the photo set from that day here!
Or you can watch the CFJ preview video they did on us here
If you trained with us during the Lyceum days, what stands out as one of the more memorable moments or aspects of training there?
Robb Wolf is coming back to CFSBK on September 4th! Check out the FAQ on his blog to get ramped up to just Some of the awesome info he'll be dropping on us. Interested in the seminar? Sign up here!
Ahhh… the Lyceum days! Two things stood out the most for me; the temperature extremes and the rawness of it all. Nothing like doing a WOD in gloves so your hands don’t freeze to the bar!
St. Louis says hi.
Hola folks! Back from Spain, wasn’t so healthy but did get some swims in.
The Lyceum – I remember suffering through the bear there, but the best was how cold it got. Freezing. Good times though. See you all soon.
No heat in the winter. Pretty unforgettable.
Oh boy, lots of memories. No heat in the winter, broiling in the summer, learning to snatch with an orchestra rehearsing and then working out with that “avant-garde” theater company rehearsing. And they bitched about my grunting!
Most memorable part of the Lyceum: meeting Regan!Oh, the avant garde theater group–remember the guy that always wore pajama pants?Last summer, when I was convinced the mats gave me chiggers.Squeezing through the “locked” fence.Coffee in the cafe post-WOD, in the middle of winter, with the space heater between us.
Obviously, there are countless memories at the Lyceum. For whatever reason, these are sticking out to me today.
Sleeping on the black mat after classes. I remember always being woken up by people looking at the space.. they were usually pretty respectful to the random person sleeping on the floor.
Coffee after AM classes, especially with Snip, Tamson and Jamie.
I remember getting anxiety every single time it rained for 2 years.
When i foolishly attempted the 08 CF Games 30 155lb Squat clean and jerks for time. That would have been an epic fail according to today’s grace guidelines.
Being SO excited when we had two barbells and some dumbbells. I remember arranging them them over and over again and taking tons of pictures of our “huge” equipment inventory.
Greg Glassman’s Q and A after our first L1 cert. That was really surreal.
When we FINALLY got the pull-up bars made.. and then they didn’t fit through the door.
Me giving the worst speech ever presented at sheeps station after the move. That was a very special day.
Sub 4 grace w/ 1253:16 (should have went 135, but I know how winded I get so I put ego aside and gave it a go).
I remember finding out that CFSBK was at Lyceum where I had done so many weird improv and theatre shows, and was like…No freakin way. So Stoked. So glad we moved.
WU500m row easyblackburnsplanksc+j practice.
(95 135)185 205F 205 was up just couldnt steady myself. calf tightened.
4Min GRACE145lb 29 repshad to press due to calf tightness.
CDlacrosse ball
the lyceum. i miss the cold, the hot, the rain. upstairs and downstairs. regan and her hot chocolate for lucy.
I thought the “Blade Runner” atmosphere was charming. Particularly being dripped on, sometimes it was actually refreshing…
Clean and Jerk95105110115 (f)115
quick-Grace = 3:55 @ 85lb
First “Jackie”1K row50 DB thrusters 10#30 pull ups
Row was something like 4:35 at an average 30s/mdb thrusters were ass kickers. Weight wasn’t the problem, it was the repetition. Broke down after the first 20.Pull ups went to singletown real fast. Been awhile since practicing pull ups and they are still there, just got ugly fast. Total hand ripper.
13:54 Liked this WOD a lot.Eesh. Tough, but a good one.
Apologies to Ben’s wrestlers for my potty mouth mid-WOD.
a week ago, there was a question on this blog, “what one thing do you hope to accomplish this week?” i said i wanted to install new blackout blinds in my bedroom for improved sleep.
prompted by the post, i put them up on saturday.
result –> first two nights of uninterrupted sleep in quite some time.
thank you to whomever posed the original question.
My room has no windows and no LCD lights. When I close the door it’s pitch black. Best sleep ive ever gotten in that room.
I posted that i wanted to finish the links and put up all the event photos.
Both were accomplished late on Saturday night!
