Charmel and Jacinto post WOD
Good luck to Steph P and Christine G as they gear up for the NYC Triathlon this weekend!
Correction! The flat rate for Active Recovery is $15 regardless of contract type. We've just switched it up so that you can now use A/R as one of your group classes. The management (David) apologizes for the mix up.
We've combined next month's pull and upper body lift. The following cycle will look like this:
Saturday Overhead Squat + Metcon or assistance work
Sunday Metcon
Monday Clean and Jerk + Metcon or assistance work
Tuesday -REST DAY-
Wednesday Overhead Squat + Metcon or assistance work
Thursday Metcon
Friday -REST DAY-
I love this photo!
Just checked my log. There is a frightening lack of OHS work. Might need to reevaluate which days I’m in for this cycle.
Interesting article on TTMJ that ties into something Malcom posted recently on appropriate (down) scaling:
Still not entirely sure how they alchemize 135lb power cleans into 400lb dead lifts, but I’m just a dumb n00b, so.
Looks like my wrists are going to be working overtime for the next strength cycle!
Active Recovery with Coach Fox was much needed. Thank you sir!
Afterwards did “Annie” with Sarah (who I hope posts!) and Dan.7:24 PR by almost a minute.-Although every round except the 10 of double unders was broken, my situps were all unbroken…but not very fast according to Mr. Fox. Need to get faster! My new goal is sub 7.
The box was pretty hopping today.
First, did some C&J technique work with Jeremy, which got me looking forward to this next lifting cycle.
Then some front squat singles.
WU: 95×3, 115×2, 145×2, 165×1
Work: 195 (old PR), 200 (PR), then 205 (on this lift, however, I went down too deep, and while I did manage to stand up, the result was a very, very ugly front squat. Had this squat been a baby, no one would dream of kidnapping it).
Then, did a half-Jerry in about 14 minutes.
Clean and Jerk (Split) Technique work @ 53lbs. Can definitely go heavier.
Press 53 x 5 x 5. Probably could have done a little more weight, but it felt a lot easier than the 55 x 3 x 5 last week.
Annie: 9:57. (Previous time was 13:55.) This may have been my first completely rxd Annie. No singles in between the double unders. Now the situps seem to be the limiting factor, I felt like I spent forever on them.
Thanks Dan and Jess for doing Annie with me, definitely easier to motivate.
ATTENTION WARRIOR DASH FOLKS!!! We might want to start looking into lodging for the dash. If you are signed up or want to get away for the weekend and watch the rest of us look like fools, send me your email address so I can get a little email thread going. There is talk of a cabin rental. You can contact me at sarah – at – frenchfrieswithpepper – dot – com
2 pood Turkish get up. I had previously got this up but not down. Next goal is a weak side 2 pood.
Several failed attempts at muscle up. Very close to getting one of these.
Kids class was fun. They loved max effort box jumps. They were hurting a bit from hiking to the top of Bear Mntn yesterday. It’s a long climb for little legs.
Darn! Forgot about AR class.
Manuel turned 12 today.