Herschel sets up
for a 31x BW deadlift ..or maybe press
How do I prioritize when training only 2 or 3 times a week?
By Coach Fox
This question comes up pretty often at CrossFit South Brooklyn. As you are probably aware, we program for a 5 day workout week (M, W, Th, Sa, Su). Some of you, for various reasons, can not make it to 5 classes per week. So what’s an earnest athlete to do? Here are some ideas:
1. If you have another well equipped training space (home gym, decent globo-gym, etc…) make up the programmed work outs on your own. Unless you have a great training partner doing these with you, err on the side of caution when choosing load and intensity levels. It’s invaluable to have an intelligent pair of eyes watching your form.
* It’s never a good idea to Bench Press (which we rarely do at CFSBK) alone, and you shouldn’t Back Squat maximal loads alone either.
2. Stay active on days you don’t make it in to the gym. There are a TON of exercises you can do with your own body-weight and minimal equipment. Can you do 1/2 "Cindy" at the local playground? Why not? How about a 10 minute AMRAP of 20 Sit-Ups, 35 Double Unders, and 50 meter sprints? Also, check out Comprehensive Body Weight WOD pdf for a ton of other ideas. Fresh out of Foundations? Practice your Squats, Push Ups, Planks, Sit Ups, etc a few times per week. It’ll pay off in spades down the road.
3. If you're coming to the gym 2-3 days per week then we recommend getting your squats in. At CFSBK we squat 2x per week for a reason. Getting stronger at the squat will get you better at everything in the gym, and a whole heck of a lot outside of it as well. Even if it’s not a “squat day” for us you can bet you’ll never be turned down by a coach when asking for a place to make up a squat exposure. Best case is to do it before you take a class, but after is OK too.
So, focus on the strength movements in the current cycle, prioritizing the squat variant. Remember – getting stronger will almost always mean getting better (just look at Chris Spealer’s performance at this year’s CrossFit Games) Use time before and/or after class to work on your particular weaknesses (not just double unders ‘cause you’re awesome at them and they look cool…). Are you chasing the sometimes elusive kipping pull up? Spend 5 minutes practicing. The kettlebell snatch? Spend time practicing. Does your conditioning suck? Run or row a few sprints after class or do a 1/4 Murph. Not sure what supplemental work you should be doing? Just ask one of us. It’s our greatest pleasure to see all of you become better athletes and achieve your goals.
Registration for Fight Gone Bad 5 is now open!
Last year CFSBK raised $26,826 for charity. The first step for participating in this great cause and event is to register for our team. We'll be forming teams and doing FGB specific training as the event gets closer. Stay tuned!
YAY!! Thanks for this, Coach Fox. I have been seeking it. These days I am able to make class 3x/week usually–Mondays, Fridays, and Sundays. I’m going to focus on getting in my pulls on Mondays, making up squats on Fridays, and then slogging through whatever fresh hell y’all have composed for us on Sundays. That feels like a pretty decent balance to me.
On the other days I train capoeira, make up some kind of wacky metcon at home, or do 26-lb eccentric load walks NFT (ie, carry Linus around).
Thanks for the Chris, very helpful!
Also, what is the date for FGB5??
I’m signed up. I hope to be back at the box really soon. My new groovy work schedule starts in two Mondays.
Made up tabata workout at noon today. (I am really enjoying this not working thing)
PP (10#) 46 32 44 = 122BJ (20″) 46 28 45 = 119KB (25#) 45 29 49 = 123
Total: 364
I could have probably done this at 15# and 1 pd, but I was pretty sore from surfing yesterday. It was A LOT of fun and the guys said I was a natural (that NEVER happens); I got up on my second try!
Also, just wanted to re-invite you all to my going away party: Saturday, 8pm, Mission Dolores. Hope to see you there!
I love that picture…and want to steal Herschel. Tucker needs a new toy. 😉
All signed up for FGB5!
looks like herschel might be considering a turkish get up.
lovely noon class with the master blaster shane w.
WU4 min row. 30sec easy 30sec hard. no more than 20s/m.dromssplit jerk practice. looking forward to monday.
made up the tabata madness. LOVE IT!
PP (30lb) 52 40 32 = 124BJ (20″) 40 30 33 = 103KB (1.5pd) 48 45 43 = 136
Fun times at open gym tonight with Margie and Dan Rx’d. Made up back squats. Posted reps there for record-keeping. Thanks Paulie and Margie for excellent cueing!!!
wow brutal metcon after Strength tonight – thank you to Margie for coaching on the sledgehammer. my first time with that bad boy.
and a big GOOOOO TEAM to the cfsb people competing tomorrow!
Did a huge warmup with my friend Joe from England to try to convert him. We did a little of everything.
New pr on DUs—16.
Friday open gym – Skill Work90 consecutive Double Unders
3 minutes of handstand wall runs.
OHS’s with weights hanging from bands8xOHS on a 45lbs bar w/10kg8xOHS on a 45lbs bar w/20kg5xOHS on a 45lbs bar w/25kg
Sets of 13, 15, and 15 unbroken handstand pushups with 2 abmats.
Cool down: 146 consecutive double unders (pr) and no headache — Booooyah!
The OHS with the dangling weights were insanely difficult. Nick and I first tried this with two 16kg kettlebells. I couldn’t even press the bar overhead head despite it being nowhere near a max press.
Would be very interested in doing this again but induce some swing on the weights to require more stability in the midline.
Just a really fun day!
P.S.: Charlotte completely kicked both nick and my ass at the handstand wall runs. She did 30 “paces” the first time out! That HSPU has got to be close!