3 Rounds for time of:
Run 400m
21 Kettlebell Swings 1.5p/1p
12 Pull-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 3.25.10
Mobility Triplet
Walking OH Reach Lunge
Sumo Squat to stand
Which of these movements was most difficult for you? Why?
David M works the atlas stones at Quist yesterday
Good luck to Steph P and Christine G competing in the NYC Triathlon today!
Are you a relative beginner to CrossFit? Are you unclear on how to properly warm-up your lifts or what to do about movement issues like when your knees cave in? Check out our new "On Ramp" classes starting on 7/27/10
Today is the last day of the CrossFit Games. What is your opinion on the WODs so far? Do you think they are a balanced test of work capacity across broad time and modal domains?
Watch the games live here!
Outstanding time out in Red Hook with Paul and Rebecca — thanks so much for hosting us! There are so many toys to play with, plus a tour of the business, and an outrageous view of the Statue of liberty.
Learned to hoist the atlas stone. After a few accidents, and once I could feel my fingers again, did the timed lift of the 100, 135, and 175 in 17 seconds.
Need lots of practice with the keg, as I nearly took my jaw off. LOVED the farmer’s walk and the yolk.
Can’t wait for Helen, warming up outside of SBK right now!
Missouri WoD50 situps 10 Squats40 2030 3020 4010 50
Done in a very lucky 11:11–Make a wish!
Pushups to Death 10 + 9 = 64 total
I’ll be able to Helen in a couple days when I get back to Wisconsin.
Helen as rx’d in 9:56.
Grip failure after all those unbroken KB swings. Enjoyed doing this WOD, ha a sneaking suspicion it might be in the cards after McGrath did the work out a few days ago.
Enjoyed the warm up (thanks Fox!) and chilling with the folks from the 9AM class.
Whoa, totally unexpected. I will have a report later on the completely
metcon we were asked to do after skill work, but first double unders definitely made my day today during a guest session at Crossfit York in York, Pennsylvania.
Holy crap.
helen, 1 pood14:37
first Helen: 12:28 Rx’d. This felt good. First round unbroken, all kb unbroken. 2nd round pu: 6,3,3. 3rd round pu: 3,3,2,1,1,1,1. Forearms destroyed. Fox noticed that my grip is funky on the pull-ups – will work on this. Transitions were decent 1st and 2nd rounds – third round I broke down and took some breaths… next time want to eliminate that as it doesn’t seem to actually help, breaking for a moment seemed to make me feel more fatigued.
The games super-helen definitely gave me some inspiration.
Started my peterson-kaiser push-up work. Going for 3×20 over the course of the day.
Helen1 pood / Russian swings / blue band17:33 … oof.
I was nervous about doing the 1 pood, as the kettlebell swings put the nail in the coffin for me last Sunday during the Storm. They were pretty bad, but the pullups just killed me today, hence the slow time.
Fun times at 9am. Loved the warmup mobility work–I was stiff after DLs yesterday, so this was great.12:34 as Rx’d. Nice job Laurel! I need to get my kipping together–I’m not being very efficient. Psyched to get 12 unbroken pullups in the first round, though. My hands are still torn up from the Storm so there was some pausing to deal w/ tape, chalk, etc. All KB swings unbroken. Runs a little less painful than back in March when I got 13:08, so I’m fairly pleased.
Helen 10:38 Rx’d
I was not feeling this mobility warm-up during the first round. That changed during the second round when it felt easier to get into each position. I guess that mobility stuff works! 😉 The hardest for me was the Sumo squat. Fell backwards once and have a really hard time getting my arms in a good overhead position on the way up.
Helen:12:58 rx’d.All I can say is ehh. Run was ok, all KB swings were unbroken, but my pullups were all singles. That really slowed me down. My hands were still torn up from the Storm so I taped up. This felt really awkward. Last time we did this in March, I was able to get pullups in sets of 3, which resulted in my PR at 12:12. Need to get back to that!
Enjoyed watching the Games with the 11am and 12pm classes! Maybe next year we’ll watch them in person? 🙂