Water Balloon Fight!
Happy Birthday, Steph P!
Congratulations to Gabrus and Margie on their Press PR's yesterday!
Good luck to all our athletes competing in the Subway Series 5K tomorrow!
Nick P, Matt R, Carlos G, Christian F, Asta F, Brian Z, Joe W, Ryan P, Jess F, Steph W, Sarah H, Juliana A, Sameer P, and Dan R
Remember that JacintoStorm is this Sunday from 9-12. We'd like to have a paleo bbq and potluck afterwards so please bring a side or refreshments!
Upcoming Foundations Cycles:
July Evening Cycle
Dates: 7/14-8/9
Times: Mondays and Wednesdays from 8pm-9:15pm
Register Here!
July Morning Cycle
Dates: 7/27-8/19
Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7am-8am
Register Here!
Is anyone planning on watching the CrossFit Games?
Yeah Cancers! Happy Birthday Steph! Hope it’s a good one!
I am in to man the grill on Sunday. I’ll just say that one grill for a lot of people kind of limits the options (high heat turns into medium, turns into low, etc.) we can add charcoal but not as easy as it sounds. Let me know what I can bring, and let me know what I’ll be making so I can throw some Jimmy special on it and make it better!
I have a small grill that I can contribute. We should also make sure we have enough charcoal.
Anyone else!!? Party time!
I am out of town that weekend. Though, I would have been down,
Randomly, I’ll be in LA that weekend. Will be tied up with a wedding, though.
‘throw some Jimmy special on it’…?
Always have a few grill tricks up my sleeve, you animal! ha ha
great noon class.
WU3min row 20s/m easy 30sec/hard 30sec
PRESS(45×5 95×4 135×3)165 185 195PR 202F
195 was not pretty but it went up. i was hoping to break 200. next time fo sho!
nice one gabrus on your 200!
DL/DBPP5rnds for time6:26 rx’deverything unbroken until the last round of dbpp on my left arm.
really liked this one.
CDfoam roll.
EXCELLENT noon class today with Lord Commander Shane driving the hydraulic ladder around while we all sweated. Oh, and David coaching.
I’ve only had 1 press exposure this time and 2 front squats so I went for the squat. Having felt good at 140×3 on Wednesday, I decided to go for bodyweight triples (155#). David cautioned me that would be heavy and to open at 150.(45×5, 95×3, 125×3, 140×1) 150×3, 155×3, 155×3!Very happy with this as it’s a 15lb PR. And not very far off my back squat from last cycle.
Then (spoiler alert!) my first Rx’d Annie: 8:51. Double-unders definitely the limiting factor here. I can typically string around 20 together but sometimes only 2-3. Thanks Jess for keeping me going!
PS Happy Birthday Steph! I’m coming for you and your Fran time… 😉
Good luck all tomorrow morning! Go team CFSBK!
@DMG big press number. congratulations!
sneaky pete you are DMG…didnt know you were going for 202. LEGIT SNEAK!
Press:(45×5, 55×5, 65×3)work: 75, 78, 80, 82, 85f77 was my last PR in January so happy with 82! Probably should have made a smaller jump and gone for 83.
Wod as rx’d–6:21.-First round of deadlifts were unbroken, all the rest in 2 sets of 5. Push presses right side were all unbroken and fairly fast. Left side was slower but also unbroken. Fun trying to catch up to McGrath.