The Lyceum – I guess I remember most the gonzo randomness of everything. Morning classes waiting outside for David to unlock the door, having to spend 5 minutes cleaning up nails,screws and other random stuff before starting class. You never knew what was going to greet you. Theater nuts yelling about bailing weights. David changing the programming on the fly because the space was double booked.Then the great stuff – Fight Gone Bad, The first Jacinto storm and all the friendships that have been strengthened by WOD after WOD.
Work has been killing me lately, sad to miss the last few.
Did Barbara on Saturday in Prospect Park during the Sharon Jones show, which was incidental and awesome. Situps on the bench and butt burn like you wouldn’t believe. 36’54” with some creative equipment sharing…
Wasn’t around for the Lyceum days but my first BJJ gym had no heat in the winter, in Wisconsin. Brought us closer together too, like only shared suffering can.
Incredibly sad I’m gonna miss Robb Wolf. My best friend’s bachelor party in Chicago- will definitely need a Paleolithic Solution to the damage I do to myself.
Hopefully see you guys soon, work permitting.
My Lyceum memories also include being locked out, cold, impromptu showers from the leaky roof. Great coffee + making fun of stupid people (Regan!) and all those damn 3 year old birthday parties that seemed to be always taking place. BUT memory #1 (or regret, really) is that I never was able to attend a staging of “A Charlie Brown Christmas”…Those props were pretty bad ass. One will never know I guess.
Lyceum memories*Walking in to meet David, Margie, Jacinto, Jeremy and Allison that first day and feeling instantly at home.*Jack Levavi & I doing our first SBK WOD together…Thinking we killed Jack after he didn’t return for several months*Doing the Filthy 50 in what seemed at the time to be heat found in the lowest circle of Hell.*Being absolutely terrified before teaching class for probably the first 6 month of working for David.*Napping on the black mat only to be woken up mid-nap by Mark standing over me calling me “Jeremy”*Regan
For all it’s ups and downs and all the inconveniences there is no SBK and certainly no Degraw St without the Lyceum and it’s staff.
C&J 95-125-135-140-145-150-125LBBS 175x3x5
Lyceum: Walking in there for the first time. Still vivid in my mind. Everyone was doing deadlifts. It was dark, and should have been intimidating but was not. The rings hung in the background and the rope was still up. It looked like everything a crossfit gym was supposed to be. I was hooked from that point on. I immediately cancelled my membership at the Reebok club and never looked back.
so many memories..it really held up the “constantly varied” aspect of crossfit
too cold, too hot, coffee, bear crawls downstairs, meeting david for the first time, cleaning up last night’s lyceum party mess before class, getting excited for new equipment (ERGS!!), my L1 cert and Rob Wolf nutrition cert, and getting to train w/ amazing people. just to name a few.
Worked to 205. Managed a 215 clean without a problem but smacked myself in the jaw during the jerk. Decided to quit while I still had my head.
Grace@145 in 4 flat. Felt slow, really beat up from running last night where I completely destroyed myself. We’re talking dehydrated, chills, and a 101 fever. Feeling much better after doing Grace and eating tacos at Oaxaca with Asta, Ryan, Jack, and Josh.
Memories: walking in and feeling as though I were home.
Clean and Jerk Day.
WU: Drills at 75 with David, then 95×2, 105×2
Work: 115, 120, 125, 130F, 130F (boo!)
4 minute Grace: 18 reps. Found out my right shoulder still isn’t up to me going overhead. Boo again.
Clean and Jerks
warm up drills with 40lb bar, then…60×1, 80×2, 90×1, 95×2!
Second exposure with these, and 95 is a 15lb PR from where I was working last week.
4 minute grace: 23 reps @ 65#. left shoulder barking bigtime afterwards.
Snatch (from blocks):70x1x5
Back Squat:120x2x3
Single Leg Squat:5LR+40lb vest, 4LR+vest,chain,5kg plate, LR (singles)5LR
Incline Bench Row:30lb DBs 6×3
Damn sorry I missed this post earlier. So many memories…
I just came to post my Mon numbers
4:00 Grace–got in 24 reps at 110.
Clean and Split Jerk 1x1x1x1x1 got up to 145lbs (pr)