Clean and Jerk
Each athlete has three attempts to find a 1 rep max Snatch and Clean and Jerk. There is a one minute time limit for each lift once the bar is loaded to your desired weight. If two athletes total the same amount of weight at the end of the meet, "Grace" as Rx'd will be used as a tie breaker.
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Steve and Joe do Snatch Drills
Today is the last event in our 4 part Subway Series competition with CrossFit Virtuosity, CrossFit Long Island City and CrossFit Queens. Thanks to everyone who has participated to make our first run of this idea a big success! We will crown the winner of the series today and celebrate with a BBQ and potluck. Please remember that there are no Group or Teaser classes today. That being said, everyone is invited to come out, socialize and have fun. Today's event starts at 9:00am
Good luck to Coach Margie, Coach Jeremy, Paulie S, Juliana A and Jack L on their Powerlifting meet this weekend. Please keep us all updated with how things go!
Such a fun day, hope we do the series again in the winter!Snatch: 68×1, 73×1, 78-FC&J: 93×1, 103-F, 98×1
Super strong work by all the CFSBK athletes, and congrats especially to my ladies Katie and Laurel for their top scores! Thank you to all who provided nourishing meats, guac and beers after.
I’m officially in love with Herschel.
Great showing by SBK at the final Subway Series event. This was so much fun and I really hope even more of us participate next time. Shouts to Josh M, Ryan P, Laurel M, Katie M, Jess F, Shane W, Dan Mc, Bethany B, AJ, and Yoon and Brian D for placing us in FIRST in today’s event!
Alas, CFSBK placed 3rd overall (we had to conceed a tie-breaker).
Also, muchas-muchas gracias to Dave McG, Scott, and Michelle for working the food situation.
And congrats to Virtuosity for taking home bragging rights. Until next time…
I can’t wait to hear stories from the lifting meet as well.
What a super fun day! Although I didn’t feel confident in either of these lifts, it really was a blast. And, having the support of fellow strong ladies definitely helped!
Snatch:77, 83, 87F-I know I can get 87 but have to get over the mental hump.
C&J:113, 118(PR), 123F-I could also have this but need to work on getting under the bar much faster!
Was really bummed that we had to concede to LIC for 2nd place but oh well. We’ll definitely be better prepared next time.
Really fantastic job by all of our SBK athletes! Thanks also to our coaches and fellow members who made everything run smoothly.
And finally, big congrats to Virtuosity for representing hard and taking the first championship title. We’ll make it much harder for you next time! 🙂
Great job to everyone who lifted and congrats to those who tied their PRs or set new ones!
Thanks to everyone for a great day at the box.
Great work from all the competitors today especially team CFSBK. Really wonderful to see each and everyone of you line up on your platforms and hit your lifts. I’ve never been to a CF competition outside of Fight Gone Bad (someone’s gotta watch the farm) and now I see what all the fuss is about.
An extra special thanks to Coach Fox and David for the work they put into making this entire series happen. Thank you SO much Michelle, David McGrath, Scott Jackson & Ashley F. for making today run smoothly. Your hard work today was greatly appreciated.
Snatch125, 135, 140PRI think I power snatched all these. Wasn’t comfortable getting under the bar today not having snatched in quite some time. I’m miffed I didn’t go “big” on my last attempt. Lesson for next time.
C & J195, 205PR, 215Fbumped my opener up 10# at the last second and then proceeded to almost miss it. didn’t want to sell myself short like i did on the snatch. 205 was good. 215 I power cleaned and then just couldn’t lock out the jerk.
Martinez stuck 215 and then proceeded to clean 225 for shits and giggles after the comp. Dope!
Thanks again to everyone involved in making today a great success.
Hey y’all, congrats to team SBK! So proud of you guys. Sounds like it was a fantastic day and I’m sorry I missed it.
Here is an update for the NJ powerlifting meet. Our day started at 7am for check-in, rack height and weigh-ins. Oh boy was I nervous! I didn’t sleep a wink but my nervous energy kept me going. It was really great to see so many women, especially high school and college age. We were broken up into two flights according to weight and opening lift. I was in the second group of women.My opening bsq weight was 189lbs approx. There are many rules to keep in mind but the most critical were following the commands as to when to start, squat and rack. So, if u squat and rack without waiting for the command the lift is not counted. This really bites! I failed at my previous PR of 200lbs.
Second lift was bench, and it was a tricky lift. The bar has to rest on your chest until you are given the command to press. I started at about 95lbs, went to 105 and then 110lbs.
The last lift was DL’s. I opened at 200, then 210 and closed with a new PR of 220. I didn’t expect to pr on any lift today, so it was amazing to do so in front of so many people. All in all, it was an interesting experience and I can’t wait to do another one. I want to thank Margie, Jeremy, Strongman Paulie, and Becky for all your support and frankly for just putting up with me. I couldn’t have done it without your support and encouragement. Great job Margie and Jeremy!As to the standings, I think I placed 3rd or 4th for something and actually got a medal (which I wasn’t there to collect) but I will verify that tomorrow. Good luck to Jack and Paulie tomorrow!!See you all soon